Keegi on sellest midagi varem kuulnud? igatahes mis see on -
Selle asemel, et magad 8h päevas on ka võimalik nii, et su päeva magamistunnid ulatuvad ainult mõne tunnini ja nii kuni mitu aastat kasvõi.
Magad 15-30 minutit 6x päevas 4 tunniste vahedega. Alguses pidi see väga raske olema (harjumise mõttes) aga peale ühte nädalat tunned sa juba end värskemana kui kunagi varem (võrreldes tavalise magamisaegadega). Samuti on suurem võimalus näha lucid dreams'i. siin on üks artikkel selle kohta.
ja selle kohta, kuidas see tervisele mõjutab, leidsin järgneva jutu:

"There is a medical explanation why such sleep schedule will not impact ur health. During our normal 6-8h sleep, our body accumulate approximately 1.5h REM sleep (deep dreaming sleep). REM sleep is vital for our mind and body condition and we will die without it while all other stages of sleep are not so important for our body. During Polyphasic sleep schedule what u atr doing for the first few days that makes you so wasted is depriving your body and brain of REM sleep completely. You simple dont stay asleep long enough to reach REM stage. Our brain does not like this but after few days (3-5) the brain tried to adjust by jumping right into REM sleep as soon as you close your eyes for one of those naps. U will know the first time this happens because u will wake up feeling really rested. After 1-2 more weeks your brain is fully used to this schedule and voala, ur body get full 2h REM sleep and u have 6 more free hours."

arutelu oodatud :)