Ehk siis 6 saavad pileti sunday stormile/11dol

Poker Stars 210FPP No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds + t25 - 7 players
UTG+1: t10544 M = 22.20 Solid, tag.
MP: t3548 M = 7.47
Hero (CO): t3354 M = 7.06
BTN: t1832 M = 3.86
SB: t3042 M = 6.40
BB: t3555 M = 7.48
UTG: t4125 M = 8.68 Tainas fish, jagas poolele lauale stäkke

Pre Flop: (t475) Hero is CO with K K
UTG raises to t800, UTG+1 raises to t2000, 1 fold, Hero ??