oh issand halasta

PokerStars - $6.60+$0.40|125/250 NL (10 max) - Holdem - 6 players

MP: 4,619.00
CO: 1,015.00
Hero (BTN): 4,149.00
SB: 2,813.00
BB: 1,558.00
UTG: 846.00

Pre Flop: (555.00) Hero has Q Q

fold, MP raises to 4,589.00 and is all-in, fold, Hero calls 4,119.00 and is all-in, SB calls 2,658.00 and is all-in, fold

Flop: (11451.00, 3 players) 8 2 J

Turn: (11451.00, 3 players) 4

River: (11451.00, 3 players) 5

MP shows 5 5 (Three of a Kind, Fives) (Pre 17%, Flop 8%, Turn 5%)
Hero shows Q Q (One Pair, Queens) (Pre 18%, Flop 11%, Turn 5%)
SB shows A A (One Pair, Aces) (Pre 65%, Flop 81%, Turn 90%)
MP wins 11,451.00