Tsitaat Algselt postitas Chriseddy999 Vaata postitust
Hey lads! HU thread is dead as **** so I thought i'd take it upon myself to pump some life back into this thing through creating a little discussion.

So here i was playing my annual fish that I receive from the poker Gods. Things were going swell, and then out of the blue comes a typical filthy scum rat bumhunter and posts this:

Which my Danish friends have informed me translates to: "I am ready if you wanna play again."
The fish obv quits that very hand and proceeds to play that great old chap, Kabasn.

Now.. I have noticed a lot of scumminess around the tables lately and I think it's about time old Chriseddy999 pulled in a few heads around here. So here it is. It's time for the NAME AND SHAME. Get around me here boys, fire it up because it's time to get your lists ready. The biggest bumhunters/scummiest regs on stars only please.

I'll get the ball rolling with a few of the filthiest.


Estonians in general.

Don't be shy fellas
