See käsi riveril fold. Turni ei oska kommenteerida ehk tahab keegi? Esimene mõte oli, et river on ka fold aga tegelikult ikka ei ole, sest ainult üks käis biidib meid - JT ja meie oleme kätt jube nõrgalt mänginud. Pigem on see shove ja calli cahepeal otsus, mitte foldi ja calli.

Poker Stars $3/$6 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 363479
The Official Hand History Converter

themightyjim (SB): $622.80
BIGLivesOn (BB): $765.00
Hero (UTG): $979.65
IntenseDawg (UTG+1): $786.15
justforfunds (UTG+2): $600.00
skibumma70 (MP1): $847.35
Klairic (MP2): $609.00
jinsu416 (CO): $614.10
Hurloon (BTN): $600.00

Pre Flop: ($9.00) Hero is UTG with A Poti A Risti
Hero raises to $12, 2 folds, skibumma70 calls $12, 2 folds, Hurloon calls $12, themightyjim calls $9, 1 fold

Flop: ($54.00) Q Ärtu 6 Risti 9 Poti (4 players)
themightyjim bets $42, Hero calls $42, skibumma70 folds, Hurloon calls $42

Turn: ($180.00) A Ruutu (3 players)
themightyjim checks, Hero checks, Hurloon checks

River: ($180.00) K Ärtu (3 players)
themightyjim checks, Hero bets $72, Hurloon raises to $312, themightyjim folds, Hero calls $240

Final Pot: $804.00

checki saaks ehk veel aru potis kus oled 1 mängijaga vastamisi aga 3 way potis ei checkiks küll ise elusees,vaid keevitaks korralikult