Tsitaat Algselt postitas vsiu100
võta talt stack ära.

(obv sõber leveldas, sa kohe sõimama....samas -5k.....)
See sõber leveldas kaks korda ühel turnal riverisse üks outeri ka ning suutis J5-ega teha 549KT boardi lsplit calli. Vastasel oli ka J5 :P

Poker Stars $3/$6 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 399758
The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter

Hero (MP2): $669.00
denitz21 (CO): $600.00
pete royal (BTN): $600.00
neomorf (SB): $600.00
EPiPeN11 (BB): $600.00
juzzy 666 (UTG): $7005.45
realdavid111 (UTG+1): $108.45
SWINGT400 (UTG+2): $900.60
studboy1 (MP1): $600.00

Pre Flop: ($9.00) Hero is MP2 with J T
juzzy 666 calls $6, 1 fold, SWINGT400 calls $6, 2 folds, denitz21 calls $6, pete royal calls $6, 1 fold, EPiPeN11 checks

Flop: ($33.00) Q A 5 (5 players)
EPiPeN11 checks, juzzy 666 checks, SWINGT400 bets $18, denitz21 folds, pete royal folds, EPiPeN11 folds, juzzy 666 calls $18

Turn: ($69.00) 7 (2 players)
juzzy 666 checks, SWINGT400 bets $30, juzzy 666 calls $30

River: ($129.00) 7 (2 players)
juzzy 666 checks, SWINGT400 bets $30, juzzy 666 raises to $714, SWINGT400 calls $684

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