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  1. #1
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Jennifer avatar
    Dec 2009
    On the block!
    1 503

    Re: Back to the future [NL16 6max] @ Stars

    Tänase päeva kõige "parem" käsi. Kamoon mees. Kes siis nii teeb?

    Poker Stars $10.00 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 2217574
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BTN: $24.82 - VPIP: 38, PFR: 13, 3B: 0, AF: 1.7, Hands: 32
    SB: $19.78 - VPIP: 31, PFR: 19, 3B: 0, AF: 3.7, Hands: 115
    Hero (BB): $25.00 - VPIP: 15, PFR: 12, 3B: 4, AF: 2.8, Hands: 217581
    UTG: $25.00 - VPIP: 100, PFR: 67, 3B: 50, AF: Infinity, Hands: 3
    MP: $9.88 - VPIP: 33, PFR: 33, 3B: 100, AF: NaN, Hands: 3
    CO: $10.14 - VPIP: 38, PFR: 0, 3B: 0, AF: Infinity, Hands: 8

    UTG posts a big blind ($0.10)

    Pre Flop: ($0.25) Hero is BB with K K
    UTG raises to $0.50, MP raises to $0.90, 3 folds, Hero raises to $3.80, UTG calls $3.30, MP raises to $6.80, Hero raises to $24.98, UTG calls $21.18, MP calls $3.08 all in

    Flop: ($59.89) A 5 4 (3 players - 1 is all in)

    Turn: ($59.89) 9 (3 players - 1 is all in)

    River: ($59.89) 6 (3 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: $59.89
    Hero shows K K
    UTG shows 7 8
    MP shows T T
    UTG wins $28.41
    (Rake: $1.40)

  2. #2
    oih väike puuks! Kasutaja Kakahirmutis avatar
    Oct 2010
    3 837

    Re: Back to the future [NL16 6max] @ Stars

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Jennifer Vaata postitust
    Tänase päeva kõige "parem" käsi. Kamoon mees. Kes siis nii teeb?

    Poker Stars $10.00 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 2217574
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BTN: $24.82 - VPIP: 38, PFR: 13, 3B: 0, AF: 1.7, Hands: 32
    SB: $19.78 - VPIP: 31, PFR: 19, 3B: 0, AF: 3.7, Hands: 115
    Hero (BB): $25.00 - VPIP: 15, PFR: 12, 3B: 4, AF: 2.8, Hands: 217581
    UTG: $25.00 - VPIP: 100, PFR: 67, 3B: 50, AF: Infinity, Hands: 3
    MP: $9.88 - VPIP: 33, PFR: 33, 3B: 100, AF: NaN, Hands: 3
    CO: $10.14 - VPIP: 38, PFR: 0, 3B: 0, AF: Infinity, Hands: 8

    UTG posts a big blind ($0.10)

    Pre Flop: ($0.25) Hero is BB with K K
    UTG raises to $0.50, MP raises to $0.90, 3 folds, Hero raises to $3.80, UTG calls $3.30, MP raises to $6.80, Hero raises to $24.98, UTG calls $21.18, MP calls $3.08 all in

    Flop: ($59.89) A 5 4 (3 players - 1 is all in)

    Turn: ($59.89) 9 (3 players - 1 is all in)

    River: ($59.89) 6 (3 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: $59.89
    Hero shows K K
    UTG shows 7 8
    MP shows T T
    UTG wins $28.41
    (Rake: $1.40)
    Kuidas pott aint 28?

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