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  1. #41

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas variatsioon

    kui vastane betib poti siis tihedamini on kellelgi vähemalt 33% võid tõenäosust.. ehk tihedamini callitakse..

    Tegelikult hindavad. Mina arvan seda, et Omahas on rohkem fishe. MIKS? Paljud tulevad mängima seda, et oo ooo oooo lahe mäng, nagu holdem ainult et 4 kaarti...kyll aga tegelikult ei jagata üldse biiti drawidest ja hinnatakse kätt väga valesti ala laual on mingi 3 mastikaarti või 3-4 reakaarti ning fishid kütavad ja callivad seal 2 paariga nt.

    aga see mis ülevalpool lenci ja muhklionu poolt kirjutati on õige (Y) :)

  2. #42
    Pokkeritark Kasutaja variatsioon avatar
    Nov 2008
    5 849

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas hotcocacola

    Tegelikult hindavad. Mina arvan seda, et Omahas on rohkem fishe. MIKS? Paljud tulevad mängima seda, et oo ooo oooo lahe mäng, nagu holdem ainult et 4 kaarti...kyll aga tegelikult ei jagata üldse biiti drawidest ja hinnatakse kätt väga valesti ala laual on mingi 3 mastikaarti või 3-4 reakaarti ning fishid kütavad ja callivad seal 2 paariga nt.

    aga see mis ülevalpool lenci ja muhklionu poolt kirjutati on õige (Y) :)
    seda küll jh aga ma mõtlesin rohkem high stakesi peale..

  3. #43

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    Op 2+2 staat dit verhaal:

    word. at first I had my doubts, but given that he seems to have improved at such a massive rate it should not be all that suprising. I also agree that the chat matches...with the smiley faces. Especially given that he is from sweden. Anyways, I now have just a whole new level of respect for this guy.

    Guess I will tell my blom story.....

    I remember talking to some of my poker friends about how this one guy (zebul_on) was able to rape very hard. He would play very loose and just seemed to constantly be making bank (from railing his games and looking at the leaderboard). It felt like he was making like 300k every week or 1 million every month. I saw him playing 6 tables of 100/200 HU and he literally would be playing insane and always ended up with the opponents chip at the end of the match.

    So given that I said that, I decided to play him at 25/50 (lowest he would ever sit), for a learning experience. I ran well and he just seemed to never believe me (was a station and would 4bet/get it in way to light). I was able to take like 10-12 buyins off him (+50ish) in very few hands by getting it in good nonstop. After the match I was able to snag his MSN (which was later hacked), because even though I raped him I still considered him a god because he seemed to always make bank.

    He told me on msn he was blom90 and to not tell anyone. I didnt really mean anything to me at the time, except that he was vvv rich from this site with his style. I asked if I could sometime sweat some of his matches, and I think he said maybe. He eventually sat at my 5knl tables again and I was defenitely going to give him a second chance to win his money back.

    As we played more and more it was like he was in a whole new league. He defenitely ran very well EV wise. Yet, he was also floating/bluffing me at perfect times. He just always had excellent reads when I was bluffing and he incorporated overbetting in spots where I never really was sure what to do. He eventually became a nightmare postflop and at the end I probably had a -150k USD swing at 25/50 HU (30 buyins, WHAT!). I managed to play a lot of hands against him, and even though I felt like he ran godly, I probably got outplayed way more then I thought. I even got some coaching (which def. helped) to try and learn how to beat him because I was so frustrated but at the end of the day I was just outmatched.

    Even though I got raped, it was still a great lesson....that some one can manage to play a style that I cant understand yet still be amazing at poker. It really just gives me a new respect for winning 50/100+ HU players who have to compete with the likes of blom90. You guys are truly doing something special and are all very intelligent.

    /story + rant.

    I started playing him about a year ago, as soon as he built up a roll he was literally playing every single high stake reg/bumhunter on ipoker, often sitting with 3 or more different guys at once and multitabling them. At this time he was playing sooo crazy and always seeming to get it in bad but win. He busted many of the guys on ipoker including myself at the time. I lost about 550k to him at 100-200 which was a 300k loss bigger than my ev
    Shortly after I got back on the site and took a few more shots at him where I eventually made back about 20 buyins (400k) progressively. His rate of improvement was insane... When I first started playing him he had some huge preflop leaks and it seemed like he couldn't fold a pair in a 3bet pot even 200 BB's+ deep, but he eventually started improving every part of his game... By the time I quit him he really was a postflop nightmare.
    Eventually I quit him, conceding that I probably wasn't gonna beat him, and that i didn't wanna go through the highs and lows of playing the extremely swingy sessions with him.

    Isildur's chat seems identical to bloms. Blom even used to often say to me that hes so tired he can barely keep his eyes open so he had to quit, and that he would play me as much as I wanted the next day, and he would (just like isildur said to durrr)
    Also, he was somewhat cocky in the chat but not a complete *** or overly disrespectful, saying things like "i'll play you tommorow as much as you want, or every day please". I saw isildur say this to durrr today as well.

  4. #44
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Oct 2009

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    pole vaja 2p2 foorumit siia yle copy-pasteda
    kõik keda kotib kes isildur on,need on 2p2 foorumist kõike seda juba lugenud
    kui tõesti väga väga vaja näidata teistele seda lamedat blomi stoorit siis postita lihtsalt link

  5. #45
    Vana Tegija Kasutaja rasmer avatar
    Oct 2009
    1 307

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    Huvitavad ajad on igatahes :)

  6. #46
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    33 916

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas forell
    pole vaja 2p2 foorumit siia yle copy-pasteda
    kõik keda kotib kes isildur on,need on 2p2 foorumist kõike seda juba lugenud
    kui tõesti väga väga vaja näidata teistele seda lamedat blomi stoorit siis postita lihtsalt link
    Aga ära loe siis seda kommentaar, kui ei huvita :)

  7. #47
    Õpihimuline Mängur Kasutaja marxiku avatar
    May 2009

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas forell
    pole vaja 2p2 foorumit siia yle copy-pasteda
    kõik keda kotib kes isildur on,need on 2p2 foorumist kõike seda juba lugenud
    kui tõesti väga väga vaja näidata teistele seda lamedat blomi stoorit siis postita lihtsalt link
    mina näiteks polnud lugenud. Huvitav postitus oli ju, hea lugemine.

  8. #48

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas marxiku
    mina näiteks polnud lugenud. Huvitav postitus oli ju, hea lugemine.

  9. #49

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Staier

  10. #50
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dogers avatar
    Dec 2008
    2 500

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas hotcocacola

  11. #51

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema


  12. #52
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Oct 2009

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    damn :-\

  13. #53

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    hotcoca jutt ja selgitus omaha vs texas kohta oli ka õige, et potid on suuremad. miks?
    point siis järgmises.(Hwangi raamatu 1. peatüki sissejuhatus).
    kui texases on tinglikult vahed väga hea, keskmise ja halva mängija vahel võrdse suurusega, siis PLOs on vahe keskmise ja halva mängija vahel palju suurem.
    potid kipuvad suuremaks minema just seetõttu, et halvad mängijad mängivad väga-väga tihti käsi postflopis kõvasti üle(a la bottom setti või Qhigh masti vms). tihedamini kui texases ollakse flopil drawing dead või tõmmatakse 1-2 outi ja ollakse valmis kogu raha sisse lükkama.
    samuti on palju olukordi kus flopil omavad 2 mängijat sama kätt, hetke nutsi ja rahad pannakse sisse. ühel mängijal on re-draw paremaks käeks ja freerollib.

  14. #54

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    Keegi veel railib Durrrri ja isildur1i mängu?

  15. #55
    Vana Tegija
    Feb 2009
    1 032

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    mina...mõtlesin et paneks join waiting list :D

  16. #56
    Klubi Liige
    Feb 2009
    2 502

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    Isildur laseb korraga Antoniuse, Ivey ja durrriga multitable HU. Päris ambitsioonikas.

  17. #57

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    durrrr saab jälle piki kotte...

  18. #58
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    33 916

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    Durri winrate on juba pasem, kui FR meestel :)

  19. #59
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja Rage avatar
    Nov 2008
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia
    6 853

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas daljoh
    mina...mõtlesin et paneks join waiting list :D
    üks laud on vaba hetkel.. ära häbene:-D

  20. #60
    Pastilaa?? Ei! Kasutaja Pahvak avatar
    Dec 2008
    4 431

    Re: Online nosebleedide teema

    7-table nosebleed HU, pole just lihtne ülesanne.
    Fullstacks have more fun.

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