Huvitav, kas oli matemaatiliselt +EV call? HEM ei suuda korrektselt arvutada.

Poker Stars, $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 5 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

SB: $113.20 (56.6 bb)
BB: $206.92 (103.5 bb)
MP: $365.12 (182.6 bb)
Hero (CO): $204.19 (102.1 bb)
BTN: $267.16 (133.6 bb)

Preflop: Hero is CO with J A
MP folds, Hero raises to $5, BTN folds, SB calls $4, BB raises to $20, Hero calls $15, SB calls $15

Flop: ($60) 5 4 6 (3 players)
SB checks, BB bets $186.92 and is all-in, Hero calls $184.19 and is all-in, SB calls $93.20 and is all-in

Turn: ($521.58) 2 (3 players, 3 are all-in)
River: ($521.58) 4 (3 players, 3 are all-in)

Results: $521.58 pot ($2.80 rake)
Final Board: 5 4 6 2 4
SB showed 7 8 and lost (-$113.20 net)
BB showed Q K and won $0.00 (-$204.19 net)
Hero showed J A and won $518.78 ($314.59 net)