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Teema: HU cashi nurk


  1. #11
    Luuramas Naisteturniire
    Nov 2008
    7 574

    Re: HU cashi nurk

    Postitan selle siia, et ära ei unustaks:

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas jfish Vaata postitust
    ha ha i was actually thinking this exact thing to myself over the course of a few weeks. getting emotionally involved over anything in poker is so pointless. your edge in poker comes from making the best decisions you can, presumably better than your opponents. everybody will get the same heaters, coolers and setups over millions and millions of hands. its your job to play each hand better than your opponents would, thats all poker really comes down to.

    jman is indeed sick though :).
    Tsitaat Algselt postitas patreezy Vaata postitust
    just read the OP.

    this is like what antonius said one time 'you shouldn't have an emotional response to the cards that fall on the table.'

    i think this helps with tilt control as well as thinking clear enough to extract max value from a hand instead of just thinking 'well, Hot Damn!'
    Viimati muudetud Codecci poolt : 12.11.10 at 00:09

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