PT3 HUD käitub siis nagu siin öeldud? lihsalt istun lauas, mängin käe ja statid tulevad ette?
küsin sellep, et kasutasin ennem pokerofficit ja seal tuli kõike teha manuaalselt.

1. Launch PokerTracker 3 and make sure that it is automatically importing hand histories. For information on configuring automatic import of hand histories, see your Configuration Guide.
2. Play a couple hands at a poker client compatible with PokerTracker 3. For information on compatible poker clients, see the section on Compatible Poker Clients in this guide.
3. After a few hands, the HUD will show up on your table(s).
4. You can then position the HUD stats as you like on your table by right-click-dragging them. See Positioning HUD Elements below.