Nonii tänud siiani vastuste eest.Sai neile saadetud pangaväljavõte kus on SELGELT aadress peal kirjas.Täna siis proovin rahasid liigutada ja ennäeimet saangi, mõtlesin et sellega on ühelpool ja elu ilus aga kus sa sellega. Peale raha väljakandmist ligi 2h tuleb next mail ja kahjuks ei biidi inglisekeelt nii hästi... ei saagi aru kas nad tahavad veel midagi ja/või miks ma seljuhul siis rahasid liigutada sain. Samas ma saatsin 3 maili neile miski 48h jooksul ... ehk vastas erinev inimene mulle või kuidagi niiviisi igatahes kiri on selline.

We appreciate the documents provided, however, please note that due to
PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliance
requirements, we do not accept or process credit/debit card statements
or any other documents with card information presented on them. Thus, we
kindly ask you to provide us with a copy of an alternative paper based
address proof document. Please note that the document should have been
issued in your name within the last 3 months.

Acceptable documents are utility bills or bank statements issued in the
last 3 months, or an address certificate issued by the respective

Please note that due to PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security
Standard) compliance requirements, we do not accept or process
credit/debit card statements or any other documents with card
information presented on them. Please also note that we do not accept
electronically issued/online documents, envelopes, receipts, invoices or
bills for mobile services.

Since we are legally required to confirm the details you have registered
based on the documents you send, we ask you to provide us with clear
and readable copies, in high resolution format. This will help us
process this necessary verification much more quickly. Accepted file
types are images (jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tiff), pdf and archived (zip,
rar) files.

To send the requested documents, please go to 'Email support' >>
'Account/Security' >> 'You have requested information and/or documents
from me'. You should provide the ticket ID, visible in the subject of
this email.

Alternatively, you can send them from the primary email address
registered in your Skrill profile xxxxxx to

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter and look
forward to hearing from you soon.