Tsitaat Algselt postitas mkva
Sinna oleks siis vist kõige õigem endal mure/kaebus kirjutada ?

Seal korjab selle üles mitte klienditeenindus, vaid mõni nerd progeja, keda marketing ei koti kubemekarvavõrdki. Aga kirja võid kirjutada a la:

Dear FullTilt,

FullTilt has been the site of choice for me because of your advertised image as a transparent, honest and well-working site that maintains the best standards of quality and integrity. I regret to inform you that my opinion of FullTilt as such got shattered today when I came across a blatant error on the site as I was dealt just ONE CARD in Texas Holdem game. Needless to say, this makes any player question the consistency and integrity of the site and raise obvious concerns over the safety of playing there.

I would expect at the very least to be refunded a full buy-in together with your proposed compensation and explanation to the situation. Any player paying you the rake you live off would expect these situations not to happen again in the future. I attach the screen shot and the hand history of the particular hand for you to study.

Sincerely yours,
Your Bad Publicity