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Näidatakse tulemusi 9 181 kuni 9 200, kokku 9378
  1. #9181

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    püüdsin fishi võrku , GJ POKERSTARS, mõnusad 4h mängu

    Grabbed by Holdem Manager
    NL Holdem $1,000(BB) Replayer
    SB ($30,148)
    BB ($28,045)
    UTG ($27,951)
    UTG+1 ($2,330)
    UTG+2 ($43,037)
    MP1 ($20,300)
    Hero ($16,118)
    CO ($8,952)
    BTN ($55,264)

    Dealt to Hero A A

    fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to $2,560, fold, BTN calls $2,560, fold, fold

    FLOP ($7,745) Q 2 J

    Hero checks, BTN bets $4,000, Hero raises to $13,433 (AI), BTN calls $9,433

    TURN ($34,611) T

    RIVER ($34,611) A

    Hero shows A A
    (Pre 81%, Flop 83.6%, Turn 9.1%)

    BTN shows 9 8
    (Pre 19%, Flop 16.4%, Turn 90.9%)

    BTN wins $34,611

  2. #9182
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Vandalar avatar
    Oct 2008
    3 577

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Ja sõnu polegi vaja, tundub, et selline asi ongi mõnel leivanumbriks. Tõesti paneb mõtlema, et kas ta tegi midagi hästi seal käes, sest tundub nagu tüübid teaksid midagi sellist, mida mina ei tea.
    Poker Stars $5.00 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 2364818
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    CO: $5.69 - VPIP: 27, PFR: 18, 3B: 13, AF: 3.0, Hands: 22
    Hero (BTN): $13.89
    SB: $1.95 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 15, 3B: 6, AF: 5.2, Hands: 1043
    BB: $11.06 - VPIP: 9, PFR: 7, 3B: 3, AF: 3.6, Hands: 626
    UTG: $15.27 - VPIP: 8, PFR: 6, 3B: 2, AF: 9.0, Hands: 511
    UTG+1: $4.47 - VPIP: 19, PFR: 15, 3B: 10, AF: Infinity, Hands: 108
    MP1: $12.01 - VPIP: 12, PFR: 10, 3B: 4, AF: 5.8, Hands: 1186
    MP2: $2.00 - VPIP: 17, PFR: 16, 3B: 4, AF: 11.0, Hands: 112

    Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is BTN with K Q
    4 folds, CO calls $0.05, Hero raises to $0.20, 2 folds, CO raises to $0.35, Hero calls $0.15

    Flop: ($0.77) 3 3 K (2 players)
    CO bets $1.15, Hero raises to $3.28, CO calls $2.13

    Turn: ($7.33) T (2 players)
    CO bets $2.06, Hero calls $2.06

    River: ($11.45) Q (2 players)

    Final Pot: $11.45
    CO shows 9 J
    Hero shows K Q
    CO wins $10.97
    (Rake: $0.48)

  3. #9183
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Aug 2010

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Peab vihkama ennast pärast sellist jaotust. Enne oli käinud kõva action, üks mängijatest oli sigatiltis ja stackid lendasid siia-sinna, paraku ei olnud tegemist antud käe peakangelasega. Niisiis, standard 40/15 donkey, aga midagi super kreisit polnud varem teinud. Mul muidugi shovet nähes kohe õla peal kuradikesel läksid häälepaelad valla: wow, never ever ta ei tee KK+ga niiviisi, lol äkki on AK, lol äkki kirjutas betboxi vale numbri (sel saidil seda muidu võib juhtuda, et uus number läheb teise otsa, mitte asemele). No igatahes YOLO ja click da button.

    Ma ei tea kui palju mulle sellised degen liigutused on kokku maksma läinud terve mängitud aja peale :(

    $5/$10 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 4 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

    BTN: $2,769 (276.9 bb)
    SB: $1,044.50 (104.5 bb)
    Hero (BB): $4,824.39 (482.4 bb)
    CO: $2,840.18 (284 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BB with T T
    CO calls $10, 2 folds, Hero raises to $40, CO raises to $2,840.18 and is all-in, Hero calls $2,800.18

    Flop: ($5,685.36) 4 7 6 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
    Turn: ($5,685.36) Q (2 players, 1 is all-in)
    River: ($5,685.36) 3 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: $5,685.36 pot ($3 rake)
    Final Board: 4 7 6 Q 3
    Hero showed T T and lost (-$2,840.18 net)
    CO showed A A and won $5,682.36 ($2,842.18 net)

  4. #9184
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Vandalar avatar
    Oct 2008
    3 577

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Ok, lasin siis small balli ja muidu maniak stiili ja mis on tulemuseks? Vot see on tulemuseks:
    ( Click to show/hide )

  5. #9185

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    niisama zoomi ka ei või enam klõpsida :(

    Poker Stars $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 2365642
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BTN: $5.02
    SB: $11.19
    BB: $5.05
    Hero (UTG): $6.56
    MP: $8.93
    CO: $5.00

    Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is UTG with A K
    Hero raises to $0.12, 2 folds, BTN raises to $0.36, 2 folds, Hero raises to $0.88, BTN calls $0.52

    Flop: ($1.83) 5 J J (2 players)
    Hero bets $0.92, BTN says "fk yhourself i know you have KK+ fk donkey", Hero says "lol", BTN says "i hope you get cancer and die", BTN says "very slowlny", Hero says "ok bro", BTN says "sk my dic k bi thc", BTN folds

    Final Pot: $1.83
    Hero mucks A K
    Hero wins $1.75
    (Rake: $0.08)

  6. #9186

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    nii rigged faking ****** ei saa ükski formaat olla kui see sittana hüper türane huijnaa. ***** !

    Over and out!


  7. #9187

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***


  8. #9188

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    suuuuuuck my fucking d1ck gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45tgb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h80gb24f4f4h8909034h90 5h803trj3490 u3490u590u5 904u5u 5490u590tf5u89054yht54yhyt89tg5498t54gh9t5890t5t54 45t

  9. #9189
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Vandalar avatar
    Oct 2008
    3 577

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Lootsin, et vähemalt suure stacki vastu peaks, aga seekord mitte
    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 1.1 Tournament, 60,000/120,000 Blinds 12,000 Ante (9 handed) - PokerStars Converter Tool from

    BB (t882,314)
    UTG (t173,712)
    UTG+1 (t1,433,506)
    MP1 (t567,917)
    MP2 (t421,566)
    MP3 (t934,404)
    CO (t696,171)
    Hero (Button) (t968,370)
    SB (t811,724)

    Hero's M: 3.36

    Preflop: Hero is Button with A, A
    UTG raises to t161,712 (All-In), 2 folds, MP2 raises to t409,566 (All-In), MP3 raises to t922,404 (All-In), 1 fold, Hero raises to t956,370 (All-In), 2 folds

    Flop: (t2,704,086) J, 10, 5 (4 players, 4 all-in)

    Turn: (t2,704,086) 5 (4 players, 4 all-in)

    River: (t2,704,086) 4 (4 players, 4 all-in)

    Total pot: t2,704,086

    Results below:
    ( Click to show/hide )

  10. #9190

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Lahe, et ikka täis peaga peab hakkama suht top turnat mängima..

    ( Click to show/hide )

  11. #9191
    Õpihimuline Mängur Kasutaja JohnnyDolce avatar
    Nov 2009

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***


    4 käega kolmandalt stackilt bustoks. Nahui nad üldse premium hande mulle annavad, eelistaks 910s iga kell. Fucking set ups.

  12. #9192
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Fabulous avatar
    Jan 2010
    2 674

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Õpetus kuidas mängida 8.6bb deep 23s raisetud potis:

    BB: t430 8.60 BBs
    Hero (BTN/SB): t570 11.40 BBs

    Pre Flop: (t75) Hero is BTN/SB with K K
    Hero raises to t100, BB calls t50

    Flop: (t200) 4 5 K (2 players)
    BB checks, Hero bets t100, BB calls t100

    Turn: (t400) A (2 players)
    BB checks, Hero bets t200, BB raises to t230 all in, Hero calls t30

    River: (t860) 6 (2 players - 1 is all in)

    Final Pot: t860
    BB shows 2 3 (a straight, Deuce to Six)
    Hero shows K K (three of a kind, Kings)
    BB wins t860
    Viimati muudetud Fabulous poolt : 26.12.13 at 21:14 Põhjus: inb4, suited ikkagi ju

  13. #9193

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Viimati muudetud Kotkas1000 poolt : 27.12.13 at 07:35 Põhjus: krt, siin teemas ju võib

  14. #9194

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Pre raise on halb, kui just riidi pole, et vpip 100% vms, Fab
    Viimati muudetud Karelkorm poolt : 27.12.13 at 03:38

  15. #9195

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    kuidagi ükski street ei meeldi selle käe juures:D

  16. #9196
    Vana Tegija Kasutaja WeThePeople avatar
    Mar 2010
    1 164

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    nii ea on turnal 11. jääda

  17. #9197
    Vana Tegija Kasutaja WeThePeople avatar
    Mar 2010
    1 164

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas WeThePeople Vaata postitust
    nii ea on turnal 11. jääda
    ja järgmisel 10.

  18. #9198

  19. #9199

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    lol. klikkisin suvalise boomi käe peale sul ja mingi 2$ 3xturbol saad 7.5bbga kq vs j9 sisse ja see on bad beat sinu jaoks:D ?

  20. #9200
    Räme Fish Kasutaja Fentoni avatar
    Dec 2011

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tuleb nii välja..

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