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  1. #341
    Luuramas Naisteturniire
    Nov 2008
    7 574

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Leidsin lahenduse:

    $3/$6 No Limit Holdem
    2 players
    Converted at

    BTN Hero ($326.00)
    BB MWWWWWWWWWWW ($600.00)

    Pre-flop: ($9, 2 players) Hero is BTN [img width=54 height=74][/img][img width=54 height=74][/img]
    Hero raises to $326, MWWWWWWWWWWW calls $320

    Flop: [img width=54 height=74][/img][img width=54 height=74][/img][img width=54 height=74][/img] ($652, 2 players)

    Turn: [img width=54 height=74][/img] ($652, 2 players)

    River: [img width=54 height=74][/img] ($652, 2 players)

    Final Pot: $652
    Hero shows: [img width=54 height=74][/img][img width=54 height=74][/img]
    MWWWWWWWWWWW shows: [img width=54 height=74][/img][img width=54 height=74][/img]

    Hero wins $651 ( won +$325 )
    MWWWWWWWWWWW lost -$326


  2. #342
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    1 903

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    mingi veittu kõik tra tore affikari munniauk 3 tundi elust prügikasti aint sellepärast et mingi vitttt otsustas et on tore 3bet potis callida gutshotiga allin callida - toireashef

  3. #343
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 283

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas ok2aa
    mingi veittu kõik tra tore affikari munniauk 3 tundi elust prügikasti aint sellepärast et mingi vitttt otsustas et on tore 3bet potis callida gutshotiga allin callida - toireashef
    Mis turniiri mängisid?

  4. #344
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja lebovend avatar
    Oct 2008
    2 420

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***


  5. #345
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 283

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Codecci
    Leidsin lahenduse:

    $3/$6 No Limit Holdem
    2 players
    Converted at

    BTN Hero ($326.00)
    BB MWWWWWWWWWWW ($600.00)

    Pre-flop: ($9, 2 players) Hero is BTN [img width=54 height=74][/img][img width=54 height=74][/img]
    Hero raises to $326, MWWWWWWWWWWW calls $320

    Flop: [img width=54 height=74][/img][img width=54 height=74][/img][img width=54 height=74][/img] ($652, 2 players)

    Turn: [img width=54 height=74][/img] ($652, 2 players)

    River: [img width=54 height=74][/img] ($652, 2 players)

    Final Pot: $652
    Hero shows: [img width=54 height=74][/img][img width=54 height=74][/img]
    MWWWWWWWWWWW shows: [img width=54 height=74][/img][img width=54 height=74][/img]

    Hero wins $651 ( won +$325 )
    MWWWWWWWWWWW lost -$326

    Tilt või miks nii tegid?

  6. #346
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    1 903

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    seda vitust live satelliiti parki **** tore struktuur 20 taalasel turniiril mis kestab 5 vitust tundi. munnid

  7. #347
    Luuramas Naisteturniire
    Nov 2008
    7 574

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas ranka
    Tilt või miks nii tegid?
    Obv, loe mu eelmist postitust siin teemas... Mõtlesin, kuidas oma -325$ hävingut tasa teha, sest ei suutnud sellega leppida, aga plussi saamiseks oleks pidanud 4 HU SNG-d võitma mis tundub üsna võimatu, nii et flip tundus +EV - kui kaotan, siis enesetunne väga palju halvemaks ei muutu, kui võidan siis enesetunne muutub sitaks paremaks ja sain HEM-is nüüd kõik tasemed plussi ka. NL600-s 2 kätt, üks on 300$ flip, teine 326$ flip ;D

  8. #348
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    1 903

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas ok2aa
    seda vitust live satelliiti parki **** tore struktuur 20 taalasel turniiril mis kestab 5 vitust tundi. munnid
    Seat 3: ancientRage ($19,113 in chips)
    Seat 4: env0y1ee7 ($8,886 in chips)
    Seat 9: ok2aa ($38,803 in chips)
    Seat 10: Taix77 ($33,198 in chips)
    env0y1ee7 posts small blind ($200), ok2aa posts big blind ($400).

    Taix77 folds, ancientRage bets $1,000, env0y1ee7 folds, ok2aa bets $2,355, ancientRage calls $1,755.

    FLOP [board cards: KH,JS,7C ]
    ok2aa bets $3,145, ancientRage bets $8,000, ok2aa bets $32,903 and is all-in, ancientRage calls $8,358 and is all-in.

    TURN [board cards: KH,JS,7C,QH ]

    RIVER [board cards: KH,JS,7C,QH,8H ]

    ok2aa shows [ 7H,JC ]
    ancientRage shows [ AS,TS ]
    ok2aa wins $19,690, ancientRage wins $38,426

    kesiganes sa poleks, ma loodan et sa mädaned seal lives 2 päeva ja jääd bubblepoisiks.

  9. #349

    Re: Flopped nelik sunday warmupil.

    minu luckiga pole m6tet sellist turnat ilmselt muidugi m2ngida

    PokerStars Game #23802488361: Tournament #131672617, $200+$15 Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (500/1000) - 2009/01/11 22:12:25 EET [2009/01/11 15:12:25 ET]
    Table '131672617 230' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
    Seat 1: thenutzzzz12 (29393 in chips)
    Seat 2: throwinphins (22774 in chips)
    Seat 3: Shiko19 (46439 in chips)
    Seat 4: mihke666 (47227 in chips)
    Seat 5: redrumxxx (20604 in chips)
    Seat 6: BareAre87 (22900 in chips)
    Seat 7: mentaltony (29090 in chips)
    Seat 8: pokie75 (44150 in chips)
    Seat 9: Danischogla (27375 in chips)
    thenutzzzz12: posts the ante 75
    throwinphins: posts the ante 75
    Shiko19: posts the ante 75
    mihke666: posts the ante 75
    redrumxxx: posts the ante 75
    BareAre87: posts the ante 75
    mentaltony: posts the ante 75
    pokie75: posts the ante 75
    Danischogla: posts the ante 75
    mentaltony: posts small blind 500
    pokie75: posts big blind 1000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to mihke666 [Kd As]
    Danischogla: folds
    thenutzzzz12: folds
    throwinphins: folds
    Shiko19: folds
    mihke666: raises 2000 to 3000
    redrumxxx: folds
    BareAre87: raises 19825 to 22825 and is all-in
    mentaltony: folds
    pokie75: folds
    mihke666: calls 19825
    *** FLOP *** [7h 3s 7c]
    *** TURN *** [7h 3s 7c] [Qs]
    *** RIVER *** [7h 3s 7c Qs] [Ad]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    mihke666: shows [Kd As] (two pair, Aces and Sevens)
    BareAre87: shows [Qc Ah] (two pair, Aces and Queens)
    BareAre87 collected 47825 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 47825 | Rake 0
    Board [7h 3s 7c Qs Ad]
    Seat 1: thenutzzzz12 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 2: throwinphins folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 3: Shiko19 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 4: mihke666 showed [Kd As] and lost with two pair, Aces and Sevens
    Seat 5: redrumxxx folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 6: BareAre87 (button) showed [Qc Ah] and won (47825) with two pair, Aces and Queens
    Seat 7: mentaltony (small blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 8: pokie75 (big blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 9: Danischogla folded before Flop (didn't bet)

  10. #350

    Re: Flopped nelik sunday warmupil.

    out, viimane hand on regular
    PokerStars Game #23803298526: Tournament #131672617, $200+$15 Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (750/1500) - 2009/01/11 22:40:09 EET [2009/01/11 15:40:09 ET]
    Table '131672617 230' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
    Seat 1: thenutzzzz12 (33831 in chips)
    Seat 2: throwinphins (30474 in chips)
    Seat 3: Shiko19 (62064 in chips)
    Seat 4: mihke666 (9464 in chips)
    Seat 5: redrumxxx (16829 in chips)
    Seat 6: BareAre87 (37225 in chips)
    Seat 7: mentaltony (60680 in chips)
    Seat 8: pokie75 (15760 in chips)
    Seat 9: Danischogla (23625 in chips)
    thenutzzzz12: posts the ante 150
    throwinphins: posts the ante 150
    Shiko19: posts the ante 150
    mihke666: posts the ante 150
    redrumxxx: posts the ante 150
    BareAre87: posts the ante 150
    mentaltony: posts the ante 150
    pokie75: posts the ante 150
    Danischogla: posts the ante 150
    mihke666: posts small blind 750
    redrumxxx: posts big blind 1500
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to mihke666 [Ts Tc]
    BareAre87: folds
    mentaltony: folds
    pokie75: folds
    Danischogla: folds
    thenutzzzz12: raises 2611 to 4111
    throwinphins: folds
    Shiko19: calls 4111
    mihke666: raises 5203 to 9314 and is all-in
    redrumxxx: folds
    thenutzzzz12: raises 24367 to 33681 and is all-in
    Shiko19: folds
    Uncalled bet (24367) returned to thenutzzzz12
    *** FLOP *** [7d 8d Ac]
    *** TURN *** [7d 8d Ac] [3d]
    *** RIVER *** [7d 8d Ac 3d] [4s]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    mihke666: shows [Ts Tc] (a pair of Tens)
    thenutzzzz12: shows [Jc Ah] (a pair of Aces)
    thenutzzzz12 collected 25589 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 25589 | Rake 0
    Board [7d 8d Ac 3d 4s]
    Seat 1: thenutzzzz12 showed [Jc Ah] and won (25589) with a pair of Aces
    Seat 2: throwinphins folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 3: Shiko19 (button) folded before Flop
    Seat 4: mihke666 (small blind) showed [Ts Tc] and lost with a pair of Tens
    Seat 5: redrumxxx (big blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 6: BareAre87 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 7: mentaltony folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 8: pokie75 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 9: Danischogla folded before Flop (didn't bet)

  11. #351
    Vana Tegija
    Oct 2008
    1 458

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Codecci
    Obv, loe mu eelmist postitust siin teemas... Mõtlesin, kuidas oma -325$ hävingut tasa teha, sest ei suutnud sellega leppida, aga plussi saamiseks oleks pidanud 4 HU SNG-d võitma mis tundub üsna võimatu, nii et flip tundus +EV - kui kaotan, siis enesetunne väga palju halvemaks ei muutu, kui võidan siis enesetunne muutub sitaks paremaks ja sain HEM-is nüüd kõik tasemed plussi ka. NL600-s 2 kätt, üks on 300$ flip, teine 326$ flip ;D

    selline asi võib väga halvasti lõppeda teinekord, mul sama teema ,et ei suuda sessi miinusega lõpetada, ala. mängin 2000 kätt ja jään -20dollarit, see ajab väga tilti, samas peab sellest üle saama. JA lõppude lõpuks oleme me võitjad mängijad kui kasvõi 1 sess (ütleme, et kõik sessid ühepikad)on rohkem võitev kui kaotavaid sesse.

  12. #352
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 283

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Mihkli käed toodud siia teemasse

  13. #353

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    ok2aa, palju red kingsis osavõtjaid oli?

    kesiganes sa poleks, ma loodan et sa mädaned seal lives 2 päeva ja jääd bubblepoisiks.
    äkki on siit foorumist RageX?

  14. #354
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja Rage avatar
    Nov 2008
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia
    6 853

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    yey.. täna oli siis lahti kolm NL10 lauda ja üks NL4 laud...

    sain kaks nelikut... millega õnnetus chipid kätte saada... sama skomistasin majaga (pocket kunnid) ise neliku otsa.. mis tähendas overstacki kaotust... arvake nüüd.. millises lauas ma oma nelikud sain ja millises lauas ma neliku vastu kaotasin?

    lõpuks ikkagi sess õnneks 6 taalaga plussis...

    EDIT: p.s. minu nick pokkeris on RageIllumina mitte RageX

  15. #355
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    1 903

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    fun river

    Full Tilt Poker Game #9985028822: Table Columbia (deep 6) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 16:24:14 ET - 2009/01/11
    Seat 1: arRiverDerci ($351.10)
    Seat 2: allintreats ($398.15)
    Seat 3: ok2aa ($199)
    Seat 4: Sascha Biorac ($537.80)
    Seat 5: koOma ($243.05)
    Seat 6: hoiruuud ($101.40)
    ok2aa posts the small blind of $0.50
    Sascha Biorac posts the big blind of $1
    The button is in seat #2
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to ok2aa [Kc 8c 7d Ks]
    koOma raises to $3.50
    hoiruuud has 15 seconds left to act
    hoiruuud calls $3.50
    arRiverDerci raises to $15.50
    allintreats folds
    ok2aa calls $15
    Sascha Biorac raises to $69
    koOma has 15 seconds left to act
    koOma calls $65.50
    hoiruuud has 15 seconds left to act
    hoiruuud has requested TIME
    hoiruuud calls $65.50
    arRiverDerci raises to $351.10, and is all in
    ok2aa calls $183.50, and is all in
    Sascha Biorac calls $282.10
    koOma calls $174.05, and is all in
    hoiruuud calls $32.40, and is all in
    arRiverDerci shows [Ad 3s Qh Ac]
    ok2aa shows [Kc 8c 7d Ks]
    Sascha Biorac shows [5d 7c 9c 6s]
    koOma shows [Th Jd 9h Qd]
    hoiruuud shows [2d 6d 4c 5s]
    *** FLOP *** [6c 8h 8d]
    *** TURN *** [6c 8h 8d] [Kd]
    *** RIVER *** [6c 8h 8d Kd] [Ah]
    arRiverDerci shows a full house, Aces full of Eights
    Sascha Biorac shows two pair, Eights and Sixes
    arRiverDerci wins side pot #3 ($216.10) with a full house, Aces full of Eights
    koOma shows a pair of Eights
    arRiverDerci wins side pot #2 ($132.15) with a full house, Aces full of Eights
    ok2aa shows a full house, Kings full of Eights
    arRiverDerci wins side pot #1 ($390.40) with a full house, Aces full of Eights
    hoiruuud shows two pair, Eights and Sixes
    arRiverDerci wins the main pot ($504) with a full house, Aces full of Eights
    ok2aa adds $100
    koOma adds $100
    hoiruuud is sitting out
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot $1,245.65 Main pot $507. Side pot 1 $390.40. Side pot 2 $132.15. Side pot 3 $216.10. | Rake $3
    Board: [6c 8h 8d Kd Ah]
    Seat 1: arRiverDerci showed [Ad 3s Qh Ac] and won ($1,242.65) with a full house, Aces full of Eights
    Seat 2: allintreats (button) didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 3: ok2aa (small blind) showed [Kc 8c 7d Ks] and lost with a full house, Kings full of Eights
    Seat 4: Sascha Biorac (big blind) showed [5d 7c 9c 6s] and lost with two pair, Eights and Sixes
    Seat 5: koOma showed [Th Jd 9h Qd] and lost with a pair of Eights
    Seat 6: hoiruuud showed [2d 6d 4c 5s] and lost with two pair, Eights and Sixes

  16. #356

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    BB 9.50% -$53.24
    CO 18.30% -$8.62
    UTG+1 12.70% -$37.01
    UTG 40.10% $101.91
    Hero 19.50% -$2.53

    Võibolla seletaksid oma mõttekäiku ok2aa? Mind on alati huvitanud (ehk räigelt ärritanud), mida mõtlevad PLOs mängijad, kes selliste kätega ilmselge AAxx-i vastu ronivad ja tagatipuks veel hitivad.. Muidugi olen seda ka ise teinud, kuid süvatildi olukorras ja siis ei saa mingist mõttekäigust juttugi olla.

  17. #357
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    1 903

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    800$ pott, mul loodetavasti 20% equityt, olen stuck, allin.

  18. #358

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Trademaa, 20$ Nordicu tourneys Final tabeli bubbleks!

    Tõmbasin just ranka käest duubli ja olin suht okis seisus, visati kohe teise lauda, teine käsi BB'l AJ, hypersuur stack SBlt stealib, ma insta all in , obv AQ vastas >:(


    ranka veel elutseb final tabelis, ehk toob võidu koju ära!

    EDIT: Lõppes ka ranka teekord AJ'iga :/

  19. #359
    Administraator Kasutaja lenC avatar
    Oct 2008
    6 440

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Imric
    BB 9.50% -$53.24
    CO 18.30% -$8.62
    UTG+1 12.70% -$37.01
    UTG 40.10% $101.91
    Hero 19.50% -$2.53

    Võibolla seletaksid oma mõttekäiku ok2aa? Mind on alati huvitanud (ehk räigelt ärritanud), mida mõtlevad PLOs mängijad, kes selliste kätega ilmselge AAxx-i vastu ronivad ja tagatipuks veel hitivad.. Muidugi olen seda ka ise teinud, kuid süvatildi olukorras ja siis ei saa mingist mõttekäigust juttugi olla.
    Siin sa vastasid enda küsimusele ära, kui ta on juba $2.54 siin siise pannud, siis on parem shoveda, kui $15, siis seda enam.

  20. #360
    Õpihimuline Mängur Kasutaja QKulgur avatar
    Dec 2008

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas hotcocacola
    sa mõtled ranka seda 30 000 GTD, kus fond tuli 30k+

    mu parim sõber pm võitis tolle ära, kparik - 100 000 EEK :P
    käisin kell 3 öösel just tema juures, lasime viina :D
    mitmes koht sellise summa annab?
    Sõbra sõber see parik, msnis ka yeldi, et tyyp sai 100k:D
    Igastahes hea töö(Y)

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