Päris kena käsi. UTG+1 oli fiššine.

Poker Stars, $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

Hero (BTN): $121.22 (121.2 bb)
SB: $162.35 (162.4 bb)
BB: $100 (100 bb)
UTG: $100 (100 bb)
MP: $103.89 (103.9 bb)
CO: $262.91 (262.9 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BTN with 7 5
UTG raises to $3, MP calls $3, CO calls $3, Hero calls $3, 2 folds

Flop: ($13.50) 2 9 T (4 players)
UTG bets $8.77, MP calls $8.77, CO calls $8.77, Hero folds

Turn: ($39.81) 3 (3 players)
UTG bets $21.50, MP calls $21.50, CO raises to $251.14, UTG calls $66.73 and is all-in, MP calls $70.62 and is all-in

River: ($312.28) 6 (3 players, 2 are all-in)

Results: $312.28 pot ($2.80 rake)
Final Board: 2 9 T 3 6
UTG showed Q J and lost (-$100 net)
MP showed 6 9 and won $309.48 ($205.59 net)
CO showed Q T and won $0.00 (-$103.89 net)