PokerStars - $28.63+$1.37|20/40 NL - Holdem - 10 players
MP: 1,798.00
MP+1: 1,485.00
MP+2: 1,425.00
LP: 1,493.00
Hero (CO): 1,455.00
BTN: 1,420.00
SB: 1,460.00
BB: 1,551.00
UTG: 1,500.00
UTG+1: 1,413.00

SB posts SB 20.00, BB posts BB 40.00

Pre Flop: (60.00) Hero has J J

fold, fold, MP raises to 80.00, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 240.00, fold, fold, fold, MP calls 160.00

Flop: (540.00, 2 players) T T J
MP checks, Hero bets 240.00, MP raises to 480.00, Hero calls 240.00

Turn: (1500.00, 2 players) 7
MP bets 1,078.00 and is all-in, Hero calls 735.00 and is all-in

River: (2970.00, 2 players) J

MP shows 8 9 (Straight Flush, Jack High) (Pre 20%, Flop 9%, Turn 100%)
Hero shows J J (Four of a Kind, Jacks) (Pre 80%, Flop 91%, Turn 0%)
MP wins 2,970.00