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  1. #1601

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Türaaaaaaaaaaaa, kui rigged...
    AK vs KJ, turn J, 50$ putsist
    AA, kõik foldivad
    QQ, kõik foldivad
    A6 vs QT flop A6K, turn J ja 50$ putsist
    A8 vs 77, flop A87, kui putsis saab olla????

  2. #1602

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    saatsin mingi p2ev starsi kirja, kuidas kaarte jagatakse .. selgitati webis olevaid asju ... rohkem random enam tõsiselt asi olla ei saa ;D

    Hello '''''',

    The actual method we use to shuffle is described in great detail on this page:

    Let's cover that in detail, step by step, from the "Shuffle Highlights" section:

    > > We use 249 random bits from both entropy sources (user input and
    > > thermal noise) to achieve an even and unpredictable statistical
    > > distribution.

    So, to shuffle a hand, we take 249 truly random bits from the thermal
    source, and 249 truly random bits from the aggregate mouse movements --
    two truly random (not pseudo-random) sources.

    > > We use the SHA-1 cryptographic hash algorithm to mix the entropy
    > > gathered from both sources to provide an extra level of security

    Thus, we use a mathematical formula to combine these two different 249
    bit numbers into a single 498 bit number. Now we have a binary stream
    of units and naughts, something like this:

    01010111100101100111011010001000101011110101010101 1010101010101011...

    It's much longer than that in reality (498 bits), but you get the idea.

    The page then says:

    > > To convert random bit stream to random numbers within a required
    > > range without bias, we use a simple and reliable algorithm. For
    > > example, if we need a random number in the range 0-25:
    > >
    > > - we take 5 random bits and convert them to a random number 0-31
    > > - if this number is greater than 25 we just discard all 5 bits
    > > and repeat the process

    Finally, we use that method to do the actual shuffle:

    > > To perform an actual shuffle, we use another simple and reliable
    > > algorithm:
    > >
    > > - first we draw a random card from the original deck (1 of 52)
    > > and place it in a new deck - now original deck contains 51
    > > cards and the new deck contains 1 card
    > >
    > > - then we draw another random card from the original deck (1 of
    > > 51) and place it on top of the new deck - now original deck
    > > contains 50 cards and the new deck contains 2 cards
    > >
    > > - we repeat the process until all cards have moved from the
    > > original deck to the new deck

    So, how does it work? First, we need a number from 0 to 51 to get one
    of 52 available cards. To get such a number, we need 6 bits. (I'm
    assuming you know at least a little bit about binary numbers here
    since you said it was a "technical" discussion). We take the first
    six bits of our much larger stream of random bits, and never use them

    01010111100101100111011010001000101011110101010101 1010101010101011...
    010101 (use these)

    11100101100111011010001000101011110101010101101010 1010101011...
    (these are what's left)^^^^^^^^^^

    If that number is from 52 to 63, we discard it as too large. If it is
    between 0 and 51, we use it to choose the card. In this case, 010101
    is our six bit number, and it is "21", so we choose card 21 as the
    first card.

    We continue down the bitstream as needed. We now need 0 to 50 (51
    cards left), and the next six bits are 111001, which is 57:

    ------11100101100111011010001000101011110101010101101010 1010101011...
    ------111001 (use these)
    01100111011010001000101011110101010101101010101010 1011...
    (these are what's left)^^^^^^^^^^

    We discard that as too large and continue with the next six bits,
    011001, or 25. And so on.

    Each time the number of cards is reduced, the number of bits we need
    can drop, too. Here's a table showing how many bits of data we need
    to choose from N remaining cards:

    52 = 6 bits needed 35 = 6 bits needed 18 = 5 bits needed
    51 = 6 bits needed 34 = 6 bits needed 17 = 5 bits needed
    50 = 6 bits needed 33 = 6 bits needed 16 = 4 bits needed
    49 = 6 bits needed 32 = 5 bits needed 15 = 4 bits needed
    48 = 6 bits needed 31 = 5 bits needed 14 = 4 bits needed
    47 = 6 bits needed 30 = 5 bits needed 13 = 4 bits needed
    46 = 6 bits needed 29 = 5 bits needed 12 = 4 bits needed
    45 = 6 bits needed 28 = 5 bits needed 11 = 4 bits needed
    44 = 6 bits needed 27 = 5 bits needed 10 = 4 bits needed
    43 = 6 bits needed 26 = 5 bits needed 9 = 4 bits needed
    42 = 6 bits needed 25 = 5 bits needed 8 = 3 bits needed
    41 = 6 bits needed 24 = 5 bits needed 7 = 3 bits needed
    40 = 6 bits needed 23 = 5 bits needed 6 = 3 bits needed
    39 = 6 bits needed 22 = 5 bits needed 5 = 3 bits needed
    38 = 6 bits needed 21 = 5 bits needed 4 = 2 bits needed
    37 = 6 bits needed 20 = 5 bits needed 3 = 2 bits needed
    36 = 6 bits needed 19 = 5 bits needed 2 = 1 bit needed
    1 = 0 bits needed

    If you add up all the bits you get (you guessed it) 249 -- the number
    of bits we take from each of our truly random entropy sources.

    Since we start with DOUBLE the number of truly random bits needed (249
    each from thermal and user inputs), this is enough to ensure that even
    if we have to discard every other group of bits as "bigger than the
    maximum number we need", we have enough truly random bits to complete
    the shuffle.

    Thus, there isn't really a "seed". That's a concept that applies only
    to pseudo-random generators. When you refer to a "seed" you mean the
    first, initial number fed to the pseudo-RNG, from which flows all of
    the following numbers in a mathematical progression. If you know the
    seed, and know the mathematical formula, you can get the Nth number in
    a pseudo-RNG progression by running that formula on the seed, and then
    the result, and then that result, N times.

    That doesn't happen at all with our method. At PokerStars, NOTHING is
    ever pseudo-anything, and nothing is ever "seeded". The next number
    doesn't depend on the prior one and there's no mathematical formula
    one can use to figure out the next number. Every time we choose
    the "next card to go into the randomly shuffled deck", the choice is
    truly random and not the result of a pseudo-random number generator


    Lee B
    PokerStars Support Team

  3. #1603

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    AJ vs J5 flop AJ7, rott saab runner runner masti, ei ole olemas nahui
    KK vs JJ hitib neliku, türaaaaaaaaaaaaa mis toimub raisk?

  4. #1604

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    FTR Hand History Converter Output (intended for copying and pasting into poker forums!):
    PokerStars Limit Hold'em, $2.00 BB (8 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from

    Preflop: Hero is Button with 9, A
    UTG raises, UTG+1 calls, MP1 3-bets, 2 folds, Hero calls, 1 fold, BB calls, UTG calls, UTG+1 calls

    Flop: (15.5 SB) 10, J, 6 (5 players)
    BB checks, UTG checks, UTG+1 checks, MP1 bets, Hero calls, BB calls, 1 fold, UTG+1 raises, MP1 3-bets, Hero caps, BB calls, UTG+1 calls, MP1 calls

    Turn: (15.75 BB) 3 (4 players)
    BB checks, UTG+1 bets, MP1 calls, Hero raises, BB calls, UTG+1 3-bets, 1 fold, Hero caps, BB calls, UTG+1 calls

    River: (28.75 BB) 3 (3 players)
    BB bets, UTG+1 raises, Hero calls, BB calls

    Total pot: $69.50 (34.75 BB) | Rake: $1

    Vastas oli Qh Jc ja 66
    tramaivõi, limit sakib täie pasaga

  5. #1605

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    eriti tildi rohke m2ng:d

  6. #1606

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Konverter veits mööda pand. Mina BTN ja vastane CO. Villiani nimi on sama mis siin käes mustalt. Panin ta mingi ässapeale ja vaikselt juba hõõrusin käsi, kuniks kaardid avati.. :o

    $0.1/$0.2 No Limit Holdem
    9 players
    Converted at

    UTG+1 sambro1 ($18.73)
    MP1 Magnus1978 ($15.00)
    MP2 CrasyBear ($19.70)
    MP3 BigmenemgiB ($11.94)
    CO clarify7 ($19.90)
    BTN GVGalvao ($51.38)
    SB BearAttak ($8.10)
    BB mazzy121212 ($4.93)

    Pre-flop: ($0.30, 9 players) Hero is A : A
    5 folds, GVGalvao calls $0.20, Hero raises to $1.40, 2 folds, GVGalvao calls $1.20

    Flop: :4 :A :4 ($3.10, 2 players)
    GVGalvao bets $1, Hero calls $1

    Turn: :4 ($5.10, 2 players)
    GVGalvao bets $1, Hero raises to $2, GVGalvao raises to $11, Hero raises to $20, GVGalvao raises to $48.98, Hero calls $1.27

    River: :Q ($75.35, 2 players)

    Final Pot: $75.35
    GVGalvao shows: :k :4
    Hero shows: :a : A
    GVGalvao wins $73.85 ( won +$22.47 )
    Hero lost -$23.67

  7. #1607

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tra ja keppi ka ei saand... masendav

  8. #1608

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Svenza
    Tra ja keppi ka ei saand... masendav
    uuri privadori käest neti saladusi .. tal on raudselt mingeid kontakte :D:D

  9. #1609

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    oiibl2222..... elutilt on praegu peal..... viirus tuli arvutisse, mõtlesin et teen system recoveri mingile kuupäevale jne, aga tuli välja see et tegin arvuti täiesti nulli, arvuti lasi kõik maha, peale windowsi (täiestu puhas leht) ;D nyid k6ik pildid l2nnu ja igast muud jama ka, no hetkel nii närvis, pluss veel vaja eksamiks õppida. eksam siis homme (Loe: täna) kell 10 ommikul :o .... kui minu jutus oleks jutumoraali siis ma ütleks seda teile, aga mida pole seda pole.... :'(

  10. #1610

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas pkmarek
    oiibl2222..... elutilt on praegu peal..... viirus tuli arvutisse, mõtlesin et teen system recoveri mingile kuupäevale jne, aga tuli välja see et tegin arvuti täiesti nulli, arvuti lasi kõik maha, peale windowsi (täiestu puhas leht) ;D nyid k6ik pildid l2nnu ja igast muud jama ka, no hetkel nii närvis, pluss veel vaja eksamiks õppida. eksam siis homme (Loe: täna) kell 10 ommikul :o .... kui minu jutus oleks jutumoraali siis ma ütleks seda teile, aga mida pole seda pole.... :'(
    teed põhikooli eksamit ??

  11. #1611
    Jan 2009
    3 068

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Osades kõrgkoolides ka sess hetkel käimas...

  12. #1612
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja levis avatar
    Oct 2008
    1 557

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    viimased 7k kätt NL50
    (Klõpsa sisu nägemiseks / peitmiseks)

  13. #1613
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja pikk28 avatar
    Oct 2008
    6 695

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    tra sorry levis, aga sa teed mu tuju paremaks oma graafikuga. anna andeks. a õlle teen sulle välja pärnus, kui sinna satud turnale. ma olen nii tiltis. mul sama graf. videns. täis ka juba.

  14. #1614

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    tra see uus ongame softa ja b niig tili vittu, täna kerge miinus päöev kah.. nii vtttus ikkka

  15. #1615
    Administraator Kasutaja Tigrano avatar
    Oct 2008
    7 614

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas kollane
    tra see uus ongame softa ja b niig tili *****, täna kerge miinus päöev kah.. nii vtttus ikkka

  16. #1616

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Traaaa, satikas 650$ WSOP Qualifierile... NO miks nahui????

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $25+$2 Tournament, 300/600 Blinds 50 Ante (8 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from

    UTG+1 (t8410)
    MP1 (t3590)
    MP2 (t3930)
    Ebajopisõdur (CO) (t5055)
    Button (t17005)
    SB (t16515)
    BB (t3325)
    UTG (t4750)

    Ebajopisõdur's M: 3.89

    Preflop: Ebajopisõdur is CO with K, A
    4 folds, Ebajopisõdur bets t5005 (All-In), 2 folds, BB calls t2675 (All-In)

    Flop: (t7250) J, 10, 10 (2 players, 2 all-in)

    Turn: (t7250) 8 (2 players, 2 all-in)

    River: (t7250) 8 (2 players, 2 all-in)

    Total pot: t7250

    BB had J, A (two pair, Jacks and tens).
    Ebajopisõdur had K, A (two pair, tens and eights).
    Outcome: BB won t7250

  17. #1617

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas donkament
    teed põhikooli eksamit ??
    Ikka ülikoolis

  18. #1618

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tra, fucking mutid panid kirstunaela. Aga enne seda stack läks KQ vs K8

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $615+$35 Tournament, 100/200 Blinds 25 Ante (8 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from

    Button (t4185)
    Hero (SB) (t4467)
    BB (t29670)
    UTG (t10423)
    UTG+1 (t3458)
    MP1 (t11767)
    MP2 (t7499)
    CO (t7699)

    Hero's M: 8.93

    Preflop: Hero is SB with Q, Q
    2 folds, MP1 bets t600, 3 folds, Hero raises to t4442 (All-In), BB calls t4242, 1 fold

    Flop: (t9684) 10, 9, 7 (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Turn: (t9684) 2 (2 players, 1 all-in)

    River: (t9684) 10 (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Total pot: t9684

    Hero had Q, Q (two pair, Queens and tens).
    BB had A, A (two pair, Aces and tens).
    Outcome: BB won t9684

  19. #1619

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Uskumatu, viimased 40 tournamenti, 1 cash.
    Lihtsalt selline paratamatus juhtub juba kaks kuud tournades, no see peab olema vaikus enne tormi!

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $3.00+$0.30 Tournament, 30/60 Blinds (9 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from

    saw flop | saw showdown

    Hero (BB) (t2920)
    UTG (t1075)
    UTG+1 (t845)
    MP1 (t6100)
    MP2 (t3165)
    MP3 (t5185)
    CO (t1585)
    Button (t5520)
    SB (t2885)

    Hero's M: 32.44

    Preflop: Hero is BB with K, K
    2 folds, MP1 bets t145, MP2 calls t145, 2 folds, Button calls t145, SB raises to t230, Hero raises to t587, 2 folds, Button calls t442, SB raises to t1020, Hero raises to t2920 (All-In), 1 fold, SB calls t1865 (All-In)

    Flop: (t6647) 6, 4, A (2 players, 2 all-in)

    Turn: (t6647) 6 (2 players, 2 all-in)

    River: (t6647) A (2 players, 2 all-in)

    Total pot: t6647

    SB had A, A (four of a kind, Aces).
    Hero had K, K (two pair, Aces and Kings).
    Outcome: SB won t6647

  20. #1620
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja antnx avatar
    Oct 2008
    3 102

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Mõtlesin, et teen väikse sessi pärast kuu ajalist pausi:

    Asjad pole paranenud minujaoks ikka üldse

    Absolute Poker, $0.10/0.25 Hold'em Cash Games, 6 Players
    Hand Converter by

    MRT23UK (UTG+1): $16.24
    ANTNXX (CO): $23.65
    UISTBHOY (Button): $28.11
    PHOSPATE22 (SB): $9.23
    ASTRANOS (BB): $14.20
    TOMCONRAD (UTG): $18.20

    Dealt to ANTNXX A Q

    (2 folds), ANTNXX raises to $.75, (2 folds), ASTRANOS calls $.50

    Flop: ($1.60) 2 6 A (2 Players)
    ASTRANOS bets $1, ANTNXX raises to $3.25, ASTRANOS raises to $11.35, ANTNXX raises to $22.70, ASTRANOS all-in $2.10, ANTNXX returns $9.25

    Turn: ($28.50) J (2 Players)

    River: ($28.50) 9 (2 Players)

    ANTNXX Showed A Q
    ASTRANOS Showed 9 J
    ASTRANOS wins $27.09

    Absolute Poker, $0.10/0.25 Hold'em Cash Games, 6 Players
    Hand Converter by

    COTHOROUGH (CO): $36.31
    TANKO (Button): $21.17
    STAKETRON (SB): $26.10
    THESAILORMAN (BB): $56.36
    TMSHIFLETT (UTG): $9.87
    ANTNXX (UTG+1): $24.90

    Dealt to ANTNXX 9 9

    TMSHIFLETT calls $.25, ANTNXX raises to $1, (4 folds), TMSHIFLETT calls $.75

    Flop: ($2.35) 3 6 8 (2 Players)
    TMSHIFLETT bets $2.35, ANTNXX raises to $23.90 and is all-in, TMSHIFLETT all-in $6.52, ANTNXX returns $15.03

    Turn: ($20.09) J (2 Players)

    River: ($20.09) 8 (2 Players)

    TMSHIFLETT Showed A 8
    ANTNXX Showed 9 9
    TMSHIFLETT wins $19.10

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