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  1. #7301
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja reggie avatar
    Jun 2009
    1 705

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    8 turnat enne bublet suure stackiga 1-2 auterite otsa lennata on äge.. kerge tildi hais on tekkinud.

  2. #7302
    Vana Tegija
    Jun 2011
    1 182

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Paremat Starsi poolset setupi ja magic carde pole näinud tükk aega

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 2.5 Tournament, 100/200 Blinds (8 handed) - PokerStars Converter Tool from

    CO (t2013)
    Button (t1180)
    Hero (SB) (t7293)
    BB (t4570)
    UTG (t1910)
    UTG+1 (t3705)
    MP1 (t2865)
    MP2 (t3000)

    Hero's M: 24.31

    Preflop: Hero is SB with 10, J
    5 folds, Button calls t200, Hero calls t100, BB checks

    Flop: (t600) Q, A, A (3 players)
    Hero checks, BB checks, Button checks

    Turn: (t600) K (3 players)
    Hero checks, BB checks, Button checks

    River: (t600) 4 (3 players)
    Hero bets t300, 1 fold, Button raises to t980 (All-In), Hero calls t680

    Total pot: t2560

    Button had A, A (four of a kind, Aces).
    Hero had 10, J (straight, Ace high).
    Outcome: Button won t2560

  3. #7303

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    miks lihtsalt KÕIK perse läheb see kuu.
    **** küll nii väga tahaks üle EV joosta või setupe enda kasuks saada või elada 1 päev HCC nahas, kus võimatu kaotada.

  4. #7304
    Vana Tegija
    Jun 2011
    1 182

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas KristjanLaas Vaata postitust
    miks lihtsalt KÕIK perse läheb see kuu.
    **** küll nii väga tahaks üle EV joosta või setupe enda kasuks saada või elada 1 päev HCC nahas, kus võimatu kaotada.
    Ma tahaks lihtsalt nii olla, et 1:24 runnarid jms ei tuleks 1/5 kokku mitu päeva jutti ja, et iga 2 pocket pair push = kõrgem pocket pair vastas jne....

    Kui ma nii juba saan alles, siis julgen unistada HCC nahas olemisest :')

  5. #7305

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Ivey Ivey Ivey !!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #7306
    Vana Tegija
    Jun 2011
    1 182

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Best hand in poker A 4!

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 2.5 Tournament, 500/1000 Blinds 100 Ante (7 handed) - PokerStars Converter Tool from

    Hero (MP1) (t24041)
    MP2 (t12832)
    CO (t12429)
    Button (t3509)
    SB (t8084)
    BB (t12467)
    UTG (t8536)

    Hero's M: 10.93

    Preflop: Hero is MP1 with A, Q
    1 fold, Hero bets t2500, 4 folds, BB calls t1500

    Flop: (t6200) 3, 10, 6 (2 players)
    BB checks, Hero bets t3844, BB calls t3844

    Turn: (t13888) 5 (2 players)
    BB bets t6023 (All-In), Hero calls t6023

    River: (t25934) 4 (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Total pot: t25934

    BB had A, 4 (one pair, fours).
    Hero had A, Q (high card, Ace).
    Outcome: BB won t25934

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 8 Tournament, 150/300 Blinds 25 Ante (9 handed) - PokerStars Converter Tool from

    UTG+1 (t1610)
    MP1 (t7719)
    MP2 (t1235)
    MP3 (t2020)
    CO (t5220)
    Button (t2205)
    SB (t7625)
    Hero (BB) (t5188)
    UTG (t8095)

    Hero's M: 7.69

    Preflop: Hero is BB with 10, J
    2 folds, MP1 bets t600, 5 folds, Hero calls t300

    Flop: (t1575) 10, J, 4 (2 players)
    Hero checks, MP1 bets t600, Hero calls t600

    Turn: (t2775) A (2 players)
    Hero bets t3963 (All-In), MP1 calls t3963

    River: (t10701) 6 (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Total pot: t10701

    Hero had 10, J (two pair, Jacks and tens).
    MP1 had A, 4 (two pair, Aces and fours).
    Outcome: MP1 won t10701

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 2.5 Tournament, 800/1600 Blinds 150 Ante (6 handed) - PokerStars Converter Tool from

    Hero (BB) (t13848)
    UTG (t22184)
    MP (t13352)
    CO (t26944)
    Button (t44390)
    SB (t19410)

    Hero's M: 4.20

    Preflop: Hero is BB with 8, A
    1 fold, MP bets t13202 (All-In), 3 folds, Hero calls t11602

    Flop: (t28104) A, 5, 7 (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Turn: (t28104) 4 (2 players, 1 all-in)

    River: (t28104) 2 (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Total pot: t28104

    Hero had 8, A (one pair, Aces).
    MP had A, 4 (two pair, Aces and fours).
    Outcome: MP won t28104

    No-Limit Hold'em Tournament, 150/300 Blinds (9 handed) - Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from

    MP3 (t4550)
    CO (t1255)
    Hero (Button) (t5231)
    SB (t5413)
    BB (t2280)
    UTG (t6654)
    UTG+1 (t4584)
    MP1 (t4929)
    MP2 (t4355)

    Hero's M: 11.62

    Preflop: Hero is Button with 9, 9
    3 folds, MP2 bets t600, 2 folds, Hero raises t5206, 2 folds, MP2 calls t3730

    Flop: (t9110) 2, 5, 3 (2 players)

    Turn: (t9110) 8 (2 players)

    River: (t9110) K (2 players)

    Total pot: t9110

    Hero had 9, 9 (one pair, nines).
    MP2 had 4, A (straight, five high).
    Outcome: MP2 won t9335
    Viimati muudetud Jäämees poolt : 17.11.11 at 21:37

  7. #7307

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Poker Stars $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 1521512
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    MP1: $2.17
    MP2: $2.31
    CO: $2.24
    BTN: $1.33
    SB: $0.28
    BB: $1.00
    UTG: $3.39
    UTG+1: $2.00
    Hero (UTG+2): $2.03

    Pre Flop: ($0.03) Hero is UTG+2 with 6 6
    2 folds, Hero calls $0.02, 3 folds, BTN raises to $0.10, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.08

    Flop: ($0.23) 6 4 K (2 players)
    Hero bets $0.16, BTN calls $0.16

    Turn: ($0.55) 7 (2 players)
    Hero bets $0.39, BTN calls $0.39

    River: ($1.33) 2 (2 players)
    Hero bets $0.95, BTN calls $0.68 all in

    Final Pot: $2.69
    BTN shows A J (a flush, Ace high)
    Hero shows 6 6 (three of a kind, Sixes)
    BTN wins $2.56
    (Rake: $0.13)

  8. #7308
    Oct 2008
    Palmi talu
    3 275

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    sinu poolt WP...nooot

    ( Click to show/hide )

  9. #7309

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Issi mis ma valesti tegn ?!?!

  10. #7310
    Oct 2008
    Palmi talu
    3 275

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    limp-callides setmineda mingi krdi shortstacki vastu...don't think so Tim.

  11. #7311
    Vana Tegija
    Jun 2011
    1 182

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Ei juhtunud minuga isiklikult, aga see tõendab salaorganisatsiooni nimega A 4 os ülemvõimu.

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 2.2 Tournament, 150/300 Blinds 40 Ante (9 handed) - PokerStars Converter Tool from

    MP1 (t1325)
    MP2 (t5813)
    MP3 (t6745)
    CO (t6246)
    Button (t3765)
    SB (t2021)
    BB (t1791)
    UTG (t2993)
    Hero (UTG+1) (t3406)

    Hero's M: 4.20

    Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with 7, 9
    7 folds, SB bets t1981 (All-In), BB calls t1451 (All-In)

    Flop: (t3862) 10, J, J (2 players, 2 all-in)

    Turn: (t3862) J (2 players, 2 all-in)

    River: (t3862) J (2 players, 2 all-in)

    Total pot: t3862

    SB had 4, A (four of a kind, Jacks).
    BB had 10, 8 (four of a kind, Jacks).
    Outcome: SB won t3862

  12. #7312

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Häbiväärne lugu.. alati küttis ta mulle otsa ja kui otsustasin vastu panna, tuli insta call..... Turna niivisi totaalselt pe... keerata ff. rsk..

    PokerStars - Hold'em Tournament - $800/1600 Blinds - 9 Players
    Hand Converter by

    MP3: $74,901
    CO: $9,014
    BTN: $19,741
    SB: $35,933
    BB: $28,706
    UTG: $46,989
    UTG+1: $65,964
    MP1: $122,976
    MP2: $87,179

    Pre-flop: Dealt to BB 5 2
    (7 folds), SB raises to $4,800, BB raises to $28,506 and is all-in, SB calls $23,706

    Flop: ($58,812) K 4 6 (2 Players)

    Turn: ($58,812) 9 (2 Players)

    River: ($58,812) 7 (2 Players)

    SB Showed 8 A
    BB Showed 5 2
    SB wins $58,812 with high card Ace

  13. #7313
    FPP Pro Kasutaja Tyler Durden avatar
    Apr 2010

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***


  14. #7314
    Jube Noob Kasutaja petteri avatar
    Feb 2011

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Tyler Durden Vaata postitust

  15. #7315

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    lihtsalt täiesti lootusetu.

  16. #7316

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    8 tundi turnat ja siis selline käsi.Ty pokerstars!PokerStars - $10+$1|5000/10000 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 8 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

    CO: 173,048.00
    BTN: 276,976.00
    Hero (SB): 521,492.00
    BB: 485,634.00
    UTG: 730,420.00
    UTG+1: 431,035.00
    MP: 602,057.00
    MP+1: 123,755.00

    CO posts ante 1,250.00, BTN posts ante 1,250.00, Hero posts ante 1,250.00, BB posts ante 1,250.00, UTG posts ante 1,250.00, UTG+1 posts ante 1,250.00, MP posts ante 1,250.00, MP+1 posts ante 1,250.00, Hero posts SB 5,000.00, BB posts BB 10,000.00

    Pre Flop: (25000.00) Hero has K K

    fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 20,000.00, BB raises to 484,384.00 and is all-in, Hero calls 464,384.00

    Flop: (978768.00, 2 players) T 2 A

    Turn: (978768.00, 2 players) 5

    River: (978768.00, 2 players) 4

    Hero shows K K (One Pair, Kings) (Pre 71%, Flop 9%, Turn 5%)
    BB shows A J (One Pair, Aces) (Pre 29%, Flop 91%, Turn 95%)
    BB wins 978,768.00

  17. #7317
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Aug 2010

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    No-Limit Hold'em, $4.00 BB (7 handed) - Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from

    Hero (Button) ($509.72)
    SB ($400)
    BB ($400)
    UTG ($371.96)
    MP1 ($463.03)
    MP2 ($456.41)
    CO ($94.95)

    Preflop: Hero is Button with A, 3
    UTG calls $4, MP1 calls $4, 2 folds, Hero bets $16, 2 folds, UTG calls $12, MP1 calls $12

    Flop: ($54) 4, J, 2 (3 players)
    UTG checks, MP1 checks, Hero bets $35, 1 fold, MP1 raises $175, Hero raises $280, MP1 raises $272.03 (All-In), Hero calls $132.03

    Total pot: $948.06

    Nüüd siis story ka. Testisin just kõrval teise toa laudades AHK skripti, siis hüppab see ette (kui vastane tõstab mu c-betti), vaatan vastase statse - TAG, nojah, mis seals ikka, tuleb easy fold eks... Hakkan foldi vajutama, äkitselt on 300 rutsi laual. Ei suuda silmi uskuda. Nagu selgus, vajutas teise toa AHK skript selle toa tõstmise nuppu, kui vastase hudil klõpsasin. Vot siis. Kusjuures hea tõste tegi tegelikult, aga manki ei suuda TPNK maha panna ja lähevadki mul ka viimased nupud sisse gutshoti ja overiga. Selline lugu. Tegi veits meele mõrudaks.

  18. #7318

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Poker Stars $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 1528512
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    UTG+1: $5.15
    MP1: $1.70
    MP2: $1.95
    CO: $2.06
    BTN: $3.40
    SB: $2.99
    BB: $0.98
    Hero (UTG): $5.00

    Pre Flop: ($0.03) Hero is UTG with 9 9
    Hero raises to $0.08, UTG+1 calls $0.08, MP1 calls $0.08, 1 fold, CO calls $0.08, 3 folds

    Flop: ($0.35) 2 2 9 (4 players)
    Hero bets $0.25, UTG+1 calls $0.25, MP1 folds, CO folds

    Turn: ($0.85) 3 (2 players)
    Hero bets $0.60, UTG+1 calls $0.60

    River: ($2.05) 2 (2 players)
    Hero bets $1.95, UTG+1 raises to $4.22 all in, Hero calls $2.12 all in

    Final Pot: $10.19
    UTG+1 shows K 2 (four of a kind, Deuces)
    Hero shows 9 9 (a full house, Nines full of Deuces)
    UTG+1 wins $9.69
    (Rake: $0.50)

  19. #7319

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    diediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedi ediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedied iediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedie diediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedi ediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedied iediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedie diediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedi ediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedied iediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedie diediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedi ediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedied iediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedie diediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedi ediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedied iediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedie diediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedi ediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedied iediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedie diediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedi ediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedied iediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedie diedie

  20. #7320
    Vana Tegija
    Jun 2011
    1 182

    Re: ***Official "asdais#da8usPjSaks" thread***

    Raske mitte masenduda/tiltada kui PokerStars peab mingit kampaaniat sinu vastu;

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 4.4 Tournament, 60/120 Blinds 15 Ante (9 handed) - PokerStars Converter Tool from

    UTG+1 (t14253)
    MP1 (t1560)
    MP2 (t19429)
    Hero (MP3) (t8171)
    CO (t6073)
    Button (t12637)
    SB (t12740)
    BB (t10152)
    UTG (t2990)

    Hero's M: 25.94

    Preflop: Hero is MP3 with A, J
    3 folds, MP2 bets t240, Hero calls t240, 3 folds, BB calls t120

    Flop: (t915) Q, K, 10 (3 players)
    BB checks, MP2 bets t240, Hero raises to t772, 1 fold, MP2 calls t532

    Turn: (t2459) 2 (2 players)
    MP2 checks, Hero bets t1662, MP2 calls t1662

    River: (t5783) 6 (2 players)
    MP2 checks, Hero checks

    Total pot: t5783

    MP2 had 7, 2 (flush, Queen high).
    Hero mucked A, J (straight, Ace high).
    Outcome: MP2 won t5783

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