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  1. #3421
    Olümpsi Mägi Aivar Kasutaja ESTPatrick avatar
    Nov 2008
    Privadurrs Suite
    5 572

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas nomerlot Vaata postitust
    True poker player peaks ehk tegema paarituhandese lisakulutuse ja andmebaasi jaoks väikse SSD ketta lisaks ostma?
    tund aega enne sinu posti just vaatasin selle kohta videosid ja hindu. väga kättesaadav ja kiire tundub igatahes. mõtlengi hetkel välise lahenduse peale, oleks hea andmebaasi läpaka ja PC vahel vedada

  2. #3422
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja Rage avatar
    Nov 2008
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia
    6 853

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas nomerlot Vaata postitust
    True poker player peaks ehk tegema paarituhandese lisakulutuse ja andmebaasi jaoks väikse SSD ketta lisaks ostma?
    SSD kettad on loetud hulk kirjutamiste arvuga.. ma võibolla hoopis paneks neljast kettast koosneva RAID10 konfiguratsioonis tavalised sata kettad... vajadusel võib muidugi nood sata kettad ka 10krpm'sed panna..

  3. #3423
    Olümpsi Mägi Aivar Kasutaja ESTPatrick avatar
    Nov 2008
    Privadurrs Suite
    5 572

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Rage Vaata postitust
    SSD kettad on loetud hulk kirjutamiste arvuga.. ma võibolla hoopis paneks neljast kettast koosneva RAID10 konfiguratsioonis tavalised sata kettad... vajadusel võib muidugi nood sata kettad ka 10krpm'sed panna..
    hea inf SDD kohta, hetkel mul ongi SATA 10k rpm, mina olen rahul

  4. #3424
    Pastilaa?? Ei! Kasutaja Pahvak avatar
    Dec 2008
    4 431

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Rage Vaata postitust
    SSD kettad on loetud hulk kirjutamiste arvuga.. ma võibolla hoopis paneks neljast kettast koosneva RAID10 konfiguratsioonis tavalised sata kettad... vajadusel võib muidugi nood sata kettad ka 10krpm'sed panna..
    Sul mingit infi on kui kiiresti need kirjutamised täis saavad SSD-l võrreldes tavalise ketta katkiminekuga?

  5. #3425
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja Rage avatar
    Nov 2008
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia
    6 853

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Pahvak Vaata postitust
    Sul mingit infi on kui kiiresti need kirjutamised täis saavad SSD-l võrreldes tavalise ketta katkiminekuga?

    Writes and deletes on a SSD are special, as mentioned above but there is more to them than that. To help take load off the onboard controller the drive is separated into 512kb Blocks, and in each 512kb block there is say 128 4kb smaller blocks. While you can write say 128kb to the block and come back and fill the rest of the block up with data that’s no problem. Except when you try deleting that 128kb file, it has to cache the whole 512kb Block, delete the file in memory and re-write the remaining files (in a new location) on the drive. Reason why this is is because the drive doesn’t keep track of files; that could put too much strain on the controller itself, so it just keeps an eye on how many cells are occupied. This is where wear leveling comes into play. It will write to only cells that haven’t been used or have the least writes on it before writing on an older cell. This will help keep the drive intact much longer; otherwise you could prematurely wear out certain spots on the drive really quickly while the rest is unblemished.

    Now that you have an understanding of how it works, move onto what people should really know about the drive. The theoretical true life of the drive if looking at 80GB drive is 80TB worth of data to be written to it. So let say you have 40GB of data on the drive that does not change, no deletes, just constant data on the drive and only have the 40GB of space. Now on an average day, weather you’re gaming doing work, or just surfing the web how much data do you really think you’re writing to your hard drive? Probably depending on how much you use it. Two and a half to five GB would be on the high-end average per day including software installs on the PC. Still that might be an excessive number but we’ll run with five GB per day, which is written and deleted (just to make sure we have constant 40GB free). So with wear leveling of the drive it will take eight days before it will re-write on top of that first cell of the drive. So eight days and you just ate one cycle of that 10,000. Multiply that over and that’s 80,000 Days or 219 Years. Now you say you use more than that, how about 20GB per day? Two days to fill up the cells, 20,000 days or ~58 years.

    As you can see unless you’re doing some hefty writes on this drive it will last well past what it’s worth. Even if you go to the extreme of saying that 40Gigs writing to constantly at a max of 75MB/sec. 4.5GB/min or 270GB/hour would last a whopping ~6.2 Days at that rate. Idealistically though, if you have 40TB of data writing to the drive you’ll have a lot more storage and some insane amount of data going through the system that is not of a home user.
    selle jutu järgi tundub, et väga ei pea muretsema...

    tegelikult oli ka kuskil Digis eesti keelne artikkel nende kestvuse kohta ja igasugu soovitused stiilis ära defragmendi SSD ketast jne.. aga ma kahjuks ei leidnud üles, ei viitsinud kõiki oma Digisid läbi lehitseda:-)

  6. #3426
    Politseidokumendiga kusjuures! Kasutaja ment52 avatar
    Oct 2008
    1 270

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Rage Vaata postitust
    tegelikult oli ka kuskil Digis eesti keelne artikkel nende kestvuse kohta ja igasugu soovitused stiilis ära defragmendi SSD ketast jne.. aga ma kahjuks ei leidnud üles, ei viitsinud kõiki oma Digisid läbi lehitseda:-)
    tundub suht raisuna jah arvestades, et ssd kettad ei fragmenteeru

  7. #3427
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja Rage avatar
    Nov 2008
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia
    6 853

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas ment52 Vaata postitust
    tundub suht raisuna jah arvestades, et ssd kettad ei fragmenteeru
    nohh.. seal point ka see, et defragmentimise käigus tõstetakse blokke ringi, ehk tehakse asjatuid kustutamisi ja kirjutamisi, mis vähendab SSD eluiga

  8. #3428

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    pfffffffff mis sess
    start oli kohe AA vs QQ ja KK vs 99. Õääääööö

  9. #3429

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    tra jooksen jumalikult
    next sess, next hand

    IPoker Network $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 911279
    The Official Hand History Converter

    MP1: $214.75
    MP2: $437.30
    CO: $158.75
    Hero (BTN): $293.20
    SB: $326.45
    BB: $343.55
    UTG: $230.20
    UTG+1: $262.50
    UTG+2: $219.25

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN with 2 2
    UTG raises to $6, 5 folds, Hero calls $6, 2 folds

    Flop: ($15.00) 4 2 Q (2 players)
    UTG bets $10.00, Hero raises to $30, UTG raises to $78.75, Hero raises to $287.20, UTG calls $145.45 all in

    Turn: ($463.40) J (2 players - 1 is all in)

    River: ($463.40) 3 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: $463.40
    UTG shows Q Q
    UTG wins $460.40
    (Rake: $3.00)

  10. #3430

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    sama sess....taas set over set....FLOPST!
    TRA KUI SICK rsk, oeh!
    running good.

    vähemalt tuli runner

    flopi call sp, et see suurema stackiga vend, teadsin et ta ei raise mind flushdrawiga vaid mingi poolkõva käega. Kui oleksin shovenud, siis vb ta poleks callinud...
    Türi kyll noh

    IPoker Network $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players - View hand 911330
    The Official Hand History Converter

    UTG: $91.00
    UTG+1: $204.05
    MP: $306.83
    Hero (CO): $208.40
    BTN: $207.50
    SB: $227.00
    BB: $130.35

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is CO with 6 6
    UTG raises to $7, 2 folds, Hero calls $7, BTN calls $7, 2 folds

    Flop: ($24.00) K 6 7 (3 players)
    UTG bets $18.00, Hero calls $18, BTN raises to $48, UTG raises to $84, Hero calls $66, BTN calls $36

    Turn: ($276.00) T (3 players)
    Hero bets $117.40, BTN calls $116.50 all in

    River: ($509.00) J (3 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: $509.00
    UTG shows A A
    BTN shows 7 7
    UTG wins $273.00
    Hero wins $233.00
    (Rake: $3.00)

  11. #3431

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    hiire sees sai patarei tühjaks.
    võtsin kapist teise duracelli (pakendis), mis kuivand seal ca 1,5 kuud.
    EI TÖÖTA....mõtlesin, et hiir äkki katki...aga ei, leidsin ühe panasonicu patarei, mis tundub täis olevat ja elu läheb edasi :D

    mismõttes mulle müüdi tühi patarei...fu

  12. #3432

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    peale sellist toredat kätt suundun Vilniuse poole

    IPoker Network $200.00 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 914222
    The Official Hand History Converter

    SB: $96.55
    BB: $635.60
    UTG: $159.88
    Hero (MP): $295.00
    CO: $162.06
    BTN: $292.73

    Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is MP with 5 5
    UTG raises to $8, Hero calls $8, CO calls $8, 2 folds, BB calls $6

    Flop: ($33.00) 3 2 4 (4 players)
    BB checks, UTG bets $16.50, Hero calls $16.50, CO calls $16.50, BB folds

    Turn: ($82.50) 6 (3 players)
    UTG bets $41.25, Hero raises to $270.50, CO folds, UTG calls $94.13 all in

    River: ($353.26) K (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: $353.26
    UTG shows K 6
    Hero wins $350.26
    (Rake: $3.00)

  13. #3433

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

  14. #3434
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja kjmrc avatar
    Aug 2009
    Tartu, Estonia
    4 544

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    Nice (Y) .. Päris äge trip oli vist :D

  15. #3435
    Pastilaa?? Ei! Kasutaja Pahvak avatar
    Dec 2008
    4 431

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    Täitsa hea lugeda, aga prod peavadki päevikut tihedamini täiendama.

  16. #3436

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    Olen ka seal akropolises käinud ja ma mäletan, et meil oli alla 3h vaba aega jäetud selle keskuse jaoks - LOL. Poe teine ots polnud veel silmapiirilgi, kui pidi otsad kokku tõmbama :D

  17. #3437
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja low-flow avatar
    Jul 2009
    1 209

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    Tõhus novell! (Y)

  18. #3438

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    ty ty ty :D
    to g000se, ega jah, 3 tunniga pole seal küll midagi teha :D

  19. #3439
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Dogers avatar
    Dec 2008
    2 500

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................

    bljaad, jäin vist triobeti amazing race jaoks rulli panustamisega hiljaks näitab 13.09 (02.00) :/
    a igaksjuhuks panin ära ja sain 4.5 euri plussi isegi :D

  20. #3440
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja Rage avatar
    Nov 2008
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia
    6 853

    Re: [NL100 6max] hotcocacola........................


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