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  1. #521

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas marguzz22
    see flip oli tglt 3:1 nii,et pole midagi hullu:D kui ma ei eksi siis 70:30 sinu kasuks
    68,17 vs 26,54 :)

  2. #522
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    3 328

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    [img width=750 height=561][/img]

    ei mäleta, mis maha tuli, kuna mängisin strasis samal ajal ka, aga nad splittisid vist, kui võimalik on, aga ei mäleta tõesti

  3. #523

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    3 tundi tagasi mõtlesin, et teeks paar suuremat sit and god, kuna ühele läks päris hästi siis mõtlesin, et võtaks paar turniiri kõrvale, et igav ei hakkaks sit and go ammu läbi, aga kaks turnat veel ikka kestvat ja rahakohadki pole veel kätte jõudnud.

  4. #524

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Metsapull
    3 tundi tagasi mõtlesin, et teeks paar suuremat sit and god, kuna ühele läks päris hästi siis mõtlesin, et võtaks paar turniiri kõrvale, et igav ei hakkaks sit and go ammu läbi, aga kaks turnat veel ikka kestvat ja rahakohadki pole veel kätte jõudnud.
    Ja eriti tore on bubble boyks siis jääda.

  5. #525
    Moderaator Kasutaja -andres- avatar
    Oct 2008
    4 546

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Eelmine post oleks pidanud ikka "YES" threadi all olema :P. Siis oleks tulnud ka.

  6. #526

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas -andres-
    Eelmine post oleks pidanud ikka "YES" threadi all olema :P. Siis oleks tulnud ka.
    Üks turniir veel käimas, kui seal finaallauda ei jõua, siis jään kokkuvõttes veel miinusee. 139 matsi veel järgi :P

  7. #527

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Turna lõpp faasis mingi idioot limbib ep-lt Q10o-ga ning callib mu AI ning hitib muidugi, tra nüüd shortie ning turna pekkis pmst.

    Mingi kuradi breik veel ka ning passi veel üleval.

    Ega mul endal ka hea käsi ei olnud, aga vastane alles lauda tulnud ja täis lammas minu meelest.

    Poker Stars $1.00+$0.10 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1500/t3000 Blinds + t300 - 8 players - View hand 22110
    The Official Hand History Converter

    BB: t15887 M = 2.30
    UTG: t42210 M = 6.12
    UTG+1: t34352 M = 4.98
    MP1: t61182 M = 8.87
    Hero (MP2): t80946 M = 11.73
    CO: t168382 M = 24.40
    BTN: t67856 M = 9.83
    SB: t68978 M = 10.00

    Pre Flop: (t6900) Hero is MP2 with 2 A
    2 folds, MP1 calls t3000, Hero raises to t80646 all in, 4 folds, MP1 calls t57882 all in

    Flop: (t128664) 9 7 T (2 players - 2 are all in)

    Turn: (t128664) 6 (2 players - 2 are all in)

    River: (t128664) K (2 players - 2 are all in)

    Final Pot: t128664
    MP1 shows T Q (a pair of Tens)
    Hero shows 2 A (high card Ace)
    MP1 wins t128664

    Kõigele krooniks veel tore lõpplahendus:

    Poker Stars $1.00+$0.10 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t2000/t4000 Blinds + t400 - 8 players - View hand 22111
    The Official Hand History Converter

    MP1: t9787 M = 1.06
    MP2: t45310 M = 4.92
    CO: t35152 M = 3.82
    BTN: t129264 M = 14.05
    Hero (SB): t14464 M = 1.57
    BB: t166782 M = 18.13
    UTG: t73156 M = 7.95
    UTG+1: t65878 M = 7.16

    Pre Flop: (t9200) Hero is SB with 4 4
    2 folds, MP1 raises to t9387 all in, 3 folds, Hero raises to t14064 all in, BB calls t10064

    Flop: (t40715) 2 J K (3 players - 2 are all in)

    Turn: (t40715) Q (3 players - 2 are all in)

    River: (t40715) 6 (3 players - 2 are all in)

    Final Pot: t40715
    MP1 shows T J (a pair of Jacks)
    Hero shows 4 4 (a pair of Fours)
    BB shows T J (a pair of Jacks)
    BB wins t9354
    BB wins t15681
    MP1 wins t15680

  8. #528
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    3 328

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    lol üksthread 2+2s

    am contemplating quiting everything (my job and livelihood) and just go and play plO8 tournies B/C thats all that is on my mind and i think i am a huge +ev in those tournies, PLO high tournies too

    anyone know which casino i should go to and what is the buy in?

    thx for any input

    Re: Quit your job first, worry about technicalities like game offerings, income, shelter, and food later.

  9. #529
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja Rage avatar
    Nov 2008
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia
    6 853

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    türavittumaivõi see krdi triobet ajab mind tilti.. no ***** pole laudu kus mängida ja siis mingid kuradi türapead saavad oma trioriveri kokku:

    Party Poker $10.00 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 22539
    The Official Hand History Converter

    CO: $12.90
    Hero (BTN): $14.41
    SB: $9.06
    BB: $14.83
    UTG: $4.38
    UTG+1: $9.84
    UTG+2: $13.90
    MP1: $1.65
    MP2: $13.22

    Pre Flop: ($0.15) Hero is BTN with Q Q
    1 fold, UTG+1 calls $0.10, UTG+2 calls $0.10, 2 folds, CO calls $0.10, Hero raises to $0.70, 3 folds, UTG+2 calls $0.60, CO calls $0.60

    Flop: ($2.35) 4 J 3 (3 players)
    UTG+2 bets $1.17, CO calls $1.17, Hero calls $1.17

    Turn: ($5.86) 2 (3 players)
    UTG+2 bets $12.03, CO folds, Hero calls $12.03

    River: ($29.92) 9 (2 players)

    Final Pot: $29.92
    UTG+2 shows 9 9
    UTG+2 wins $28.43
    (Rake: $1.49)

  10. #530
    Moderaator Kasutaja -andres- avatar
    Oct 2008
    4 546

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Kes see kõvem käpp on, palju see reaalsuses vähem sette on kui peaks olema :?.
    Viimased 10k on 6,x millegagi, vaikselt hakkab ära tüütama, pole enne tajunud sellist värki.

    [img width=743 height=20][/img]

  11. #531

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Täiesti sick käsi. Ma olin lihtsalt sõnatu. Flopis ei bettinud välja, sest tahtsin c/r teha. Väga mõnus algus sessile :(

    $0.1/$0.2 No Limit Holdem
    9 players
    Converted at

    UTG+1 neo0I0 ($20.89)
    MP1 Gollum666x ($20.00)
    MP2 Bert Bonkers ($4.10)
    MP3 Karupoja ($33.37)
    CO detoxRK ($25.63)
    BTN brocenakr ($23.94)
    SB Hero ($19.80)
    BB MahonSinh ($25.46)

    Pre-flop: ($0.30, 9 players) Hero is SB A K
    1 fold, Gollum666x calls $0.20, 1 fold, Karupoja raises to $1, 3 folds, Hero calls $0.90, 1 fold, Gollum666x calls $0.80

    Flop: A K 4 ($3.20, 3 players)
    Hero checks, Gollum666x checks, Karupoja checks

    Turn: 5 ($3.20, 3 players)
    Hero bets $2.40, Gollum666x calls $2.40, Karupoja folds

    River: 8 ($8, 2 players)
    Hero bets $5, Gollum666x raises to $16.60, Hero calls $11.40

    Final Pot: $41
    Hero shows: A K
    Gollum666x shows: 7 6

    Gollum666x wins $39.50 ( won +$19.50 )
    Karupoja lost -$1
    Hero lost -$19.80

  12. #532
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja antnx avatar
    Oct 2008
    3 102

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Ma oleks vast insta 2.5$ peale flopis pushind ja oleks karupoja 3bettinud :)

  13. #533

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Millega sa karupoega siin ikka 3betid kui ta on checkstation ;P

  14. #534

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Vastas oli aasta donk, kellele andsin 2 BI ja kohe peale seda andis järgmise 5 käega kogu oma stacki mingitele tiestele jobudele. :D
    Jubedasti mängitud, aga jah, ei oleks uskunud, et see donk niimoodi hitib, arvestades ta eelnevat mängu. :D

    $0.05/0.10 Hold'em Cash Games, 10 Players
    Hand Converter by

    agegaj (UTG+1): $9.77
    mommaseth (MP1): $2.50
    elvish_di (MP2): $4.92
    Bert Bonkers (MP3): $4.17
    Zabeat (MP4): $6.25
    lakepeace (CO): $2.51
    bubasvabe20 (Button): $13.26
    mastapupa (UTG): $9.55
    Lisa_K38 (SB): $1.90
    bart080 (BB): $2

    Dealt to mastapupa A K

    agegaj calls $.10, elvish_di calls $.10, (1 folds), Zabeat calls $.10, lakepeace calls $.10, (1 folds), mastapupa raises to $.80, (2 folds), agegaj calls $.70, (3 folds)

    Flop: ($2.05) K 7 6 (3 Players)
    agegaj bets $.40, mastapupa raises to $2, agegaj calls $1.60

    Turn: ($6.05) 9 (3 Players)
    agegaj checks, mastapupa bets $2.80, agegaj raises to $6.97, mastapupa calls $3.95

    River: ($19.77) 8 (3 Players)

    agegaj Showed 9 6
    mastapupa Showed A K
    agegaj wins $18.80


    $/0.10 Hold'em Cash Games, 8 Players
    Hand Converter by

    agegaj (BB): $20.76
    mommaseth (UTG): $2.45
    elvish_di (UTG+1): $4.67
    bonggo89 (MP1): $9.50
    Zabeat (MP2): $6.84
    nycko22 (MP3): $2.84
    KoreaMoon (CO): $1.85
    mastapupa (Button): $13.78

    Dealt to mastapupa A 9

    (6 folds), mastapupa raises to $.35, agegaj calls $.25

    Flop: ($.70) 9 J 2 (2 Players)
    agegaj checks, mastapupa bets $.50, agegaj calls $.50

    Turn: ($1.70) A (2 Players)
    agegaj checks, mastapupa bets $1, agegaj calls $1

    River: ($3.70) K (2 Players)
    agegaj checks, mastapupa bets $2, agegaj raises to $8.75, mastapupa calls $6.75

    agegaj Showed Q T
    mastapupa Showed A 9
    agegaj wins $20.14

  15. #535
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja rohelinekonn avatar
    Nov 2008
    3 808

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Koguaeg sellised asjad juhtuvad viimastel päevadel. Nii palju haigeid biite, ma ei tea kuidas kõik miinused saan plussi tagasi kui nii edasi läheb

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.10 BB (8 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from

    Button ($3.20)
    SB ($10)
    BB ($9.50)
    UTG ($12.80)
    UTG+1 ($9.50)
    MP1 ($1.35)
    MP2 ($14.85)
    Hero (CO) ($9.30)

    Preflop: Hero is CO with K[img width=15 height=14][/img], K[img width=15 height=14][/img]
    3 folds, MP2 raises to $0.40, Hero raises to $0.90, 3 folds, MP2 calls $0.50

    Flop: ($1.95) 7[img width=15 height=14][/img], 3[img width=15 height=14][/img], 8[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players)
    MP2 checks, Hero bets $1.40, MP2 raises to $4, Hero calls $2.60

    Turn: ($9.95) 9[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players)
    MP2 bets $9.95 (All-In), Hero calls $4.40 (All-In)

    River: ($18.75) 7[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players, 2 all-in)

    Total pot: $18.75 | Rake: $0.90

    MP2 had A[img width=15 height=14][/img], 7[img width=15 height=14][/img] (three of a kind, sevens).
    Hero mucked K[img width=15 height=14][/img], K[img width=15 height=14][/img] (two pair, Kings and sevens).
    Outcome: MP2 won $17.85

  16. #536

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tra ma mõtlesin, et ei ma ei hakka täna õhtul enam mängima, aga ikka tegin ja noh tulemus kohe käes- Sain 2 eriti mõnusalt laksu >:(

    No-Limit Hold'em, $0.30 BB (9 handed) - Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from

    BB ($43.11)
    UTG ($36.13)
    UTG+1 ($66.65)
    MP1 ($38.65)
    MP2 ($33.66)
    MP3 ($43.94)
    CO ($6)
    Button ($50.40)
    Hero (SB) ($31.76)

    Preflop: Hero is SB with A[img width=15 height=14][/img], A[img width=15 height=14][/img]
    3 folds, MP3 raises $1.20, 2 folds, Hero raises $3.75, 2 folds, MP3 calls $2.55

    Flop: ($7.95) 7[img width=15 height=14][/img], 4[img width=15 height=14][/img], 2[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players)
    MP3 checks, Hero bets $6, MP3 raises $15, Hero raises $22.01 (All-In), MP3 calls $13.01

    Turn: ($63.97) 10[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players, 1 all-in)

    River: ($63.97) 2[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Total pot: $63.97

    Hero had A[img width=15 height=14][/img], A[img width=15 height=14][/img] (two pair, Aces and twos).
    MP3 had 7[img width=15 height=14][/img], 7[img width=15 height=14][/img] (full house, sevens over twos).
    Outcome: MP3 won $62.47

    Täis v**djas noh.

    Ja teine käsi:

    No-Limit Hold'em, $0.30 BB (9 handed) - Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from

    BB ($18.65)
    Hero (UTG) ($30)
    UTG+1 ($6.92)
    MP1 ($31.33)
    MP2 ($35.72)
    MP3 ($29.55)
    CO ($28.27)
    Button ($29.55)
    SB ($39.47)

    Preflop: Hero is UTG with A[img width=15 height=14][/img], A[img width=15 height=14][/img]
    2 folds, MP2 raises $0.90, 4 folds, BB calls $0.75, Hero raises $3.30, 1 fold, BB raises $17.75 (All-In), Hero calls $15.05

    Flop: ($38.20) K[img width=15 height=14][/img], 5[img width=15 height=14][/img], 7[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Turn: ($38.20) 3[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players, 1 all-in)

    River: ($38.20) 10[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Total pot: $38.20

    BB had 7[img width=15 height=14][/img], 3[img width=15 height=14][/img] (two pair, sevens and threes).
    Hero had A[img width=15 height=14][/img], A[img width=15 height=14][/img] (one pair, Aces).
    Outcome: BB won $36.70

    See on veel värdjam. 37o This must be a joke.

  17. #537

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas BuildUp
    Tra ma mõtlesin, et ei ma ei hakka täna õhtul enam mängima, aga ikka tegin ja noh tulemus kohe käes- Sain 2 eriti mõnusalt laksu >:(

    No-Limit Hold'em, $0.30 BB (9 handed) - Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from

    BB ($43.11)
    UTG ($36.13)
    UTG+1 ($66.65)
    MP1 ($38.65)
    MP2 ($33.66)
    MP3 ($43.94)
    CO ($6)
    Button ($50.40)
    Hero (SB) ($31.76)

    Preflop: Hero is SB with A[img width=15 height=14][/img], A[img width=15 height=14][/img]
    3 folds, MP3 raises $1.20, 2 folds, Hero raises $3.75, 2 folds, MP3 calls $2.55

    Flop: ($7.95) 7[img width=15 height=14][/img], 4[img width=15 height=14][/img], 2[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players)
    MP3 checks, Hero bets $6, MP3 raises $15, Hero raises $22.01 (All-In), MP3 calls $13.01

    Turn: ($63.97) 10[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players, 1 all-in)

    River: ($63.97) 2[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Total pot: $63.97

    Hero had A[img width=15 height=14][/img], A[img width=15 height=14][/img] (two pair, Aces and twos).
    MP3 had 7[img width=15 height=14][/img], 7[img width=15 height=14][/img] (full house, sevens over twos).
    Outcome: MP3 won $62.47

    Täis v**djas noh.

    Ja teine käsi:

    No-Limit Hold'em, $0.30 BB (9 handed) - Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from

    BB ($18.65)
    Hero (UTG) ($30)
    UTG+1 ($6.92)
    MP1 ($31.33)
    MP2 ($35.72)
    MP3 ($29.55)
    CO ($28.27)
    Button ($29.55)
    SB ($39.47)

    Preflop: Hero is UTG with A[img width=15 height=14][/img], A[img width=15 height=14][/img]
    2 folds, MP2 raises $0.90, 4 folds, BB calls $0.75, Hero raises $3.30, 1 fold, BB raises $17.75 (All-In), Hero calls $15.05

    Flop: ($38.20) K[img width=15 height=14][/img], 5[img width=15 height=14][/img], 7[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Turn: ($38.20) 3[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players, 1 all-in)

    River: ($38.20) 10[img width=15 height=14][/img] (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Total pot: $38.20

    BB had 7[img width=15 height=14][/img], 3[img width=15 height=14][/img] (two pair, sevens and threes).
    Hero had A[img width=15 height=14][/img], A[img width=15 height=14][/img] (one pair, Aces).
    Outcome: BB won $36.70

    See on veel värdjam. 37o This must be a joke.

    Standard :), siin pole lihtsalt muud öelda kui standard, ma ei leiaks ise ka ühtegi moodust kuidas ässasid nendel floppidel foldida

  18. #538
    Luuramas Naisteturniire
    Nov 2008
    7 574

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***



  19. #539
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja antnx avatar
    Oct 2008
    3 102

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    this is called isolation raise

  20. #540

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    ***** ei taha see toweri river kerida w

    $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem
    9 players
    Converted at

    UTG cml1980 ($11.28)
    UTG+1 katar112 ($9.90)
    MP1 Spnz69 ($10.13)
    MP2 schepetto79 ($3.38)
    MP3 sygozambidi ($7.02)
    CO arshenick ($2.23)
    BTN Hero ($9.85)
    SB ELDIEGO26 ($9.60)
    BB varo1h ($9.15)

    Pre-flop: ($0.15, 9 players) Hero is BTN A K
    2 folds, Spnz69 bets $0.35, 3 folds, Hero bets $1.25, 1 fold, varo1h calls $1.15, Spnz69 calls $0.90.

    Flop: K 7 5 ($3.80, 3 players)
    varo1h bets $0.45, Spnz69 folds, Hero bets $2.80, varo1h calls $2.35.

    Turn: 6 ($9.40, 2 players)
    varo1h bets $5.10, Hero calls $5.10.

    River: 3 ($19.60, 2 players)

    Final Pot: $19.60
    varo1h shows: K 3
    Hero shows: A K

    varo1h wins $18.62 ( won +$9.47 )
    Spnz69 lost -$1.25
    Hero lost -$9.15

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