Eesti Pokkeriportaal
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Näidatakse tulemusi 41 kuni 60, kokku 247
  1. #41

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    loodetavasti tuleb ära. edu!

  2. #42
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja andu_andu avatar
    Jan 2009
    training brain muscles
    4 054

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    Kui Holdem solved siis lebo :P

  3. #43

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    4 alles

  4. #44
    Räme Fish
    Oct 2011
    Tallinn, Estonia

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    4 alles. Kopsakas summa juba taskus Raigol, väga stabiilne mäng ka, ei imesta, kui vend kinni paneb.

  5. #45

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    viimase chipcountiga mis nägin oli tal kuskil milline edu stäkiga teiste ees oma 3.5m kuhjaga..

  6. #46
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Rigged avatar
    Oct 2008
    2 535

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    Nice! Tahab tulla.

  7. #47

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    stack 4,8 atm

  8. #48

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    Raigo Aasmaa is now the clear chip leader after winning a big pot against Kimmo Kurko.

    The latter raised from the button to 120,000 and Aasmaa three-bet to 280,000 from the small blind and Kurko called.

    Flop: {a-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{8-Clubs} c-bet of 280,000 (using big denomination chips) from Aasmaa, call from Kurko. The pot was now around 1,150,000 and Aasmaa had 2,300,000 back, Kurko around 1,500,000.

    Turn: {10-Clubs} second barrel of 300,000 (this time using small denomination chips) from Aasmaa, call from Kurko. This pot had now swelled to 1,750,000

    River: {8-Spades} Aasmaa emptied the clip, betting 400,000 and Kurko quickly folded.

    After that hand Aasmaa is up to 4,800,000 whilst Kurko is down to 1,200,000.

    There’s now a short five minute break whilst they take off the 5,000 denomination chips.

    Loe veel:

  9. #49
    Vana Tegija Kasutaja MeelisV avatar
    Apr 2010
    1 301

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    Wow, viimasel ajal pokker väheke kaugemaks jäänud, aga ilusale asjale sattusin peale! :)
    Kui ära tuleb, siis hea alus ka järgmise aasta "Aasta Mängija" tiitlile pandud!
    GO Raigo!

  10. #50
    Oct 2008
    3 485

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    huvitav mis Raigol käe soli ATT88 boaridl:)

  11. #51

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    Finaallaua sissejuhatus oli hea. If he (Räigo) wins, he can buy 10 houses in Estonia :D:D:D

  12. #52

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    mhm lol Eesti kinnisvaraturul hea maine:D
    It’s level 29 and you know what that means…yep we’ve just finished level 28. Oh and the blinds are up to 40,000 – 80,000, ante 10,000. Expensive.
    Here are the rough chip counts of the four remaining players:

    Seat One: Roger Hairabedian 3,400,000

    Seat Five: Raigo Aasmaa 3,650,000

    Seat Six: Piotr Madej 1,250,000

    Seat Eight: Kimmo Kurko 1,400,000

  13. #53

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    tundub, et annelinna venelastel on ka täna põhjust suuremat sorti ilutulestik korraldada

  14. #54
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Dec 2008

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    cocal on vist suht palju HU kogemust viimasest ajast. Ei tea, on enam nii varmas diili pakkuma kui näiteks 3 järel?

  15. #55

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    Kimmo Kurko pushed all in from the small blind against a Raigo Aasmaa button raise getting the Estonian to fold.

    Next hand and Kurko moves in from the button, again winning the pot.

    Finally Kurko opened to 160,000 from the button and Aasmaa called in the small blind.

    The flop was A(h)J(c)8(h) and both players checked before Aasmaa led out for 220,000 on the turn 3(h), Kurko called and the river was the9(s) – Aasmaa now bet 500,000 and Kurko tanked for several minutes before eventually folding.

    The Estonian has regained the chip lead.

  16. #56

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    final three....

  17. #57
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Dec 2008

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    Piotr Madej eliminated in fourth place (€36,664.88)

    There’s a brief pause now whilst they take some photos of the final three.


    šikk värk

  18. #58

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    And then there were three…

    First to act Roger Hairabedian raised to 160,000, Piotr Madej then flat called from the small blind before Kimmo Kurko re-raised all-in from the big blind for around 1,400,000. It was a swift fold from Hairabedian and an equally swift call from Madej, who was the player at risk, having started the hand with about 1,200,000.



    The flop of was 8(h)9(h)5(c) safe for the Finn and the turn 8(d) kept him in the lead. At this point Kurko got out of his seat and faced away from the table, not bearing to watch. The dealer produced 3(h) a on the river and Kurko held and now has about 2,600,000.

    There’s a brief pause now whilst they take some photos of the final three.

  19. #59

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    väga põnev :)

  20. #60

    Re: Raigo «hotcocacola» Aasmaa GSOP Praha finaallauas, esikoht 100 000 eurot

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas privador Vaata postitust
    huvitav mis Raigol käe soli ATT88 boaridl:)
    SAin Raigolt sms-i, barreldas AK-ga

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