Uurisin siis 2+2 foorumis ringi ja leidsin midagi huvitavat, Stake teemade alt. Nimelt pakub seal mingi vend paljudele steiki ja huvitaval kombel on sinna sattunud ka FreakyJason nimeline vend ja seda alles loetud päevad tagasi:


2) Skrunda-1 (i have played there for a very little time)

3) -

4) 70-100 for sure. I'm totaly realistic

5) Because i dont have anyway spare money to deposite (rent,food etc takes alot.)

6) I want to play 1.10-11$(if i hit something nice then ofc move higher). MTT's. Build a bankroll and make some good profit for us.

7) -

8) I know im quite new here etc. Put im realy willing to put high volume into this. We can chat on MSN/Skype. I can give you my facebook etc. Just want to say that im trustworthy. I know i havent got any big hits from MTT's but still im hoping that we can make some nice deal. btw im very serious about that because i have so much spare(working only 20hours a week .) and my salary is very small etc.

Last edited by FreakyJason; 06-07-2010 at 09:22 AM.

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