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Näidatakse tulemusi 521 kuni 540, kokku 1062
  1. #521

    Re: Kotkas1000 - julge hundi rind on haavleid täis.

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas RudiTurbo Vaata postitust
    Juhul kui meil on made hand. siis equity suureneb.
    tahtsin just kirjutada, et olukordades, kus meil made hand ja vastase range draw eq kukub.

    E: omahas ülistandard made handi(nutsi) no re-drawga callida flop, ship turn.
    Viimati muudetud vsiu100 poolt : 10.08.12 at 13:50

  2. #522

    Re: Kotkas1000 - julge hundi rind on haavleid täis.

    Ei mõista foldida :(
    Kuigi vastase riveri bet ja selle suurus näitab ilmselgelt, mille otsas ta istub.

    Poker Stars $400.00 No Limit Hold'em - 4 players - View hand 1850372
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    CO: $399.46 - VPIP: 15, PFR: 0, 3B: 0, AF: 0.3, Hands: 13
    BTN: $400.80 - VPIP: 24, PFR: 15, 3B: 4, AF: 2.3, Hands: 1323
    Hero (SB): $400.00 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 856122
    BB: $400.00 - VPIP: 15, PFR: 11, 3B: 2, AF: 2.1, Hands: 2537

    Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is SB with A A
    2 folds, Hero raises to $8, BB calls $4

    Flop: ($16.00) J K J (2 players)
    Hero checks, BB bets $12.00, Hero calls $12

    Turn: ($40.00) 3 (2 players)
    Hero checks, BB bets $26.00, Hero calls $26

    River: ($92.00) 8 (2 players)
    Hero checks, BB bets $72.00, Hero calls $72

  3. #523
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 281

    Re: Kotkas1000 - julge hundi rind on haavleid täis.

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas RudiTurbo Vaata postitust
    Pmst sellepärast, et there simply is no other way. Vb turnist on mõtet lükata lihtsalt sel põhjusel, et Sul ei oleks hiigelsuures potis sitta otsust A,5 ning kõikide ristide puhul. Aga lihtsalt kõik raised, mis sellel flopil teha, teevad vastase range nii kitsaks, et rahad lähvead sisse kas 60/40 või haiglaselt taga olles. KK vs AA puhul oleme destined to loose palju raha nagunii, aga kui me vähemalt flopil flatime, siis garanteerime selle, et turnist kõik tema vähem kui AA käed panevad turnis probably veel palju raha sisse , sealjuures olles juba kõvasti väiksema equitiga , kõvasti suuremas potis.
    Ning kui turni kukub risti, saame teha lihtsa foldi, olles suht vähe kaotanud.

    Sellel on lihtsalt hiigelsuur vahe, kui raha saada flopis suht väixes potis flipates sisse või siis palju palju suuremas potis ja palju palju suurema equitiga.

    Aga kuna me oleme nii deep, siis ma ikkagi ei lükkaks ka turni. Kuna bet on nii väike, siis calliks nagu Kotkas, aga kui oleks seal kuskil 150$ kanti tulnud, siis arvan, et ka fold poleks halb mõte.

    Veel üx hea viis seda kätt seletada on table selectinguga. Selectime ju selleks, et mängida 60/20 vastu pokkerit, mitte 16/12'nete. Selles käes sellel boardil raisides teema oma vastasest pmst 2VPIP/2PFR, kui passiivsemalt mängides jätame Ta 5/5'ks. Ning 3Bet potis KK'ga tahan ma igatahes mängida 5/5 vastu kui 2/2 vastu, kelle käteks on pmst ainult AA ja AcKc :P
    Ok. Seepärast mul tekkiski küsimus, et mida ma teeme siis kui turni tuleb risti. Ma oskan käsi alati üle mängida või end teinekord callima rääkida ja just see on see spot, kus ma ei suuda anda kahe bulleti peale alla.

    Raise loogikast ma saan aru ja slowplay ning passiivsus on nuts. Mees, kes isegi 3betted pottis QQ-ga QT9hh flopil check-callib cbeti ja check-raise asemel:

    Aga küsimuseks mul just jäigi see, et ma keeran oma elu perse, et kui risti tuleb aga pigem, mitte ei keela elu perse vaid nendes kohtades eksin ehk lekin.

  4. #524

    Re: Kotkas1000 - julge hundi rind on haavleid täis.

    See kuu on läinud kokkuvõttes sitasti. Volume on väike, mitmepäevased pausid vahel ja kui oleks aeg mängida, siis sessi alguses sitt jooks keerab mindseti tuksi ja peale mõnda oksendamist annan alla (õnneks). Nii juba paar nädalat järjest. Kuu veel jeeli-jeeli mõned BI plussis kuid suht tormilisele algusele on see allatulek nagu külm dušš mõjunud. Downeriks ei nimetaks seda, lihtsalt süüdimatu distsiplineerimatus, mis on saanud oma õiglase karistuse. Fishilt peabki ju raha ära võtma. Muret teeb see, et tugevad tildisündroomid on hakanud ennast avaldama vastaste sõimamise näol karjumise teel. Viimati tegin seda omaette karjumist ja hiirega vastu lauda tagumist möödunud aastal. loodan, et käest ära ei lähe jälle.
    Täna väike saun sõbra juures, katsun ennast välja magada, ja homme teeks reseti ja alustaks otsast peale. Eks näis, mis välja tuleb.

    Kuu siiani:

  5. #525

    Re: Kotkas1000 - julge hundi rind on haavleid täis.

    Mul samasugune langus, ainuke erinevus on et mul hakkas nullist pihta :/

  6. #526
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja Owner85 avatar
    Aug 2009
    2 149

    Re: Kotkas1000 - julge hundi rind on haavleid täis.

    väga ilus algus on raisk kärisema hakkanud...

  7. #527

    Re: Kotkas1000 - julge hundi rind on haavleid täis.

    Hommikul oli mõistus klaar ja istusin ootusärevuses laudadesse. Pidasin 2K kätt vastu kõigest.

    Tänased võtmekäed.

    Kas flopis oleks call parem olnud?

    Poker Stars $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Player1 (UTG): $208.00 - VPIP: 16, PFR: 13, 3B: 5, AF: 4.3, Hands: 4363
    Player2 (UTG+1): $423.12 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 5, 3B: 3, AF: 0.6, Hands: 88
    Player3 (UTG+2): $200.00 - VPIP: 16, PFR: 12, 3B: 5, AF: 3.9, Hands: 9837
    Player4 (MP1): $194.00 - VPIP: 11, PFR: 9, 3B: 6, AF: 3.6, Hands: 18152
    Player5 (MP2): $264.38 - VPIP: 69, PFR: 1, 3B: 0, AF: 5.7, Hands: 95
    Hero (CO): $200.00 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872195
    Player7 (BTN): $292.47 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 13, 3B: 8, AF: 3.5, Hands: 4556
    Player8 (SB): $85.36 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 11, 3B: 6, AF: 3.5, Hands: 10703
    Player9 (BB): $248.62 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 17, 3B: 5, AF: 2.6, Hands: 4275

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is CO with 9 A
    4 folds, Player5 calls $2, Hero raises to $9, Player7 calls $9, 2 folds, Player5 calls $7

    Flop: ($30.00) Q 7 8 (3 players)
    Player5 bets $2.00, Hero calls $2, Player7 raises to $25, Player5 folds, Hero raises to $72, Player7 raises to $283.47, Hero calls $119 all in

    Turn: ($414.00) 4 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: ($414.00) 2 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    [spoil]Final Pot: $414.00
    Hero shows 9c Ac
    Player7 shows Qc Jc
    Player7 wins $318.73
    (Rake: $2.80)[/spoil]

    Vastane 3bettis mind 4-s kord. 3bet blindidelt oli 11%. Arvasin, et peaks kasumlik olema. Mis arvate?

    Poker Stars $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Hero (MP2): $200.00 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872195
    Player2 (CO): $100.62 - VPIP: 16, PFR: 13, 3B: 7, AF: 2.0, Hands: 1197
    Player3 (BTN): $266.30 - VPIP: 13, PFR: 11, 3B: 7, AF: 2.7, Hands: 4156
    Player4 (SB): $260.20 - VPIP: 24, PFR: 18, 3B: 8, AF: 3.9, Hands: 1558
    Player5 (BB): $111.00 - VPIP: 15, PFR: 11, 3B: 8, AF: 2.1, Hands: 416
    Player6 (UTG): $82.78 - VPIP: 19, PFR: 19, 3B: 0, AF: 2.0, Hands: 16
    Player7 (UTG+1): $180.00 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 11, 3B: 2, AF: 0.8, Hands: 128
    Player8 (MP1): $212.00 - VPIP: 15, PFR: 13, 3B: 3, AF: 4.2, Hands: 19366

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is MP2 with T T
    1 fold, Player7 raises to $6, 1 fold, Hero calls $6, 2 folds, Player4 raises to $25, 2 folds, Hero raises to $48, Player4 raises to $260.20, Hero calls $152 all in

    Flop: ($408.00) K 6 Q (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Turn: ($408.00) 4 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: ($408.00) Q (2 players - 1 is all in)

    [spoil]Final Pot: $408.00
    Hero shows Ts Th
    Player4 shows Qc Ac
    Player4 wins $405.20
    (Rake: $2.80)[/spoil]

    Pre flat oleks nii deepilt prolly parem olnud?

    Poker Stars $100.00 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Player1 (BB): $131.50 - VPIP: 33, PFR: 18, 3B: 0, AF: 5.5, Hands: 51
    Player2 (UTG): $76.50 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 13, 3B: 9, AF: 2.1, Hands: 503
    Player3 (UTG+1): $107.26 - VPIP: 22, PFR: 15, 3B: 12, AF: 6.0, Hands: 41
    Hero (MP): $180.69 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872195
    Player5 (CO): $100.21 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 11, 3B: 3, AF: 1.8, Hands: 6025
    Player8 (BTN): $238.60 - VPIP: 15, PFR: 13, 3B: 5, AF: 4.1, Hands: 5484
    Player9 (SB): $195.63 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 13, 3B: 4, AF: 1.7, Hands: 26315

    Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is MP with K K
    2 folds, Hero raises to $3, Player5 calls $3, 1 fold, Player9 raises to $15.75, 1 fold, Hero raises to $30, 1 fold, Player9 raises to $100, Hero raises to $180.69, Player9 calls $80.69

    Flop: ($365.38) 3 2 7 (2 players)

    Turn: ($365.38) 8 (2 players)

    River: ($365.38) 9 (2 players)

    [spoil]Final Pot: $365.38
    Hero shows Ks Kd
    Player9 shows As Ac
    Player9 wins $362.58
    (Rake: $2.80)[/spoil]

    Laud tegi trikke jälle. Callida ei oleks saanud kuskil otsast riveril.

    Poker Stars $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Player1 (CO): $200.00 - VPIP: 24, PFR: 18, 3B: 8, AF: 3.9, Hands: 1558
    Player2 (BTN): $408.49 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 5, 3B: 3, AF: 0.6, Hands: 88
    Player4 (SB): $194.46 - VPIP: 11, PFR: 9, 3B: 6, AF: 3.6, Hands: 18152
    Player5 (BB): $585.31 - VPIP: 69, PFR: 1, 3B: 0, AF: 5.7, Hands: 95
    Hero (UTG): $238.68 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872195
    Player7 (UTG+1): $261.27 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 13, 3B: 8, AF: 3.5, Hands: 4556
    Player8 (MP1): $203.60 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 10, 3B: 4, AF: 3.1, Hands: 6118
    Player9 (MP2): $136.00 - VPIP: 15, PFR: 11, 3B: 8, AF: 2.1, Hands: 416

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is UTG with J J
    Hero raises to $6, 1 fold, Player8 calls $6, 1 fold, Player1 calls $6, Player2 calls $6, Player4 calls $5, Player5 calls $4

    Flop: ($36.00) A A J (6 players)
    Player4 checks, Player5 checks, Hero checks, Player8 bets $24.00, Player1 folds, Player2 folds, Player4 folds, Player5 raises to $50, Hero calls $50, Player8 calls $26

    Turn: ($186.00) K (3 players)
    Player5 bets $12.00, Hero calls $12, Player8 calls $12

    River: ($222.00) 4 (3 players)
    Player5 bets $58.00, Hero calls $58, Player8 raises to $135.60, Player5 calls $77.60, Hero folds

    [spoil]Final Pot: $551.20
    Player5 shows Ac Td
    Player8 shows As Kd
    Player8 wins $548.40
    (Rake: $2.80)[/spoil]

    Enim häiriv käsi. Meeletu fold equity lootuses ilmselgelt mängisin üle. Call turn ja fold river.

    Poker Stars $200.00 Pot Limit Hold'em - 4 players
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Player1 (BTN): $494.65 - VPIP: 51, PFR: 34, 3B: 21, AF: 3.1, Hands: 158
    Hero (SB): $208.06 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872195
    Player4 (BB): $200.00 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 13, 3B: 8, AF: 3.5, Hands: 4556
    Player5 (CO): $152.00 - VPIP: 33, PFR: 17, 3B: 4, AF: 2.8, Hands: 162

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is SB with A 7
    Player5 raises to $4, Player1 calls $4, Hero calls $3, 1 fold

    Flop: ($14.00) 2 4 9 (3 players)
    Hero checks, Player5 checks, Player1 bets $12.00, Hero calls $12, Player5 folds

    Turn: ($38.00) Q (2 players)
    Hero checks, Player1 bets $12.00, Hero raises to $34, Player1 calls $22

    River: ($106.00) J (2 players)
    Hero bets $64.00, Player1 calls $64

    [spoil]Final Pot: $234.00
    Player1 shows Jd Qc
    Hero shows Ad 7d
    Player1 wins $232.50
    (Rake: $1.50)[/spoil]

    Ilmselge foldikoht. Leveldasin ennast callima, kuna see oli minu esimene käsi selles lauas, statse ei olnud. Ainult roheline rõngas andis märku, et tegu fishiga.

    Poker Stars $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Player1 (MP1): $190.84 - VPIP: 18, PFR: 8, 3B: 2, AF: 2.3, Hands: 102
    Player2 (MP2): $111.20 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 5, 3B: 3, AF: 0.6, Hands: 88
    Player3 (CO): $237.98 - VPIP: 22, PFR: 17, 3B: 7, AF: 2.7, Hands: 7763
    Player4 (BTN): $68.74 - VPIP: 11, PFR: 9, 3B: 6, AF: 3.6, Hands: 18152
    Player5 (SB): $203.80 - VPIP: 69, PFR: 1, 3B: 0, AF: 5.7, Hands: 95
    Hero (BB): $234.70 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872195
    Player7 (UTG): $224.93 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 13, 3B: 8, AF: 3.5, Hands: 4556
    Player8 (UTG+1): $88.38 - VPIP: 16, PFR: 14, 3B: 4, AF: 2.3, Hands: 995
    Player9 (UTG+2): $237.32 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 17, 3B: 5, AF: 2.6, Hands: 4275

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with J T
    4 folds, Player2 raises to $6, 2 folds, Player5 calls $5, Hero calls $4

    Flop: ($18.00) T 4 7 (3 players)
    Player5 bets $2.00, Hero raises to $12, Player2 raises to $105.20, Player5 folds, Hero calls $93.20

    Turn: ($230.40) 5 (2 players)

    River: ($230.40) 5 (2 players)

    [spoil]Final Pot: $230.40
    Player2 shows Ks Kd
    Hero shows Jh Th
    Player2 wins $227.60
    (Rake: $2.80)[/spoil]

    Vastase kohta oli 100 kätt, agro oli põhjas kõik tänavad. Sample küll olematu, kuid foldi ma ei näinud küll kuskil.

    Poker Stars $100.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Player1 (UTG+1): $110.63 - VPIP: 19, PFR: 15, 3B: 6, AF: 3.0, Hands: 2171
    Player2 (UTG+2): $107.67 - VPIP: 15, PFR: 9, 3B: 6, AF: 2.0, Hands: 179
    Player3 (MP1): $276.58 - VPIP: 22, PFR: 15, 3B: 9, AF: Infinity, Hands: 102
    Player4 (MP2): $100.00 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 7, 3B: 0, AF: 0.3, Hands: 29
    Hero (CO): $105.39 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872195
    Player6 (BTN): $100.00 - VPIP: 19, PFR: 14, 3B: 4, AF: 2.3, Hands: 2445
    Player7 (SB): $44.50 - VPIP: 15, PFR: 13, 3B: 4, AF: 4.9, Hands: 22456
    Player8 (BB): $124.85 - VPIP: 39, PFR: 20, 3B: 5, AF: 1.1, Hands: 97
    Player9 (UTG): $44.30 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 12, 3B: 5, AF: 2.5, Hands: 1634

    Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with K A
    Player9 raises to $2.15, 2 folds, Player3 calls $2.15, 1 fold, Hero calls $2.15, Player6 calls $2.15, 1 fold, Player8 calls $1.15

    Flop: ($11.25) K 3 A (5 players)
    Player8 checks, Player9 checks, Player3 bets $7.00, Hero calls $7, Player6 calls $7, Player8 calls $7, Player9 folds

    Turn: ($39.25) 5 (4 players)
    Player8 checks, Player3 bets $28.00, Hero calls $28, Player6 folds, Player8 folds

    River: ($95.25) 8 (2 players)
    Player3 bets $67.00, Hero calls $67

    [spoil]Final Pot: $229.25
    Player3 shows 3c 3s
    Hero mucks Kc As
    Player3 wins $226.45
    (Rake: $2.80)[/spoil]

    Vastane oli siiani leadinud kõikides pottides kõiki tänavaid olenemata käest.

    Poker Stars $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Player2 (UTG): $489.32 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 5, 3B: 3, AF: 0.6, Hands: 88
    Player3 (UTG+1): $200.00 - VPIP: 16, PFR: 12, 3B: 5, AF: 3.9, Hands: 9837
    Player4 (MP1): $191.00 - VPIP: 11, PFR: 9, 3B: 6, AF: 3.6, Hands: 18152
    Player5 (MP2): $260.12 - VPIP: 69, PFR: 1, 3B: 0, AF: 5.7, Hands: 95
    Hero (CO): $200.00 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872195
    Player7 (BTN): $500.67 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 13, 3B: 8, AF: 3.5, Hands: 4556
    Player8 (SB): $85.36 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 11, 3B: 6, AF: 3.5, Hands: 10703
    Player9 (BB): $232.62 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 17, 3B: 5, AF: 2.6, Hands: 4275

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is CO with Q 8
    Player2 calls $2, 2 folds, Player5 calls $2, Hero raises to $12, 3 folds, Player2 calls $10, Player5 calls $10

    Flop: ($39.00) 4 A Q (3 players)
    Player2 checks, Player5 bets $8.00, Hero calls $8, Player2 calls $8

    Turn: ($63.00) J (3 players)
    Player2 checks, Player5 bets $24.00, Hero calls $24, Player2 folds

    River: ($111.00) 8 (2 players)
    Player5 bets $54.00, Hero calls $54

    [spoil]Final Pot: $219.00
    Player5 shows Jc Qs
    Hero mucks Qd 8d
    Player5 wins $216.20
    (Rake: $2.80)[/spoil]

    Siin ma ei oskagi midagi öelda. truni betsizest võiks midagi iseenesest välja lugeda. Mis teeksite?

    Poker Stars $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Hero (UTG+1): $200.00 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872195
    Player2 (MP1): $97.20 - VPIP: 24, PFR: 21, 3B: 8, AF: 2.9, Hands: 6384
    Player3 (MP2): $209.00 - VPIP: 13, PFR: 9, 3B: 3, AF: 2.6, Hands: 2839
    Player4 (CO): $216.65 - VPIP: 16, PFR: 12, 3B: 4, AF: 2.4, Hands: 12550
    Player5 (BTN): $102.79 - VPIP: 15, PFR: 12, 3B: 7, AF: 2.5, Hands: 17689
    Player6 (SB): $80.00 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 15, 3B: 6, AF: 3.7, Hands: 4854
    Player8 (BB): $222.25 - VPIP: 12, PFR: 10, 3B: 4, AF: 2.6, Hands: 29154
    Player9 (UTG): $153.06 - VPIP: 56, PFR: 11, 3B: 0, AF: 5.0, Hands: 18

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is UTG+1 with T J
    Player9 calls $2, Hero raises to $9, 3 folds, Player5 calls $9, 2 folds, Player9 calls $7

    Flop: ($30.00) 7 J 2 (3 players)
    Player9 bets $16.00, Hero calls $16, Player5 folds

    Turn: ($62.00) 4 (2 players)
    Player9 bets $42.00, Hero calls $42

    River: ($146.00) T (2 players)
    Player9 checks, Hero checks

    [spoil]Final Pot: $146.00
    Hero mucks Td Jd
    Player9 shows 6h 5h
    Player9 wins $143.20
    (Rake: $2.80)[/spoil]

    Vastane 33/17, 6 kätt. no ei foldi ju siin never????

    Poker Stars $100.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Player1 (SB): $42.50 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 14, 3B: 7, AF: 5.8, Hands: 1374
    Player2 (BB): $41.50 - VPIP: 24, PFR: 15, 3B: 0, AF: 0.3, Hands: 100
    Hero (UTG): $100.00 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872195
    Player4 (UTG+1): $107.85 - VPIP: 18, PFR: 13, 3B: 3, AF: 2.7, Hands: 250
    Player5 (UTG+2): $100.00 - VPIP: 13, PFR: 11, 3B: 4, AF: 2.9, Hands: 353
    Player6 (MP1): $64.00 - VPIP: 33, PFR: 17, 3B: 20, AF: Infinity, Hands: 6
    Player7 (MP2): $100.00 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 11, 3B: 3, AF: 1.8, Hands: 6025
    Player8 (CO): $46.30 - VPIP: 22, PFR: 12, 3B: 2, AF: 1.8, Hands: 751
    Player9 (BTN): $105.60 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 13, 3B: 5, AF: 2.4, Hands: 964

    Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG with Q Q
    Hero raises to $3, 2 folds, Player6 raises to $64, 5 folds, Hero calls $61

    Flop: ($129.50) 9 7 3 (2 players)

    Turn: ($129.50) K (2 players)

    River: ($129.50) K (2 players)

    [spoil]Final Pot: $129.50
    Hero shows Qc Qh
    Player6 shows Ah As
    Player6 wins $126.70
    (Rake: $2.80)[/spoil]

    Perssekunnud üritus. Vastase 3-bet oli 11, fold to 4bet 66%.

    Poker Stars $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Player1 (UTG+1): $208.00 - VPIP: 16, PFR: 13, 3B: 5, AF: 4.3, Hands: 4363
    Player2 (UTG+2): $425.12 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 5, 3B: 3, AF: 0.6, Hands: 88
    Player3 (MP1): $200.00 - VPIP: 16, PFR: 12, 3B: 5, AF: 3.9, Hands: 9837
    Player4 (MP2): $194.00 - VPIP: 11, PFR: 9, 3B: 6, AF: 3.6, Hands: 18152
    Player5 (CO): $266.38 - VPIP: 69, PFR: 1, 3B: 0, AF: 5.7, Hands: 95
    Hero (BTN): $211.01 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872195
    Player7 (SB): $230.47 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 13, 3B: 8, AF: 3.5, Hands: 4556
    Player8 (BB): $87.36 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 11, 3B: 6, AF: 3.5, Hands: 10703
    Player9 (UTG): $248.62 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 17, 3B: 5, AF: 2.6, Hands: 4275

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN with A 8
    2 folds, Player2 calls $2, 2 folds, Player5 calls $2, Hero raises to $12, Player7 raises to $29, 3 folds, Hero raises to $56, Player7 raises to $230.47, 1 fold

    [spoil]Final Pot: $118.00
    Player7 wins $118.00
    (Rake: $0.00)[/spoil]

    Vist peaks standard olema

    Poker Stars $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    Player1 (BB): $164.00 - VPIP: 13, PFR: 11, 3B: 7, AF: 2.7, Hands: 4156
    Player2 (UTG): $306.67 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 17, 3B: 5, AF: 2.6, Hands: 4275
    Player3 (UTG+1): $178.84 - VPIP: 65, PFR: 30, 3B: 18, AF: 4.4, Hands: 40
    Hero (UTG+2): $221.86 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872195
    Player5 (MP1): $229.88 - VPIP: 16, PFR: 12, 3B: 5, AF: 3.9, Hands: 9837
    Player6 (MP2): $140.44 - VPIP: 18, PFR: 15, 3B: 7, AF: 3.9, Hands: 2384
    Player7 (CO): $349.34 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 13, 3B: 8, AF: 3.5, Hands: 4556
    Player8 (BTN): $88.88 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 11, 3B: 6, AF: 3.5, Hands: 10703
    Player9 (SB): $200.00 - VPIP: 24, PFR: 18, 3B: 8, AF: 3.9, Hands: 1558

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is UTG+2 with Q Q
    1 fold, Player3 calls $2, Hero raises to $9, 6 folds, Player3 calls $7

    Flop: ($21.00) 2 T K (2 players)
    Player3 checks, Hero bets $12.00, Player3 calls $12

    Turn: ($45.00) 9 (2 players)
    Player3 checks, Hero bets $22.00, Player3 calls $22

    River: ($89.00) 4 (2 players)
    Player3 checks, Hero checks

    [spoil]Final Pot: $89.00
    Player3 shows Kh 5d
    Hero mucks Qc Qh
    Player3 wins $86.20
    (Rake: $2.80)[/spoil]

    Ja tulemus sai selline.

    2K käe jooksul pmst ei võitnud ühtegi suuremat potti. Bad run või sitt mäng, selles on küsimus....ise pakuks, et nii ühte kui teist.

  8. #528
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja pikk28 avatar
    Oct 2008
    6 695

    Re: Kotkas1000 - NL,PL 100-400 FR

    njah, ilmselt nii ühte kui teist. Tuult tiibadesse sulle!

  9. #529

    Re: Kotkas1000 - NL,PL 100-400 FR

    ära postita minu graafikuid :D

  10. #530
    kuum poiss Kasutaja pastilaa avatar
    Apr 2009
    Pahvaku peas
    7 518

    Re: Kotkas1000 - NL,PL 100-400 FR

    1. ma calliks selle ületõste flopil - hoiab ilmselt selle mindonkaja ka sees ja kui hitid, siis tema vastu lootust $$$ saada. regulari vastu fold equity suht olematu ja ei näe pointi laamendamiseks (kehvemaid tõmbeid napib samuti).

  11. #531

    Re: Kotkas1000 - NL,PL 100-400 FR

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas pastilaa Vaata postitust
    1. ma calliks selle ületõste flopil - hoiab ilmselt selle mindonkaja ka sees ja kui hitid, siis tema vastu lootust $$$ saada. regulari vastu fold equity suht olematu ja ei näe pointi laamendamiseks (kehvemaid tõmbeid napib samuti).
    Kui me räägime 1. Käest, siis fish oli juba foldinud, kui järg minuni jõudis.

  12. #532
    kuum poiss Kasutaja pastilaa avatar
    Apr 2009
    Pahvaku peas
    7 518

    Re: Kotkas1000 - NL,PL 100-400 FR

    hooletu mina! mõte siiski sama . oleks blindivõitlus või vana tuttav vastik vastane, siis jah- muidu annaks alla.

  13. #533
    dibs esimesele naisele, kes siia satub Kasutaja q_q avatar
    Jan 2011
    6 303

    Re: Kotkas1000 - NL,PL 100-400 FR

    ma kyll raiseks donk beti

  14. #534

    Re: [NL,PL 100-400 FR] Kotkas1000

    Polegi midagi öelda.

    Poker Stars $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 1866890
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    SB: $80.00 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 11, 3B: 4, AF: 3.2, Hands: 1245
    BB: $218.50 - VPIP: 19, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 3.1, Hands: 4958
    UTG: $91.50 - VPIP: 12, PFR: 11, 3B: 4, AF: 3.7, Hands: 24221
    UTG+1: $102.60 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 11, 3B: 4, AF: 2.7, Hands: 1740
    UTG+2: $90.10 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 16, 3B: 8, AF: 4.0, Hands: 1514
    MP1: $200.00 - VPIP: 12, PFR: 10, 3B: 4, AF: 2.6, Hands: 29164
    MP2: $236.09 - VPIP: 27, PFR: 7, 3B: 0, AF: 3.5, Hands: 56
    CO: $210.37 - VPIP: 19, PFR: 14, 3B: 4, AF: 3.3, Hands: 1386
    Hero (BTN): $200.00 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872662

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN with Q A
    4 folds, MP2 calls $2, 1 fold, Hero raises to $9, 2 folds, MP2 calls $7

    Flop: ($21.00) T K J (2 players)
    MP2 checks, Hero bets $14.00, MP2 raises to $52, Hero raises to $96, MP2 calls $44

    Turn: ($213.00) T (2 players)
    MP2 checks, Hero bets $95.00, MP2 calls $95

    River: ($403.00) 2 (2 players)

    Final Pot: $403.00
    MP2 shows 4 K
    Hero shows Q A
    MP2 wins $400.20
    (Rake: $2.80)

  15. #535
    Jul 2012

    Re: [NL,PL 100-400 FR] Kotkas1000

    Mismoodi sa statid ka käe infosse saad, sa ei trüki neid iga käe puhul eraldi ju?

  16. #536
    Mr. Puujalg
    Aug 2009
    6 447

    Re: [NL,PL 100-400 FR] Kotkas1000

    copy with stats hemist

  17. #537

    Re: [NL,PL 100-400 FR] Kotkas1000


    poker Stars $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 1866896
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    UTG: $378.45 - VPIP: 19, PFR: 14, 3B: 4, AF: 3.6, Hands: 1427
    UTG+1: $212.41 - VPIP: 50, PFR: 19, 3B: 6, AF: 1.7, Hands: 747
    MP1: $100.56 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 16, 3B: 8, AF: 4.0, Hands: 1555
    Hero (MP2): $234.55 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 872911
    CO: $377.27 - VPIP: 22, PFR: 18, 3B: 7, AF: 3.4, Hands: 5275
    BTN: $353.75 - VPIP: 19, PFR: 16, 3B: 6, AF: 3.1, Hands: 4999
    SB: $66.07 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 12, 3B: 5, AF: 3.3, Hands: 5502
    BB: $200.00 - VPIP: 15, PFR: 12, 3B: 5, AF: 2.2, Hands: 2145

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is MP2 with 3 3
    1 fold, UTG+1 raises to $6, 1 fold, Hero calls $6, 4 folds

    Flop: ($15.00) 5 4 3 (2 players)
    UTG+1 checks, Hero bets $10.00, UTG+1 calls $10

    Turn: ($35.00) 8 (2 players)
    UTG+1 checks, Hero bets $24.00, UTG+1 calls $24

    River: ($83.00) 4 (2 players)
    UTG+1 checks, Hero bets $62.00, UTG+1 raises to $172.41, Hero calls $110.41

    Final Pot: $427.82
    UTG+1 shows 4 4
    Hero shows 3 3
    UTG+1 wins $425.02
    (Rake: $2.80)

  18. #538

    Re: [NL,PL 100-400 FR] Kotkas1000


    Poker Stars $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 1867344
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    UTG+1: $237.80 - VPIP: 19, PFR: 15, 3B: 5, AF: 3.5, Hands: 5639
    MP1: $200.00 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 13, 3B: 4, AF: 3.4, Hands: 3658
    MP2: $200.00 - VPIP: 12, PFR: 9, 3B: 3, AF: 1.2, Hands: 335
    CO: $85.33 - VPIP: 16, PFR: 10, 3B: 6, AF: 1.2, Hands: 757
    BTN: $185.99 - VPIP: 18, PFR: 10, 3B: 3, AF: 1.2, Hands: 259
    SB: $404.65 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 14, 3B: 6, AF: 2.7, Hands: 2275
    Hero (BB): $308.35 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 874383
    UTG: $167.42 - VPIP: 44, PFR: 15, 3B: 0, AF: 0.7, Hands: 27

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with A A
    UTG raises to $8, 6 folds, Hero raises to $24, UTG calls $16

    Flop: ($49.00) 9 7 J (2 players)
    Hero bets $28.00, UTG calls $28

    Turn: ($105.00) 2 (2 players)
    Hero bets $40.00, UTG calls $40

    River: ($185.00) 8 (2 players)
    Hero checks, UTG bets $75.42, Hero folds

    Poker Stars $200.00 Pot Limit Hold'em - 2 players - View hand 1867345
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BTN/SB: $86.80 - VPIP: 75, PFR: 33, 3B: 40, AF: 3.8, Hands: 40
    Hero (BB): $200.00 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 874398

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with 8 8
    BTN/SB calls $1, Hero raises to $6, BTN/SB calls $4

    Flop: ($12.00) Q Q 5 (2 players)
    Hero bets $8.00, BTN/SB raises to $35.50, Hero raises to $100, BTN/SB calls $45.30 all in

    Turn: ($173.60) 5 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: ($173.60) K (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: $173.60
    BTN/SB shows 2 5
    Hero shows 8 8
    BTN/SB wins $173.10
    (Rake: $-18.70)

    Poker Stars $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 1867346
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    SB: $200.00 - VPIP: 21, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 3.7, Hands: 1282
    BB: $80.00 - VPIP: 14, PFR: 11, 3B: 4, AF: 2.5, Hands: 2019
    UTG: $172.04 - VPIP: 34, PFR: 8, 3B: 0, AF: 1.3, Hands: 134
    Hero (CO): $303.78 - VPIP: 20, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 874405
    BTN: $201.78 - VPIP: 18, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 3.1, Hands: 5322

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is CO with Q J
    UTG raises to $6, Hero calls $6, 2 folds, BB calls $4

    Flop: ($19.00) Q 7 5 (3 players)
    BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $10.00, BB calls $10, UTG folds

    Turn: ($39.00) J (2 players)
    BB checks, Hero bets $22.00, BB raises to $64, Hero calls $42

    River: ($167.00) A (2 players)

    Final Pot: $167.00
    BB shows A J
    Hero shows Q J
    BB wins $164.20
    (Rake: $2.80)

    Muidu mäng minu A+

  19. #539
    Dec 2010
    1 965

    Re: [NL,PL 100-400 FR] Kotkas1000

    "Oldud, tehtud", aga ega see vist jõudu juurde ei anna. Hästi mängitud viimase käed.

  20. #540
    Õpihimuline Mängur Kasutaja Hullapple avatar
    Aug 2009

    Re: [NL,PL 100-400 FR] Kotkas1000

    Esimeses kaes, kus AA. MIks turnis selline pisike bet? vastane loose passive, flop kordineeritud, ise panustaks juba flopis vahe suuremalt. Muidu jah....sick run, well played.

Lehekülg 27, kokku 54 EsimeneEsimene ... 17252627282937 ... ViimaneViimane

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