tegin nl100 lauas tagasi :)

$0.50/$1 No Limit Holdem
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight.com

UTG ($50.76) 51bb
UTG+1 ($37.80) 38bb
MP1 ($109.85) 110bb
MP2 ($100) 100bb
MP3 ($41.30) 41bb
CO ($69.72) 70bb
HerrJanks (BTN) ($107.33) 107bb
SB ($83.50) 84bb
BB ($105.50) 106bb

Pre-Flop: ($1.50, 9 players) HerrJanks is BTN 3 A
2 folds, MP1 raises to $2.50, 2 folds, CO calls $2.50, HerrJanks calls $2.50, 1 fold, BB calls $1.50

Flop: 2 4 5 ($10.50, 4 players)
BB checks, MP1 checks, CO bets $3, HerrJanks raises to $11, BB raises to $25, MP1 goes all-in $107.35, CO folds, HerrJanks goes all-in $93.83, BB goes all-in $78

Turn: 7 ($326.16, 3 players, 3 all-in)

River: 9 ($326.16, 3 players, 3 all-in)

Final Pot: $326.16
MP1 shows three of a kind, Fives
5 5
HerrJanks shows a straight, Ace to Five
3 A
BB shows three of a kind, Fours
4 4

HerrJanks wins $323.36 (net +$216.03)

MP1 collects $2.52 (net -$107.33)
CO lost $5.50
BB lost $105.50