Ja vahelduseks üx vastastele ka :/

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $6(BB) Poker Stars
SB ($591)
Hero ($600)
UTG ($609)
UTG+1 ($310)
UTG+2 ($781)
MP1 ($905)
CO ($600)
BTN ($855)

Dealt to Hero T A

fold, fold, fold, MP1 raises to $12, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to $36.90, MP1 calls $24.90

FLOP ($76.80) 6 7 2

Hero bets $47.36, MP1 calls $47.36

TURN ($171) 6 7 2 2

Hero bets $107, MP1 calls $107

RIVER ($387) 6 7 2 2 Q

Hero bets $246, MP1 raises to $713 (AI), Hero calls $161 (AI)

MP1 shows 6 6
(Pre 51%, Flop 74.4%, Turn 100.0%)

Hero shows T A
(Pre 49%, Flop 25.6%, Turn 0.0%)

MP1 wins $1,200