Eesti Pokkeriportaal
Lehekülg 12, kokku 533 EsimeneEsimene ... 210111213142262112512 ... ViimaneViimane
Näidatakse tulemusi 221 kuni 240, kokku 10651
  1. #221

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    jap, regularide vastu ma enamjaolt ikka 3betin preflop JTs :P aga noh, kõik oleneb :P :D

  2. #222

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    kunagi pidi see ju ära tulema
    Õhtune sess oli jube, aga lõpuks suutsin pm kõik tasa teha ja peaaegu päeva nulli saada ;D
    EV joon on huvitav

    #Game No : 87107510
    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 87107510 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 11 08 2009 01:05:44
    Table Ratingen (Real Money)
    Seat 2 is the button
    Total number of players : 5
    Seat 1: ulikedags ( $100 )
    Seat 2: ertrand ( $243.55 )
    Seat 8: BRTARP ( $101.38 )
    Seat 9: witti48 ( $42.38 )
    Seat 10: hotcocaEST ( $128.94 )
    BRTARP posts small blind [$0.50]
    witti48 posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ A , A ]
    hotcocaEST raises [$4]
    ulikedags folds
    ertrand folds
    BRTARP raises [$11.50]
    witti48 folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$30]
    BRTARP raises [$89.38]
    hotcocaEST calls [$67.38]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ 6 , Q , K ]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ K ]
    ** Dealing river ** [ K ]
    ( Click to show/hide )

  3. #223

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    peen :D
    ei, tegelt peab meeldima tänane õhtu, et niigi hästi läx :)

  4. #224
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Romka avatar
    Mar 2009
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia
    1 544

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas hotcocacola
    #Game No : 87107510
    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 87107510 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 11 08 2009 01:05:44
    Table Ratingen (Real Money)
    Seat 2 is the button
    Total number of players : 5
    Seat 1: ulikedags ( $100 )
    Seat 2: ertrand ( $243.55 )
    Seat 8: BRTARP ( $101.38 )
    Seat 9: witti48 ( $42.38 )
    Seat 10: hotcocaEST ( $128.94 )
    BRTARP posts small blind [$0.50]
    witti48 posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ A , A ]
    hotcocaEST raises [$4]
    ulikedags folds
    ertrand folds
    BRTARP raises [$11.50]
    witti48 folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$30]
    BRTARP raises [$89.38]
    hotcocaEST calls [$67.38]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ 6 , Q , K ]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ K ]
    ** Dealing river ** [ K ]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    Mis mõttes 2 ruutu kunni?

  5. #225

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    sorri K , ma ise sisestasin siin valesti.

    Kui lisan HH siia, siis pean mastid ise sisestama

  6. #226

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    #Game No : 14532540
    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 14532540 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 12 08 2009 20:33:19
    Table Zografos (Real Money)
    Seat 1 is the button
    Total number of players : 5
    Seat 1: hotcocaEST ( $126.31 )
    Seat 4: se66 ( $94.50 )
    Seat 5: a_bluff ( $184.25 )
    Seat 6: HillebrandT ( $152.78 )
    Seat 8: ulikedags ( $97.85 )
    se66 posts small blind [$0.50]
    a_bluff posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ K , K ]
    HillebrandT folds
    ulikedags folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$4]
    se66 calls [$3.50]
    a_bluff raises [$15]
    hotcocaEST raises [$37]
    se66 folds
    a_bluff raises [$168.25]
    hotcocaEST calls [$85.31]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ A , 2 , Q ]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ J ]
    ** Dealing river ** [ 6 ]
    ( Click to show/hide )

  7. #227

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding


  8. #228

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    sama siin ;D
    olen näinud mingeid AJ vms.....

    aga et deep stack lükkab 45s.... LMAO
    statsid olid 22/18 mingi 60 kätt

  9. #229
    Super Moderaator Kasutaja camu avatar
    Jan 2009
    3 412

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    suited ju

  10. #230

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    Tänane algus

    #Game No : 239888690
    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 239888690 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 14 08 2009 10:36:16
    Table Telde (Real Money)
    Seat 3 is the button
    Total number of players : 6
    Seat 3: alum15 ( $97.53 )
    Seat 4: Alprox ( $160 )
    Seat 5: TIME2PAY666 ( $100 )
    Seat 6: hotcocaEST ( $101.50 )
    Seat 7: lodge6 ( $39.20 )
    Seat 8: i_bet_u_will ( $94.90 )
    Alprox posts small blind [$0.50]
    TIME2PAY666 posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ Q , K ]
    hotcocaEST raises [$4]
    lodge6 folds
    i_bet_u_will calls [$4]
    alum15 folds
    Alprox folds
    TIME2PAY666 folds
    ** Dealing flop ** [ K , K , 2 ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$6]
    i_bet_u_will raises [$15]
    hotcocaEST calls [$9]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ 9 ]
    hotcocaEST checks
    i_bet_u_will bets [$21]
    hotcocaEST raises [$82.50]
    i_bet_u_will calls [$54.90]
    ** Dealing river ** [ K ]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    Viimase 4 päeva graafik:

    ( Click to show/hide )

    POLE KERGE OLNUD...jube jube jube
    õnnex eile õhtul sain asjad tasapisi jooksma

    Aga jah 4 päeva jooksul väänati sellist anaalmenetlust mulle et jube. Ühtegi asja ma ei hittinud, enamustele Cbettidele tõmmati raise otsa. Regularid nussisid jubedalt. APPI........
    aga jah, loodan nüüd taaskord lammutama hakata

  11. #231

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    Eile tegin sissekande blogisse:
    Seal räägin viimastest päevadest

    mõnus õhtu ja super päev!
    tegin enda rekordi, lammutasin 10+BI @ ühe sessiga! Eelmine rekord oli vist 7 BI.

    Õhtune sess:
    ( Click to show/hide )

    Laupäev, 15. august 2009:
    ( Click to show/hide )

    Toon siia mõned huvitavad käed:
    H4nZz vms on kõige suurem agro manjakist spewmonkey. Ta lammutas NL50s samamoodi.
    Mõnusssss :)

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 202479905 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 18:15:08
    Table Gela (Real Money)
    Seat 7 is the button
    Total number of players : 6
    Seat 2: hotcocaEST ( $196.01 )
    Seat 3: _se7en_ ( $104 )
    Seat 6: sug4rdaddy ( $99 )
    Seat 7: H4nZz ( $260.39 )
    Seat 8: JackRabb1t ( $24.50 )
    Seat 9: ( $100 )
    JackRabb1t folds posts small blind [$0.50]
    hotcocaEST posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ K , K ]
    _se7en_ folds
    sug4rdaddy folds
    H4nZz raises [$4] folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$13]
    H4nZz calls [$10]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ 8 , 3 , 5 ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$20]
    H4nZz raises [$50]
    hotcocaEST raises [$76]
    H4nZz raises [$196.39]
    hotcocaEST calls [$86.01]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ Q ]
    ** Dealing river ** [ 3 ]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 127925071 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 17:59:52
    Table Raanana (Real Money)
    Seat 10 is the button
    Total number of players : 5
    Seat 1: hotcocaEST ( $125.83 )
    Seat 3: AndyCheck848 ( $40 )
    Seat 6: H4nZz ( $101.50 )
    Seat 8: elhatten ( $100 )
    Seat 10: Cissoko21 ( $113.18 )
    hotcocaEST posts small blind [$0.50]
    AndyCheck848 posts big blind [$1]
    elhatten posts dead blind [$0.50 + $1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ 5 , 5 ]
    H4nZz raises [$6]
    elhatten calls [$5]
    Cissoko21 calls [$6]
    hotcocaEST calls [$5.50]
    AndyCheck848 calls [$5]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ 5 , 4 , 4 ]
    hotcocaEST checks
    AndyCheck848 bets [$1]
    H4nZz calls [$1]
    elhatten calls [$1]
    Cissoko21 raises [$17]
    hotcocaEST calls [$17]
    AndyCheck848 folds
    H4nZz folds
    elhatten folds
    ** Dealing turn ** [ T ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$26]
    Cissoko21 calls [$26]
    ** Dealing river ** [ 4 ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$76.83]
    Cissoko21 calls [$64.18]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 94044158 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 18:05:49
    Table Pori (Real Money)
    Seat 9 is the button
    Total number of players : 5
    Seat 1: hotcocaEST ( $107.07 )
    Seat 2: dobo32 ( $112.60 )
    Seat 3: sticke5 ( $94.50 )
    Seat 9: lpob19 ( $359.74 )
    Seat 10: tricku ( $42 )
    tricku posts small blind [$0.50]
    hotcocaEST posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ 3 , 4 ]
    dobo32 folds
    sticke5 calls [$1]
    lpob19 calls [$1]
    tricku calls [$0.50]
    hotcocaEST checks
    ** Dealing flop ** [ A , 5 , 2 ]
    tricku checks
    hotcocaEST bets [$4]
    sticke5 folds
    lpob19 raises [$8]
    tricku folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$18]
    lpob19 raises [$28]
    hotcocaEST raises [$84.07]
    lpob19 calls [$70.07]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ 6 ]
    ** Dealing river ** [ K ]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 202477415 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 17:37:08
    Table Gela (Real Money)
    Seat 1 is the button
    Total number of players : 5
    Seat 1: beer015 ( $133.12 )
    Seat 2: hotcocaEST ( $100.80 )
    Seat 3: _se7en_ ( $100 )
    Seat 6: kurtgood ( $101.46 )
    Seat 10: Repok14 ( $129.42 )
    hotcocaEST posts small blind [$0.50]
    _se7en_ posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ J , A ]
    kurtgood folds
    Repok14 calls [$1]
    beer015 folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$5.50]
    _se7en_ folds
    Repok14 calls [$5]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ T , 4 , J ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$10]
    Repok14 calls [$10]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ 9 ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$30]
    Repok14 calls [$30]
    ** Dealing river ** [ 2 ]
    hotcocaEST checks
    Repok14 bets [$83.42]
    hotcocaEST calls [$54.80]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 87446976 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 17:56:11
    Table Kanata (Real Money)
    Seat 7 is the button
    Total number of players : 4
    Seat 3: beer015 ( $101.50 )
    Seat 4: H4nZz ( $188.33 )
    Seat 7: hotcocaEST ( $97 )
    Seat 9: DerwahreDU ( $180.52 )
    DerwahreDU folds
    beer015 posts small blind [$0.50]
    H4nZz posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ 9 , 9 ]
    hotcocaEST raises [$4]
    beer015 folds
    H4nZz raises [$12]
    hotcocaEST calls [$9]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ 9 , 9 , A ]
    H4nZz bets [$15]
    hotcocaEST calls [$15]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ T ]
    H4nZz checks
    hotcocaEST checks
    ** Dealing river ** [ 4 ]
    H4nZz bets [$32]
    hotcocaEST raises [$69]
    H4nZz calls [$37]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 14935593 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 17:46:12
    Table Milan (Real Money)
    Seat 8 is the button
    Total number of players : 6
    Seat 1: beer015 ( $112.78 )
    Seat 6: hotcocaEST ( $124.98 )
    Seat 7: lemerou12 ( $139.61 )
    Seat 8: _se7en_ ( $92 )
    Seat 9: tmm888 ( $34.97 )
    Seat 10: mbdv1 ( $182.24 )
    tmm888 posts small blind [$0.50]
    mbdv1 posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ 9 , 9 ]
    beer015 folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$4]
    lemerou12 raises [$11]
    _se7en_ folds
    tmm888 folds
    mbdv1 calls [$10]
    hotcocaEST calls [$7]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ 9 , 9 , T ]
    mbdv1 checks
    hotcocaEST checks
    lemerou12 bets [$13]
    mbdv1 folds
    hotcocaEST calls [$13]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ Q ]
    hotcocaEST checks
    lemerou12 bets [$15]
    hotcocaEST raises [$37]
    lemerou12 calls [$22]
    ** Dealing river ** [ 3 ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$63.98]
    lemerou12 folds
    ( Click to show/hide )

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 87444947 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 17:12:46
    Table Naperville (Real Money)
    Seat 9 is the button
    Total number of players : 6
    Seat 3: mbdv1 ( $112.95 )
    Seat 5: dzudija ( $57.40 )
    Seat 7: hotcocaEST ( $94 )
    Seat 8: _se7en_ ( $107 )
    Seat 9: DerwahreDU ( $94.08 )
    Seat 10: dave1336 ( $103.82 )
    dave1336 posts small blind [$0.50]
    mbdv1 posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ T , T ]
    dzudija calls [$1]
    hotcocaEST raises [$6]
    _se7en_ folds
    DerwahreDU folds
    dave1336 folds
    mbdv1 calls [$5]
    dzudija calls [$5]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ T , T , 7 ]
    mbdv1 checks
    dzudija checks
    hotcocaEST checks
    ** Dealing turn ** [ 4 ]
    mbdv1 bets [$17.58]
    dzudija folds
    hotcocaEST calls [$17.58]
    ** Dealing river ** [ J ]
    mbdv1 checks
    hotcocaEST bets [$32]
    mbdv1 calls [$32]
    ( Click to show/hide )

  12. #232

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas hotcocacola
    Eile tegin sissekande blogisse:
    Seal räägin viimastest päevadest

    mõnus õhtu ja super päev!
    tegin enda rekordi, lammutasin 10+BI @ ühe sessiga! Eelmine rekord oli vist 7 BI.

    Õhtune sess:
    ( Click to show/hide )

    Laupäev, 15. august 2009:
    ( Click to show/hide )

    Toon siia mõned huvitavad käed:
    H4nZz vms on kõige suurem agro manjakist spewmonkey. Ta lammutas NL50s samamoodi.
    Mõnusssss :)

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 202479905 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 18:15:08
    Table Gela (Real Money)
    Seat 7 is the button
    Total number of players : 6
    Seat 2: hotcocaEST ( $196.01 )
    Seat 3: _se7en_ ( $104 )
    Seat 6: sug4rdaddy ( $99 )
    Seat 7: H4nZz ( $260.39 )
    Seat 8: JackRabb1t ( $24.50 )
    Seat 9: ( $100 )
    JackRabb1t folds posts small blind [$0.50]
    hotcocaEST posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ K , K ]
    _se7en_ folds
    sug4rdaddy folds
    H4nZz raises [$4] folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$13]
    H4nZz calls [$10]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ 8 , 3 , 5 ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$20]
    H4nZz raises [$50]
    hotcocaEST raises [$76]
    H4nZz raises [$196.39]
    hotcocaEST calls [$86.01]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ Q ]
    ** Dealing river ** [ 3 ]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 127925071 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 17:59:52
    Table Raanana (Real Money)
    Seat 10 is the button
    Total number of players : 5
    Seat 1: hotcocaEST ( $125.83 )
    Seat 3: AndyCheck848 ( $40 )
    Seat 6: H4nZz ( $101.50 )
    Seat 8: elhatten ( $100 )
    Seat 10: Cissoko21 ( $113.18 )
    hotcocaEST posts small blind [$0.50]
    AndyCheck848 posts big blind [$1]
    elhatten posts dead blind [$0.50 + $1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ 5 , 5 ]
    H4nZz raises [$6]
    elhatten calls [$5]
    Cissoko21 calls [$6]
    hotcocaEST calls [$5.50]
    AndyCheck848 calls [$5]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ 5 , 4 , 4 ]
    hotcocaEST checks
    AndyCheck848 bets [$1]
    H4nZz calls [$1]
    elhatten calls [$1]
    Cissoko21 raises [$17]
    hotcocaEST calls [$17]
    AndyCheck848 folds
    H4nZz folds
    elhatten folds
    ** Dealing turn ** [ T ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$26]
    Cissoko21 calls [$26]
    ** Dealing river ** [ 4 ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$76.83]
    Cissoko21 calls [$64.18]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 94044158 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 18:05:49
    Table Pori (Real Money)
    Seat 9 is the button
    Total number of players : 5
    Seat 1: hotcocaEST ( $107.07 )
    Seat 2: dobo32 ( $112.60 )
    Seat 3: sticke5 ( $94.50 )
    Seat 9: lpob19 ( $359.74 )
    Seat 10: tricku ( $42 )
    tricku posts small blind [$0.50]
    hotcocaEST posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ 3 , 4 ]
    dobo32 folds
    sticke5 calls [$1]
    lpob19 calls [$1]
    tricku calls [$0.50]
    hotcocaEST checks
    ** Dealing flop ** [ A , 5 , 2 ]
    tricku checks
    hotcocaEST bets [$4]
    sticke5 folds
    lpob19 raises [$8]
    tricku folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$18]
    lpob19 raises [$28]
    hotcocaEST raises [$84.07]
    lpob19 calls [$70.07]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ 6 ]
    ** Dealing river ** [ K ]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 202477415 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 17:37:08
    Table Gela (Real Money)
    Seat 1 is the button
    Total number of players : 5
    Seat 1: beer015 ( $133.12 )
    Seat 2: hotcocaEST ( $100.80 )
    Seat 3: _se7en_ ( $100 )
    Seat 6: kurtgood ( $101.46 )
    Seat 10: Repok14 ( $129.42 )
    hotcocaEST posts small blind [$0.50]
    _se7en_ posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ J , A ]
    kurtgood folds
    Repok14 calls [$1]
    beer015 folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$5.50]
    _se7en_ folds
    Repok14 calls [$5]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ T , 4 , J ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$10]
    Repok14 calls [$10]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ 9 ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$30]
    Repok14 calls [$30]
    ** Dealing river ** [ 2 ]
    hotcocaEST checks
    Repok14 bets [$83.42]
    hotcocaEST calls [$54.80]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 87446976 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 17:56:11
    Table Kanata (Real Money)
    Seat 7 is the button
    Total number of players : 4
    Seat 3: beer015 ( $101.50 )
    Seat 4: H4nZz ( $188.33 )
    Seat 7: hotcocaEST ( $97 )
    Seat 9: DerwahreDU ( $180.52 )
    DerwahreDU folds
    beer015 posts small blind [$0.50]
    H4nZz posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ 9 , 9 ]
    hotcocaEST raises [$4]
    beer015 folds
    H4nZz raises [$12]
    hotcocaEST calls [$9]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ 9 , 9 , A ]
    H4nZz bets [$15]
    hotcocaEST calls [$15]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ T ]
    H4nZz checks
    hotcocaEST checks
    ** Dealing river ** [ 4 ]
    H4nZz bets [$32]
    hotcocaEST raises [$69]
    H4nZz calls [$37]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 14935593 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 17:46:12
    Table Milan (Real Money)
    Seat 8 is the button
    Total number of players : 6
    Seat 1: beer015 ( $112.78 )
    Seat 6: hotcocaEST ( $124.98 )
    Seat 7: lemerou12 ( $139.61 )
    Seat 8: _se7en_ ( $92 )
    Seat 9: tmm888 ( $34.97 )
    Seat 10: mbdv1 ( $182.24 )
    tmm888 posts small blind [$0.50]
    mbdv1 posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ 9 , 9 ]
    beer015 folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$4]
    lemerou12 raises [$11]
    _se7en_ folds
    tmm888 folds
    mbdv1 calls [$10]
    hotcocaEST calls [$7]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ 9 , 9 , T ]
    mbdv1 checks
    hotcocaEST checks
    lemerou12 bets [$13]
    mbdv1 folds
    hotcocaEST calls [$13]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ Q ]
    hotcocaEST checks
    lemerou12 bets [$15]
    hotcocaEST raises [$37]
    lemerou12 calls [$22]
    ** Dealing river ** [ 3 ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$63.98]
    lemerou12 folds
    ( Click to show/hide )

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 87444947 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 15 08 2009 17:12:46
    Table Naperville (Real Money)
    Seat 9 is the button
    Total number of players : 6
    Seat 3: mbdv1 ( $112.95 )
    Seat 5: dzudija ( $57.40 )
    Seat 7: hotcocaEST ( $94 )
    Seat 8: _se7en_ ( $107 )
    Seat 9: DerwahreDU ( $94.08 )
    Seat 10: dave1336 ( $103.82 )
    dave1336 posts small blind [$0.50]
    mbdv1 posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ T , T ]
    dzudija calls [$1]
    hotcocaEST raises [$6]
    _se7en_ folds
    DerwahreDU folds
    dave1336 folds
    mbdv1 calls [$5]
    dzudija calls [$5]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ T , T , 7 ]
    mbdv1 checks
    dzudija checks
    hotcocaEST checks
    ** Dealing turn ** [ 4 ]
    mbdv1 bets [$17.58]
    dzudija folds
    hotcocaEST calls [$17.58]
    ** Dealing river ** [ J ]
    mbdv1 checks
    hotcocaEST bets [$32]
    mbdv1 calls [$32]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    Ilus graafik
    Pacificus makstakse ikka väga ilusti kinni :)

  13. #233

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    riveril checkisin, sest tahtsin et ta bluffiks või siis betiks. Teadsin et olen ees. Kuigi oleksin pidanud riveril ise esimesena bettima. Aga see pole alati minu mängujoon.
    Kutt oli mingi 350$ stackiga, kui lauda tulin ja lahkus kui tal oli 60$ :)
    Statsid: 42/3 @ 75 käe peale vist

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 87489870 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 16 08 2009 13:54:31
    Table Yaounde (Real Money)
    Seat 2 is the button
    Total number of players : 6
    Seat 1: TIME2PAY666 ( $219.89 )
    Seat 2: treepwood ( $261.74 )
    Seat 3: canchest ( $41.21 )
    Seat 4: TasteZTruth ( $141.98 )
    Seat 6: traxx__ ( $100 )
    Seat 7: hotcocaEST ( $179.74 )
    canchest posts small blind [$0.50]
    TasteZTruth posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ Q , K ]
    traxx__ folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$4]
    TIME2PAY666 folds
    treepwood calls [$4]
    canchest folds
    TasteZTruth folds
    ** Dealing flop ** [ 6 , Q , 4 ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$6]
    treepwood calls [$6]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ T ]
    hotcocaEST checks
    treepwood bets [$10]
    hotcocaEST raises [$31]
    treepwood calls [$21]
    ** Dealing river ** [ 3 ]
    hotcocaEST checks
    treepwood bets [$79.50]
    hotcocaEST calls [$79.50]
    ( Click to show/hide )

  14. #234
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Nov 2008

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    Nice nice, mis winratega sa lammutad?

  15. #235

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding


    hands: 55k
    bb/100: 11,5

  16. #236
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja pikk28 avatar
    Oct 2008
    6 695

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    well done

  17. #237
    Pastilaa?? Ei! Kasutaja Pahvak avatar
    Dec 2008
    4 431

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas hotcocacola

    hands: 55k
    bb/100: 11,5
    Ulmeline winrate ikka.

  18. #238

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    0 readi, just tuli lauda

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 128006837 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 16 08 2009 21:37:37
    Table Andria (Real Money)
    Seat 7 is the button
    Total number of players : 6
    Seat 1: hotcocaEST ( $213.94 )
    Seat 2: burrrrn ( $100 )
    Seat 5: Operatoren ( $88.84 )
    Seat 6: alex01536 ( $100 )
    Seat 7: myacehigh ( $22.08 )
    Seat 8: POKERZKILLER ( $112.95 )
    POKERZKILLER posts small blind [$0.50]
    hotcocaEST posts big blind [$1]
    alex01536 posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ K , K ]
    burrrrn folds
    Operatoren calls [$1]
    alex01536 checks
    myacehigh folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$6]
    Operatoren folds
    alex01536 raises [$12]
    hotcocaEST raises [$33.50]
    alex01536 raises [$87]
    hotcocaEST calls [$59.50]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ 9 , Qd , J ]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ 4 ]
    ** Dealing river ** [ 8 ]
    ( Click to show/hide )

    ( Click to show/hide )

  19. #239

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    mulle öeldakse tavaliselt et i knew it will come :)

  20. #240

    Re: Hotcocacola @ grinding

    ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 128036012 *****
    $0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 17 08 2009 10:56:30
    Table Tiberia (Real Money)
    Seat 8 is the button
    Total number of players : 6
    Seat 1: hotcocaEST ( $100 )
    Seat 3: REDOU ( $35 )
    Seat 4: AJIURAPX ( $323.43 )
    Seat 5: luso1966 ( $240.35 )
    Seat 8: kartim08 ( $156.66 )
    Seat 9: _se7en_ ( $80.25 )
    _se7en_ posts small blind [$0.50]
    hotcocaEST posts big blind [$1]
    REDOU posts big blind [$1]
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to hotcocaEST [ T , T ]
    REDOU checks
    AJIURAPX folds
    luso1966 folds
    kartim08 folds
    _se7en_ folds
    hotcocaEST raises [$5]
    REDOU calls [$5]
    ** Dealing flop ** [ 6 , 7 , J ]
    hotcocaEST bets [$8]
    REDOU raises [$29]
    hotcocaEST calls [$21]
    ** Dealing turn ** [ 2 ]
    ** Dealing river ** [ 2 ]
    ( Click to show/hide )

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