Just oli too periood ka, kus kõik oli allamäge minemas. Pärast foldi tuli törts kindlust juurde :P
Hea, et KKJJ polnud koos mastitõmbega... seda oleks märksa keerulisem foldida olnud.

Poker Stars, $1/$2 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

SB: $200.10 (100.1 bb)
BB: $157.84 (78.9 bb)
Hero (UTG): $209.24 (104.6 bb)
MP: $200 (100 bb)
CO: $268.67 (134.3 bb)
BTN: $81.10 (40.6 bb)

Preflop: Hero is UTG with J J 9 9
Hero raises to $7, MP folds, CO calls $7, BTN calls $7, SB calls $6, BB calls $5

Flop: ($35) Q T 2 (5 players)
SB bets $24.33, BB folds, Hero calls $24.33, CO calls $24.33, BTN folds

Turn: ($107.99) J (3 players)
SB bets $82.15, Hero folds, CO raises to $237.34 and is all-in, SB calls $86.62

River: ($445.53) 7 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

Results: $445.53 pot ($2.80 rake)
Final Board: Q T 2 J 7
SB showed Q A Q 8 and lost (-$200.10 net)
Hero mucked J J 9 9 and lost (-$31.33 net)
CO showed A K 7 2 and won $442.73 ($242.63 net)