Eesti Pokkeriportaal
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  1. #61
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja kuco avatar
    Oct 2008
    1 910

    Re: PokerStars otsib Game Security Spetsialiste

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Aristotep Vaata postitust
    Tööle saate, siis otsige need pikapatsilised rng tegijad üles ja andke neile minu poolt üks tou ;P
    Umbes nii?
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  2. #62
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja vennike avatar
    Mar 2009
    1 958

    Re: PokerStars otsib Game Security Spetsialiste

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Tylos Vaata postitust
    Inward,ega ma kujutagi ette,elasin seal yle 6-e aasta.Ja ma r22kisingi samast asjast,et elamiseks j6uab yyrida toa mitte omaette korteri. :)
    no korteril ja korteril on vahe obv. mingis 3. tsoonis saab 500£ eest kuus juba 1-bed flati (eesti mõistes 2-toaline) 30k-ga saab väga ilusti Londonis hakkama. Jääb ülegi.

  3. #63
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja vennike avatar
    Mar 2009
    1 958

    Re: PokerStars otsib Game Security Spetsialiste

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Rage Vaata postitust
    vennike võib rääkida UK's elamisest, ta vist viimased 10 aastat seal elanud..
    6a. saab alles :)

    Ja ma TUNGIVALT SOOVITAN kõigil vähegi pädevatel tegelastel kandideerida, sest Londoni elu on niiii fucking nuts. Mul on üle aastate käinud seal ikka päris palju külalisi ja ainult ühele tegelasele ei avaldanud kohalik eluolu muljet.

  4. #64
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja inward avatar
    Sep 2009
    6 275

    Re: PokerStars otsib Game Security Spetsialiste

    Peab üritama jah, London on mullegi väga hea mulje jätnud.

  5. #65

    Re: PokerStars otsib Game Security Spetsialiste

    Äkki kellelgi on huvi. Palk on ~£30k (aastas) - Eestist töötades ilmselt vähem - to be confirmed.

    Job Title: Content & Localisation Specialist
    Division: Regional Marketing
    Location: Estonia/London
    Reports to: Country Manager
    Date: March 2011

    Job Purpose

    The Content & Localisation Specialist (CLS) is responsible for managing the local and websites for their language/market. They will translate, localize and write content in the local language, as well as manage all the production and communication of all the content creation between the region and the central teams.

    The CLS will also be fully responsible to provide translations and support to the central team when it comes to: localising the game client and other central web sites that are provided in their language or for their market. They will have to meet deadlines set, work consistently, and manage their own time.

    The CLS is responsible for the quality assurance in their language and will check the quality, as well as gather input from other sources available like Localisation surveys, support, etc. They will correct where needed through available amend processes.

    Key Responsibilities

    « Copy writing and accompanying the production of promotions in the target language only
    « Responsible for all Localisation and translation work for the target language
    « Responsible for the complete Localisation process (Translations, Proofreading, QA)
    « Consistency of the translations throughout the website(s) and the client (style guide)
    « Creating and maintaining a high linguistic standard throughout the localised content
    « Manage freelancer(s) for the target language (if any)
    « Ensure flow of information between the regional and central departments regarding activities performed locally and globally.

    Skills and Capabilities

    « Fluent in Estonian and English (target language)
    « Ability to speak and understand Russian in both verbal and written communications
    « Excellent translation skills for the target language (understanding English, spelling and writing in target language).
    « Good knowledge and understanding of online poker and the online poker industry.
    « Collaborative team player can work cross-functionally to bring teams along
    « Familiarity with MS Office products

    « Fluent in Russian with the ability to translate documentation

    Viimati muudetud Tarvi poolt : 22.03.11 at 09:42

  6. #66

    Re: PokerStars otsib Game Security Spetsialiste

    Aga ei tea kuidas täpselt keeltega hakkama saaks. Üldiselt vene keel oli mingi aeg rohkem suus ja kiri käpas ja sai tehtud ka koolis vene keele eksam 9ndas. Kuid viimasel ajal pole väga kasutanud ega tarvidust olnud. Inglise keele praktikat enam vähem saanud peale kooli. Ja eesti keele koha pealt vast pole muret :)

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