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  1. #181
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja nomerlot avatar
    Sep 2009
    2 233

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas ziimukaz Vaata postitust's oli aprillis mingi promo, et sai tasuta 10000 kätt valitud limiidil. võtsin selle ja peale kauba sai veel Daily Hands Feed Subscriptioni vist kaheks nädalaks, kui ma ei eksi. Enne 2 nädala lõppu saatsin siis kirja supporti, et nad lõpetaksid mu subscriptioni, kuna tingimustes oli, et kui ei lase lõpetada, siis hakkavad raha võtma. Vastati, et lõpetavad selle. Aga käsi tuleb ikka iga päev, juba üle kuu aja jutti :D
    Praeguseks 3,3 miljonit kätt mulle antud, lõppu nagu ei paista :)
    Kellelgi veel kogemusi sellega?
    mine tarbijakaitsesse:)

  2. #182
    Grinder Kasutaja ziimukaz avatar
    Jan 2010

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas nomerlot Vaata postitust
    mine tarbijakaitsesse:)
    Ei minu poolest tulgu need käed, ma heameelega lisan neid oma andmebaasi. Ja oma krediitkaardi andmeid ma ei kavatsegi oma profiili seal sisestada, nii et midagi nad ei saa mult ka tagantjärgi.

  3. #183
    Grinder Kasutaja fikuuu avatar
    Aug 2009
    Tartu, Estonia

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    see post 2p2-st tegi mu tuju preagu üliheaks

    one time i was sitting in my house on my own i had just split up with my gf who was a crack head but she was nice.. the room was dark i was surrounded by bottles of piss half eaten sandwiches i even had a crust behind my ear i was quite sad because i was busto and heartbroken i thought maybe we would make it work and she would be my main squeese anyway she left me for a crack at this point im feelin like ten dewey heart aching empty busto feeling and linger tilt from stacking off with a flush draw because some crotch monkey over bets the pot and i run into the swinging blade and throw up 2 clanging bricks and I just punch my ****in monitor almost put my fist through it and then i kicked my coffee table but not like a regular person no no no..i have to hit it as hard as I can with my ****ing shin!!!! wtff was i thinking im not van damme or some **** that hurt so bad i collapsed in agony and started crying i just laid there whimpering in agony sobbing and eventually the pain eased off but i had blood running all the way down my leg..i just laid there on the carpet for 2 hours staring into space i even knocked one out while laying in the recovery position i felt so lazy like a lazy slob and i smelt so rank like chinese food in a dumpster for days..i eventually get up im wearing stripey boxers and half of them is up my ass ive got my ass cheek showing but i dont care i sit at my pc and watch some 200/400 on betfair wishing i was in the game..i kept sitting at a table hoping i would have cash in my account i actually prayed to mary magdagascar..i check my emails and boooom titan poker have put free money in my damn account!!!!!!!!!!!!!! felt like a blessing. Its like 5 I go straight to max but in 5c/10c or some BS where u get nit on nits and I run that **** up to 20 in no time, then I but in at 25/50 and I hit a big overset and and I make some decent bluffs I get my stack to this point im thinking ok just play this mother****ing cool dont be a degen waste of lung capacity but i say *** it i will take a shot at 2/4...

    so I pick the easiest table luckily for me they are all easy and first hand I shove with the doyle brunson just for good luck everyone folds secnd hand i get AA..I shove I get 2 callers an Iwin and im oer 400 i say**** this and i goto 5/10 witha short stack what else am i suppose to do..i run this upto 3k pretty easily and step up to 10/20 and in 3 hours I have 13k..then it happened..I GET KING ****ING KING and some guy called han solo (TILTED) raises me to 30 dollars I re raise to 180 He raises to 550 I call planning to shove any flop flop comes AAA ..he says to me in chat I HAVE IT and bets the pot im like wtf ..thats areverse reversal bluff damn *** he must have it **** i cant fold i felt my heart speed up kind of like a panic attack how can i fold this my dad is in my ear saying DONT CALL he has the 4 of a kind im like no dad let me play my own damn hands why cant you go and play poker with otis redding always ****** interfering ..and i start arguing with him cant believe i have gone from 5 dollars to over a 20k pot in just hours..I call and he flips over QQ..I FIST PUMP LIKE IM OHN MACKENROE SHOUTING NOW WHAT NOW WHAT DAD HE DIDNT SAY **** TURN QUEEN RIVER QUEEENNNNNNNNNNN>>OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I MWAS SO ****IN MAD I STARTED SPITTINGup BLOOD FOAMING UP ...PUNCHED MY SELF in teh side of the head AND STARTED SHOUTING AT MY DAD INSIDE MY HEAD IM LIKE **** OFF LEAVE ME ALONE GET OUT OF My HEAD.. OMGG IM BUSTO AGAIN I FEEL LIKE A WORM WHO HAS HAS BIN SHOVELLED WHEN THE GROUND IS COLD OR MABE STUCK HIS HEAD IN A TURD..I FELT LIKE SUCH A ****INg DEGEN I COULD HAVE PLAYED 5/10 with 13k so easily and made decent rake and maybe found me some new pussy easily when i tell em im back to being a pro...first i burnt my hand on the stove on purpose omggg i was so wasted i went out in the backyard stark naked i started climbing the trees and just trying to get back to nature and forget the damn poker..loking back id lost my damn mind that pot had eloctrocuted my started to rain and i looked so pathetic i couldnt even get a crack whore to stay with me and I had a big hemmaroid and my white pastey body stood out under the grey sky i must have looked like a sagging bag of milk...

    ..all i wanted to do was grind for 18 hours a day and fester in my own filth and live the life of a poker pro grind on the mind till i die make my tomb a house of cards.. i wanted to give up so bad.. now i was busto and i couldnt see a break in the clouds or any hope the next day when i woke up i had to masturbate just so i could get out of bed i browsed 2+2 and went back to bed for 3 days..I didnt even get up to go peepee i just pissed the bed because i was busto and nothing else mattered..i kept reminded myself that atleast i nwasnt the fat sloth puppet in that movie seven where he gets locked in a bat cave and is made to eat spaghetti till his guts spill open..but this didnt make me feel any better..
    whats urine and the smell of a cheesy ritz cracker ass crack when you lost a 26k pot? i didnt give a **** about pissing on myself by that point..i could of had a milllion dingelberries attatched to my ass i wouldnt have cared...i was so upset the lowest point for so long even lower than when i talked myself out of a guy giving me a BJ for $100 I just couldnt do it..i felt lower than when my mom force fed me flowers..I almost killed myself on day 2 when metallica came on the radio..i dont know how I ever made it out alive..i always swear to this day it was just the hope of being back in action lifted me out of the bottomless pit and gave me reason to live and breathe..never quit guys..not even when they are dragging your face through the ****..there is always someone worse off than a guy with a glass eye with a fish in it....keep grind on the mind

  4. #184
    Administraator Kasutaja lenC avatar
    Oct 2008
    6 440

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama


  5. #185
    Auk on auk. FAKT! Kasutaja qbj0hn avatar
    Nov 2008
    7 095

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas fikuuu Vaata postitust
    see post 2p2-st tegi mu tuju preagu üliheaks

    one time i was sitting in my house on my own i had just split up with my gf who was a crack head but she was nice.. the room was dark i was surrounded by bottles of piss half eaten sandwiches i even had a crust behind my ear i was quite sad because i was busto and heartbroken i thought maybe we would make it work and she would be my main squeese anyway she left me for a crack at this point im feelin like ten dewey heart aching empty busto feeling and linger tilt from stacking off with a flush draw because some crotch monkey over bets the pot and i run into the swinging blade and throw up 2 clanging bricks and I just punch my ****in monitor almost put my fist through it and then i kicked my coffee table but not like a regular person no no no..i have to hit it as hard as I can with my ****ing shin!!!! wtff was i thinking im not van damme or some **** that hurt so bad i collapsed in agony and started crying i just laid there whimpering in agony sobbing and eventually the pain eased off but i had blood running all the way down my leg..i just laid there on the carpet for 2 hours staring into space i even knocked one out while laying in the recovery position i felt so lazy like a lazy slob and i smelt so rank like chinese food in a dumpster for days..i eventually get up im wearing stripey boxers and half of them is up my ass ive got my ass cheek showing but i dont care i sit at my pc and watch some 200/400 on betfair wishing i was in the game..i kept sitting at a table hoping i would have cash in my account i actually prayed to mary magdagascar..i check my emails and boooom titan poker have put free money in my damn account!!!!!!!!!!!!!! felt like a blessing. Its like 5 I go straight to max but in 5c/10c or some BS where u get nit on nits and I run that **** up to 20 in no time, then I but in at 25/50 and I hit a big overset and and I make some decent bluffs I get my stack to this point im thinking ok just play this mother****ing cool dont be a degen waste of lung capacity but i say *** it i will take a shot at 2/4...

    so I pick the easiest table luckily for me they are all easy and first hand I shove with the doyle brunson just for good luck everyone folds secnd hand i get AA..I shove I get 2 callers an Iwin and im oer 400 i say**** this and i goto 5/10 witha short stack what else am i suppose to do..i run this upto 3k pretty easily and step up to 10/20 and in 3 hours I have 13k..then it happened..I GET KING ****ING KING and some guy called han solo (TILTED) raises me to 30 dollars I re raise to 180 He raises to 550 I call planning to shove any flop flop comes AAA ..he says to me in chat I HAVE IT and bets the pot im like wtf ..thats areverse reversal bluff damn *** he must have it **** i cant fold i felt my heart speed up kind of like a panic attack how can i fold this my dad is in my ear saying DONT CALL he has the 4 of a kind im like no dad let me play my own damn hands why cant you go and play poker with otis redding always ****** interfering ..and i start arguing with him cant believe i have gone from 5 dollars to over a 20k pot in just hours..I call and he flips over QQ..I FIST PUMP LIKE IM OHN MACKENROE SHOUTING NOW WHAT NOW WHAT DAD HE DIDNT SAY **** TURN QUEEN RIVER QUEEENNNNNNNNNNN>>OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I MWAS SO ****IN MAD I STARTED SPITTINGup BLOOD FOAMING UP ...PUNCHED MY SELF in teh side of the head AND STARTED SHOUTING AT MY DAD INSIDE MY HEAD IM LIKE **** OFF LEAVE ME ALONE GET OUT OF My HEAD.. OMGG IM BUSTO AGAIN I FEEL LIKE A WORM WHO HAS HAS BIN SHOVELLED WHEN THE GROUND IS COLD OR MABE STUCK HIS HEAD IN A TURD..I FELT LIKE SUCH A ****INg DEGEN I COULD HAVE PLAYED 5/10 with 13k so easily and made decent rake and maybe found me some new pussy easily when i tell em im back to being a pro...first i burnt my hand on the stove on purpose omggg i was so wasted i went out in the backyard stark naked i started climbing the trees and just trying to get back to nature and forget the damn poker..loking back id lost my damn mind that pot had eloctrocuted my started to rain and i looked so pathetic i couldnt even get a crack whore to stay with me and I had a big hemmaroid and my white pastey body stood out under the grey sky i must have looked like a sagging bag of milk...

    ..all i wanted to do was grind for 18 hours a day and fester in my own filth and live the life of a poker pro grind on the mind till i die make my tomb a house of cards.. i wanted to give up so bad.. now i was busto and i couldnt see a break in the clouds or any hope the next day when i woke up i had to masturbate just so i could get out of bed i browsed 2+2 and went back to bed for 3 days..I didnt even get up to go peepee i just pissed the bed because i was busto and nothing else mattered..i kept reminded myself that atleast i nwasnt the fat sloth puppet in that movie seven where he gets locked in a bat cave and is made to eat spaghetti till his guts spill open..but this didnt make me feel any better..
    whats urine and the smell of a cheesy ritz cracker ass crack when you lost a 26k pot? i didnt give a **** about pissing on myself by that point..i could of had a milllion dingelberries attatched to my ass i wouldnt have cared...i was so upset the lowest point for so long even lower than when i talked myself out of a guy giving me a BJ for $100 I just couldnt do it..i felt lower than when my mom force fed me flowers..I almost killed myself on day 2 when metallica came on the radio..i dont know how I ever made it out alive..i always swear to this day it was just the hope of being back in action lifted me out of the bottomless pit and gave me reason to live and breathe..never quit guys..not even when they are dragging your face through the ****..there is always someone worse off than a guy with a glass eye with a fish in it....keep grind on the mind
    Ma kyll ei tea seda topicut,aga ma eeldan,et King Niche vaimu sünnitus?

  6. #186
    Grinder Kasutaja fikuuu avatar
    Aug 2009
    Tartu, Estonia

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Jep ....ilmselt pole tõsi aga ülinaljakas sellegipoolest

    E: teema ise on siin

  7. #187

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Ma tunnen küll, et see aeg mis ma selle lugemiseks kulutasin oli täielik raiskamine. Eesti 13 aastased kirjutavad sarnaseid, ainul peale runescapes suremist vms.

  8. #188

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    tra ma kunagi m2ngisin runescape .. mletan .. enne ommiku kooli minemist mainisin coali veel :D kino asi oli .. mingi hmm 8a tagasiv ist :D

  9. #189
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja kjmrc avatar
    Aug 2009
    Tartu, Estonia
    4 544

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    lol.. ma ka olen kunagi mänginud.. mingi 12h sess ja 250k xp :D

  10. #190
    Auk on auk. FAKT! Kasutaja qbj0hn avatar
    Nov 2008
    7 095

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Sama siin.:)

  11. #191

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    tra vapsjee parmu tunne .. votsin poest 0.7l viina votan mahla ja hapukurgiga .. keegi t2na midgai plaanib ka v

  12. #192
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja inward avatar
    Sep 2009
    6 275

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Sa pole ainuke, kuigi ma piirdun õllega. Noh homme grill&saun&uazik ka, peab huumorikonditsiooni jooma ennast.

  13. #193
    Bännitud Kasutaja Sass avatar
    Dec 2008
    1 889

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas leits Vaata postitust
    tra ma kunagi m2ngisin runescape .. mletan .. enne ommiku kooli minemist mainisin coali veel :D kino asi oli .. mingi hmm 8a tagasiv ist :D
    luuser . kõvad mehed mainivad addi+

  14. #194

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Ma olen suurem gambler kui klaaspro, aga väiksem kui macroTilt, obv micros

  15. #195

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Sass Vaata postitust
    luuser . kõvad mehed mainivad addi+
    u gotta be kidding me ... kas tõesti yks inimene saab nii loll olla?

  16. #196
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Fabulous avatar
    Jan 2010
    2 674

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Keegi mingit head flash/java ( RS ei lähe arvesse ) mängu oskab soovitada, mida Internetis aja raiskamiseks mängida ja mis 10 minutiga ära ei tüüta?

  17. #197

    Talking Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas leits Vaata postitust
    u gotta be kidding me ... kas tõesti yks inimene saab nii loll olla?
    that was sweet :D

  18. #198

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Fabulous Vaata postitust
    Keegi mingit head flash/java ( RS ei lähe arvesse ) mängu oskab soovitada, mida Internetis aja raiskamiseks mängida ja mis 10 minutiga ära ei tüüta? .. kasuta oma vaba aega enda arendamiseks :()

  19. #199
    Bännitud Kasutaja Sass avatar
    Dec 2008
    1 889

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas leits Vaata postitust
    u gotta be kidding me ... kas tõesti yks inimene saab nii loll olla?
    ( Click to show/hide )

  20. #200
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja Rage avatar
    Nov 2008
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia
    6 853

    Re: ***JUUNI OFFTOPIC***Metsa sõnajalga korjama

    leits ära passatit küll osta.. overrated..


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