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  1. #81
    Grinder Kasutaja Ecuador13 avatar
    Aug 2009
    Abusing fish

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas yolpa Vaata postitust
    liiga nitine?

    Poker Stars $100+$9 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t8000/t16000 Blinds + t2000 - 9 players - View hand 1439813
    DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

    BB: t466128 M = 11.10
    UTG: t725253 M = 17.27
    UTG+1: t505600 M = 12.04
    UTG+2: t889730 M = 21.18
    MP1: t367677 M = 8.75
    MP2: t640380 M = 15.25
    Hero (CO): t944736 M = 22.49
    BTN: t632196 M = 15.05
    SB: t497594 M = 11.85

    Pre Flop: (t42000) Hero is CO with K A
    4 folds, MP2 raises to t32880, Hero raises to t80000, BTN raises to t630196 all in, 2 folds, MP2 raises to t638380 all in, 1 fold

    Flop: (t1382392) K 5 J (2 players - 2 are all in)

    Turn: (t1382392) K (2 players - 2 are all in)

    River: (t1382392) 3 (2 players - 2 are all in)

    Final Pot: t1382392
    MP2 shows K A (three of a kind, Kings)
    BTN shows A 9 (a pair of Kings)
    MP2 wins t1382392
    standard fold

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas widescreen Vaata postitust
    wtf? minu meelest küll see preflop mäng õige ei ole:S?
    miks see preflop mäng õige ei ole? ma enne avaks EP pealt sc kui mingi mõttetu broadway handiga. Hea esindada kõrgeid floppe ja hitib peaaegu alati midagi. Eks see muidugi ole rohkem personaalne eelistus (sc avamine EP pealt, kui lauas palju 20bb shortstackereid)

    E: GG, yolpa

  2. #82

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas widescreen Vaata postitust
    wtf? minu meelest küll see preflop mäng õige ei ole:S?
    rofl, imo wp.

  3. #83
    Vana Tegija Kasutaja rasmer avatar
    Oct 2009
    1 307

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas widescreen Vaata postitust
    wtf? minu meelest küll see preflop mäng õige ei ole:S?
    Ma arvan, et see on situatsioon, kus võib avada või ka minema visata. Oleneb laua dünaamikast, imidžist, pendli näidust vms. Kindlasti paljudes olukordades viskaks ära.

  4. #84

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    Event 21l läks täpselt 5min enne kui esimesed ässad cracked said, kõlab nagu minu turniir.

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 215 Tournament, 25/50 Blinds (9 handed) - PokerStars Converter Tool from

    saw flop | saw showdown

    MP3 (t9700)
    CO (t8000)
    Button (t12078)
    SB (t11910)
    BB (t10047)
    UTG (t8490)
    Hero (UTG+1) (t9925)
    MP1 (t9925)
    MP2 (t9925)

    Hero's M: 132.33

    Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with A, A
    1 fold, Hero bets t150, 1 fold, MP2 calls t150, 5 folds

    Flop: (t375) K, J, Q (2 players)
    Hero checks, MP2 bets t225, Hero calls t225

    Turn: (t825) 3 (2 players)
    Hero checks, MP2 bets t415, Hero calls t415

    River: (t1655) 4 (2 players)
    Hero bets t550, MP2 calls t550

    Total pot: t2755
    Main pot: t2755 between Hero and MP2, won by MP2

    Hero had A, A (one pair, Aces).
    MP2 had J, Q (two pair, Queens and Jacks).
    Outcome: MP2 won t2755

  5. #85
    Pokkeritark Kasutaja timz0333 avatar
    Mar 2009
    6 322

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas KristjanLaas Vaata postitust
    rofl, imo wp.

  6. #86
    Grinder Kasutaja Ecuador13 avatar
    Aug 2009
    Abusing fish

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    Ajuvaba Event #21 99/2038, ainukesena eestlastest top100 esmapilgul ja Event #22 henri72 duublisse end tõmmanud. Loodetavasti eliit toob kaua oodatud tiitli Eestisse lõpuks ära:)

  7. #87
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Feb 2010

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    21 evendil eestlastest järgi(loodan, et kedagi märkimatta ei jäänud):
    luckyluck653(est) 41 kohal,
    t6naver 70 kohal,
    BugsBunny899 94 kohal,
    evgesha7 217 kohal,
    ingls7 177 kohal,
    MR right 00 168 kohal.
    380 mängjat järgi, GL tooge võit ära.

  8. #88

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]


    Teisele päevale minnes alles 62 mängijat, neist kaks Eesti mängijat:
    ingls7 - koht 21.
    BugsBunny899 - koht 58.

  9. #89
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Feb 2010

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    BugsBunny899 lõpetas 42 kohal 3190$ kukkus.

  10. #90
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Feb 2010

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    ingls7 32 koht 3529$

  11. #91
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Feb 2010

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    Kes 4 max turnat mängivad?

  12. #92
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja andu_andu avatar
    Jan 2009
    training brain muscles
    4 054

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    mina, hetkel 9,5k stack

  13. #93
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Feb 2010

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    mul hetkel 21,6k

  14. #94
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Feb 2010

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    No Limit Holdem Tournament
    3 Players
    Hand Conversion Powered by

    BTN (5,249)
    dabeat (SB) (25,531)
    BB (22,160)

    Blinds: 60/120 Ante 15

    Pre-Flop: (225, 3 players) dabeat is SB 8 8
    BTN folds, dabeat raises to 360, BB calls 240

    Flop: 5 2 9 (765, 2 players)
    dabeat bets 420, BB raises to 1,235, dabeat calls 815

    Turn: 5 (3,235, 2 players)
    dabeat checks, BB bets 1,700, dabeat calls 1,700

    River: K (6,635, 2 players)
    dabeat checks, BB bets 2,625, dabeat calls 2,625

    Final Pot: 11,885
    dabeat shows two pair, Eights and Fives
    8 8
    BB shows a pair of Fives
    Q J

    dabeat wins 11,885 (net +5,950)

    BB lost 5,935

  15. #95
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja andu_andu avatar
    Jan 2009
    training brain muscles
    4 054

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    lol just samal sekundil kui seda lugesin sain ka pocket 8`d :P

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 215 Tournament, 75/150 Blinds 20 Ante (4 handed) - PokerStars Converter Tool from

    UTG (t30677)
    Button (t7485)
    Hero (SB) (t7918)
    BB (t9052)

    Hero's M: 25.96

    Preflop: Hero is SB with 8, 8
    UTG bets t440, 1 fold, Hero raises to t7898 (All-In), 1 fold, UTG calls t7458

    Flop: (t16026) 2, 7, K (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Turn: (t16026) 9 (2 players, 1 all-in)

    River: (t16026) 8 (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Total pot: t16026

    Hero had 8, 8 (three of a kind, eights).
    UTG had A, A (one pair, Aces).
    Outcome: Hero won t16026

  16. #96

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    Lol. Näpitsad toodavad alati!

  17. #97
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Feb 2010

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    No Limit Holdem Tournament
    4 Players
    Hand Conversion Powered by

    dabeat (CO) (32,225)
    BTN (12,880)
    SB (37,415)
    BB (17,502)

    Blinds: 100/200 Ante 25

    Pre-Flop: (400, 4 players) dabeat is CO 5 7
    dabeat raises to 600, 1 fold, SB raises to 1,700, 1 fold, dabeat raises to 4,000, SB raises to 7,700, dabeat calls 3,700

    Flop: K 10 7 (15,700, 2 players)
    SB bets 7,400, dabeat goes all-in 24,500, SB calls 17,100

    Turn: 10 (64,700, 2 players, 1 all-in)

    River: J (64,700, 2 players, 1 all-in)

    Final Pot: 64,700
    dabeat shows a flush, King high
    5 7
    SB shows two pair, Kings and Tens
    K A

    dabeat wins 64,700 (net +32,475)

    SB lost 32,225

  18. #98

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    Event 23 eestlased 3 ja 8!

  19. #99
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja andu_andu avatar
    Jan 2009
    training brain muscles
    4 054

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 215 Tournament, 200/400 Blinds 50 Ante (4 handed) - PokerStars Converter Tool from

    BB (t24429)
    UTG (t23662)
    Hero (Button) (t29065)
    SB (t74367)

    Hero's M: 36.33

    Preflop: Hero is Button with Q, K
    1 fold, Hero bets t900, 1 fold, BB calls t500

    Flop: (t2200) 5, 4, K (2 players)
    BB checks, Hero bets t900, BB raises to t2400, Hero calls t1500

    Turn: (t7000) K (2 players)
    BB bets t3200, Hero calls t3200

    River: (t13400) K (2 players)
    BB bets t17879 (All-In), Hero calls t17879

    Total pot: t49158

    Hero had Q, K (four of a kind, Kings).
    BB had 2, 3 (three of a kind, Kings).
    Outcome: Hero won t49158


  20. #100
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Feb 2010

    Re: WCOOP 2011: $30 000 000 garanteeritud auhindu [4.09 - 25.09]

    No Limit Holdem Tournament
    4 Players
    Hand Conversion Powered by

    CO (47,226)
    dabeat (BTN) (64,791)
    SB (37,229)
    BB (53,393)

    Blinds: 200/400 Ante 50

    Pre-Flop: (800, 4 players) dabeat is BTN J J
    CO raises to 840, dabeat calls 840, 2 folds

    Flop: 10 7 A (2,480, 2 players)
    CO bets 1,000, dabeat calls 1,000

    Turn: 6 (4,480, 2 players)
    CO bets 2,000, dabeat calls 2,000

    River: 2 (8,480, 2 players)
    CO bets 5,000, dabeat raises to 13,000, CO folds

    Final Pot: 26,480

    dabeat wins 26,480 (net +9,590)

    CO lost 8,890

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