Tsitaat Algselt postitas Miido66 Vaata postitust
selgus, et ta ei istalli korralikult ära postgresi, annab sellise errori:Warning: Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly The database cluster initialisation Failed.
Taskmanagerist puudub ja rightklick posgre faili peal ei saa validagi run as admin.
Kellel veel sama probleem, siis lahendus olemas. Ei pea uut arvutit ostma.
Hi -

Thanks, do you have a space or unusual character in your Windows username?

If you do then stop here, skip the following steps and let me know.

Otherwise to manually install PostgreSQL:

1. Reboot.

2. Check that your Windows "Secondary Login" service is running. You can check/manually start it by clicking "Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services".

Find "Secondary Logon" in the list, double-click it and make sure that it's set to "Automatic" startup type. Also, press "Start" to manually start the service if needed.

3. Uninstall "PostgreSQL" from "Control Panel -> Programs and Features" if it's there.

Click "Start -> All Programs -> Accessories", right-mouse-button on "Command Prompt", select "Run as administrator" and copy/paste this in the window (then press the "enter" key):

net user postgres /delete

This could fail but should be ok.

4. With "Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer" check both of these locations for a "PostgreSQL" folder and rename it to "PostgreSQL_ORIG" if found:

C:\Program Files

C:\Program Files (x86)

If you don't find a "PostgreSQL" folder that may be ok.

5. Download this PostgreSQL installer: http://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/binary...l-8.3.23-1.zip

You'll need a free compression program like "winzip" or "winrar" if you're unable to double-click what you downloaded and it won't open.

6. Once you can open the file, extract the contents somewhere such as your desktop. Double-click the "SETUP.bat" file. Make sure to not try to run that file from within the decompression tool.

At the start you should see a "Write detailed..." at the bottom, put a check mark in that.

Choose your language and click "Start", "Next", "Next", "Next" until you reach "Service Configuration" window.

In each password box type "svcPASS83" (no quotes) and click "Next".

Answer "Yes" to "create account?"

Answer "No" to "replace it with a random password?"

In the next window type "dbpass" (no quotes) in both password boxes.

Click "Next" and "Next" and wait for it to finish.

Near the end of the PostgreSQL install remove the check mark from the "Stackbuilder" option and click "Finish".

This next step (#7) has two parts, one if the PostgreSQL install finished (#7A) and one if it didn't (#7B) - you should only need to do one of them depending on which happened:

7A) If the PostgreSQL install finished click "All Programs -> PokerTracker 4 -> PokerTracker 4 (Logging Enabled)" and use these settings in the "Configure PostgreSQL" window:

server localhost
port 5432
user postgres
password dbpass