Dealer: Game #23935644867: ESTPatrick wins pot ($90)
ussmees: mul oli kaa äss
ussmees: värdjas
ESTPatrick: ebaoluline
ussmees: sul aint bluff
ESTPatrick: sa ju foldid
ussmees: ja suur stäkk
Dealer: ESTPatrick has a pair of Queens
Dealer: Game #23935705413: ESTPatrick wins pot ($71) with a pair of Queens
ESTPatrick: see pole turniir

ussmees: jah jah palju raha siis
ESTPatrick: welcome to my life

ussmees: mine *****
Dealer: ussmees has two pair, Tens and Nines
Dealer: ESTPatrick has three of a kind, Tens
Dealer: Game #23935836369: ESTPatrick wins pot ($89.50) with three of a kind, Tens
ESTPatrick: tehtud