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  1. #2061
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja lebovend avatar
    Oct 2008
    2 420

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

  2. #2062

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker


    tilt alaku

  3. #2063
    Jan 2009
    3 068

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    kasutajanimi oli vastasel vähemalt õige.

  4. #2064

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    hehehe, ei pannud seda tähelegi :D (Y)

    edit: tilt suureneb.....starsi hüdrotiltitekitavadriverid pidevalt adksfsfpdap
    Viimati muudetud hotcocacola poolt : 04.04.10 at 20:09

  5. #2065

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    ja taaskord riverisse...FML

    tra ime lahti

    PokerStars Tournament #304010417, Pot Limit Omaha
    Buy-In: $15.00/$1.50 USD
    294 players
    Total Prize Pool: $4410.00 USD
    Tournament started 2010/04/04 19:30:00 EET [2010/04/04 12:30:00 ET]

    Dear hotcocaEST,

    You finished the tournament in 41st place. A USD 26.46 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

  6. #2066

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    2ge ... turna prode mõnud

  7. #2067

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    cashist praegu kopp ees, seega tahaks lihtsalt toksida....mmm turnadel viitsin istuda, kuigi tean, et need tekitavad enamjaolt hüdrotilti :(

    edit1: järjekordne turna *****, riverisse....tra, starsi riverid my fucking ass
    edit2: aojofgojiüoiadjoüaijdgoüihüfdüohidgipj tra kyll, ilusti selline lükkamisfaas kõigil. Mul 10bbd, foldid minuni, ATo, obv sisse....OBV OBVVVV ET BBl hand ehk KK, TRA stars mingu *****
    Viimati muudetud hotcocacola poolt : 04.04.10 at 21:34

  8. #2068

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    Full Tilt Poker $100.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 625950
    The Official Hand History Converter

    MP1: $48.00
    MP2: $38.00
    Hero (CO): $138.95
    BTN: $206.55
    SB: $230.25
    BB: $71.90
    UTG: $35.15
    UTG+1: $154.40
    UTG+2: $100.00

    Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with A A
    3 folds, MP1 raises to $8, 1 fold, Hero raises to $23, 1 fold, SB raises to $230.25, 1 fold, MP1 calls $40 all in, Hero calls $115.95 all in

    Flop: ($326.90) T 8 3

    Turn: ($326.90) 8

    River: ($326.90) 6

    Final Pot: $326.90
    ( Click to show/hide )

  9. #2069
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja flipmachine avatar
    Jul 2009
    1 857

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    (Rake: $-88.30) mis asi se veel on :D

  10. #2070
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dogers avatar
    Dec 2008
    2 500

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker


  11. #2071

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    tõenäoliselt on see converteri viga vms :D
    rushi FR on huvitav...8-)

  12. #2072

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

  13. #2073

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    paar päeva sai natukene rahu
    obv et liigun tagasi 6maxi ja paci.
    FR pole minu jaoks...see hoopis teine maailm

    esimene sess oli päris fun, krdi vaalad..mmm

    7.04.2010 17:52:25 Raigo. Henri omg
    7.04.2010 17:52:29 Raigo. Henri i spotted a whitewhale!
    7.04.2010 17:52:37 Raigo. Henri 67/0 @25 kätt
    7.04.2010 17:52:39 Raigo. Henri 125$ stack

    7.04.2010 17:52:45 Henri Raigo. ei noo irw :D
    7.04.2010 17:52:49 Raigo. Henri vähe käsi
    7.04.2010 17:52:51 Raigo. Henri a kohe selge
    7.04.2010 17:52:52 Raigo. Henri et tsaus

    7.04.2010 17:52:55 Henri Raigo. tra kuda nl100s ka sellised optimistid mängivad
    7.04.2010 17:53:50 Raigo. Henri väike gamboliito (A)


    7.04.2010 18:04:13 Raigo. Henri IRW
    7.04.2010 18:04:16 Raigo. Henri see WHITE WHALE
    7.04.2010 18:04:19 Raigo. Henri paku kes tühjax tegi

    Pacific $100.00 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 628205
    The Official Hand History Converter

    ange2332 (MP): $142.16
    wem8u (CO): $100.00
    anitay35 (BTN): $100.00
    marywilliam (SB): $161.38
    Hero (BB): $102.03
    crs2121 (UTG): $44.80

    Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with K A
    4 folds, marywilliam calls $0.50, Hero raises to $5, marywilliam calls $4

    Flop: ($10.00) K 9 6 (2 players)
    marywilliam checks, Hero bets $7.00, marywilliam calls $7

    Turn: ($24.00) 3 (2 players)
    marywilliam checks, Hero bets $21.00, marywilliam calls $21

    River: ($66.00) 5 (2 players)
    marywilliam bets $128.38, Hero calls $69.03 all in

    Final Pot: $204.06
    ( Click to show/hide )
    Viimati muudetud hotcocacola poolt : 07.04.10 at 17:46

  14. #2074
    Jube Noob Kasutaja pukkmaster avatar
    Sep 2009

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    Mis ajal sa tavaliselt kalu püüad pacificus ? Päeval ? Öösel ?

  15. #2075

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    nagu öeldud siis ca 15.00-21.00 on kõige hullem aeg!
    aga alati on erandeid, vahepeal on just sel ajal kõige kalasem.
    Kõige kuldsem aeg on tavaliselt 02.30-08.00, kyll aga siis on laudu kõige vähem 5-6 lauda keskmiselt

  16. #2076

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    Mis statsidega NL100-s ringi sügad?

  17. #2077

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    18,2 / 14,9

  18. #2078

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker


  19. #2079

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    kokaaa pane käsi :D

  20. #2080

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola...coce-coce-cocaine motherf*cker

    14k mängitud see kuu, ning täpselt BE, lol.
    obv et pole midagi tarka panna :D
    see nv tõmban pinged maha :D

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