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  1. #181

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Cash87 Vaata postitust
    If your winrate would have been 0bb/100 or -1bb/100 over 2 years(or time when you were after SNE). Would you still be playing poker and hunting SNE
    I'll be playing poker as long as I can profit from it. I am not that concerned about what my winrate is. If I play well and keep evolving as a poker player I will do well. Even if I was making significantly less, I would still be playing poker. I might quit, if it got to the point where making $25,000 in a year was extremely difficult :D

  2. #182
    Vana Tegija
    Jun 2011
    1 182

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Where do you draw your motivation from for playing poker? Has it changed compared to your early days and has it ever been tied to another important part of your life/beliefs.

  3. #183
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    1 903

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    biggest downer?

  4. #184
    Pastilaa?? Ei! Kasutaja Pahvak avatar
    Dec 2008
    4 431

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Rampage_Jackson Vaata postitust
    I'll be playing poker as long as I can profit from it. I am not that concerned about what my winrate is. If I play well and keep evolving as a poker player I will do well. Even if I was making significantly less, I would still be playing poker. I might quit, if it got to the point where making $25,000 in a year was extremely difficult :D
    Do you like playing poker that much and hate the idea of working or something else? I mean with masters degree in CS you could get definitely more than 25k a year. Obviously theres more in life than maximising yearly salary. :)

  5. #185
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Aug 2011

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Most alcohol consumed at once?
    Most expensive mistake/dumb decision made?

  6. #186

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Have you ever been in a car accident?
    Have you ever driven a car while intoxicated?
    Who is your most famous poker friend?
    What do you think about other casino games like roulette etc.?

  7. #187

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    What car do you drive?
    Infiniti G37x. Mine is in black though.

    Also how do you get license there?
    You definitely have to take a driver's test in person. I failed my test two times before getting it. The department of motor vehicles is imcompetent, you have to wait 2-3 hours just to see someone and deal with the dumbest mexicans on the face of the planet. The DMV looks like a Mexican refugee camp. These people bring their whole families there, and you constantly hear babies crying.

    The first time I failed the test, was a really narrow parallel parking test. I had 3 minutes to do it. This woman was timing me with a stopwatch. I did it in 3 minutes and 3 seconds. She said, get out of the car. Me: why? Because you failed, you did it in 3:03 and it needs to be under 3 minutes.

    The second time I failed, I completed the parallel parking fine. Now onto a driving course in the parking lot. I pull up to a stop sign and the guy tells me: get out of the car? Me: common, what did I possibly do wrong? Him: YOU WANT ME TO TELL YOU SON?? YOU JUST PULLED UP TO THAT STOP SIGN AND YOU WERE 1 FOOT OVER THE LINE. IF THERE WAS AN 18 WHEELER TRAILER TRUCK COMING DOWN THE ROAD YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN KILLED AND KILLED MANY OTHER PEOPLE, GET OUT OF THE CAR NOW!

    I was so upset, even crying after this. I thought I would never get the license. In America if you don't have a driver's license your whole life is fucked, you cannot do anything.

    I got it on the third time.

  8. #188

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    What's your favorite book?
    Edward Gibbon's: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

    It's almost 3,000 pages long. I read the abridged version first (1,200 pages lol). It's like nothing I have ever read. For starters I really understand maybe 20% of it, but that 20% I get is the most brilliant wisdom to be found. He is not just a historian, but a philosopher, and understands the character of man well.

    Have you ever had an IQ test?
    Nope, never even known where you could take an official one. I think that intelligence is much harder to define that an IQ test can reveal.

    Have you got any motivational or time managment materials, that you'd like to recommend?
    Yes, definitely! Check out Brian Tracy's Eat That Frog. Hopefully the title intrigues you already... it's only a 2 hour program so should be easy to listen to, could even listen over 1 poker session.

  9. #189

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Jäämees Vaata postitust
    Where do you draw your motivation from for playing poker? Has it changed compared to your early days and has it ever been tied to another important part of your life/beliefs.
    The motivational factors have changed many times. When I first started the thinking was, if I could turn this $50 into $200 it would be incredible.

    Maybe that evolved to, if I could get my poker balance up to $1,000 that would be an incredible milestone.

    Then let's try and get to $2,000... didn't take as long as I thought. $5,000! Now $10,000.

    Wow, it would be incredible if I could play in a World Series Event that had a $2,000 buyin.

    Next year, play in the $10,000 main event.

    Get my poker balance up to $40,000, now $50,000.

    Do Supernova Elite!

    Travel to Europe for a poker tournament!

    Travel to South America, Australia, and Asia for poker tournaments!

    Travel the entire world for fun!

    Poker balance over $100,000, and over $300,000 of investments.

    My next milestone is to have half a million dollars, in cash and investments. Right now I have about $430,000. Won't be long till I set my sights higher...

    Constantly evolve, and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish. 5 years ago, that much money, that many countries, that philosophy on wealth I could have never dreamed of.

  10. #190

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas ok2aa Vaata postitust
    biggest downer?
    About a year and a half ago I got my balance up to 70k. It seemed the an impenetrable bank roll. However, over the course of 3 months, it went down to where I was struggling to maintain a 35k bankroll. Half of it wiped out, and I could even comprehend how it was possible.

    I never jeopordize my wealth though. There are many other players who would have a more extreme story for this question.

  11. #191

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Pahvak Vaata postitust
    Do you like playing poker that much and hate the idea of working or something else? I mean with masters degree in CS you could get definitely more than 25k a year. Obviously theres more in life than maximising yearly salary. :)
    I like the freedom more than anything. I find that many poker players have never held a real job, so they idealize it. They think that moving up the corporate ladder is an ideal.

    When I worked at Lockheed Martin, I had many different managers and projects. My experience there was more like working at 5 different companies, because every project is run totally differently with different managers. Even if I loved my boss (1 out of 5 projects), it is still a boss, and you are working to create a favorable impression to them for your advancement.

    My favorite aspect of poker, is nobody at all can tell me what to do career wise. I can play any game type, 24 hours a day, for as a long as I want or as little as I want.

    One complaint I hear a lot, is I play poker but I need more structure and more activities. It is a lame excuse. If you need more structure, then create it yourself... set your alarm clock, and set strict playing times. If you cannot rely on your self for motivation, it's kind of pathetic. If you need someone to tell you what to do before you can to it, you a slave whether you realize or not.

  12. #192

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Most alcohol consumed at once?
    Actually I threw up at Nimeta bar the first time I visited here :D Not the most I've consumed but best one to mention here... I totally forgot about the story when someone asked if I have been kicked out of a bar before.

    Cliffs: Had like 7 shots of vodka with Ranka + crew. Went to Nimeta and further drinking. Felt like throwing up and could not find bathroom. Threw up in corner, glasses broken, and kicked out of the bar. Woke up and felt so terrible. My introduction to the Estonian lifestyle :D

    Most expensive mistake/dumb decision made?
    Joining the coaching site I put too much trust in the main guy who was a scammer by the name of John Anhalt.

    When he gave me a contract to join, it was like 12k for a 10% ownership stake. I brought it to a lawyer and he said I will tell you honestly this looks like 99% a scam to me. He said the contract gives Mr. Anhalt the power to do anything... for example, if his wife was sick he could give company funds to pay for this.

    Anyways I wanted to join and be involved so badly.

    About a year later we abruptly stopped contacting each other. I knew I was getting 0 money back so pointless to ask. He has since scammed others with his operation.

    It was not the 12k I lost, but my time and intellectual capital. I spent a couple hours a day for a year... imagine what I could have done otherwise with that time.

  13. #193

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Sort of short answers for these, but let me know if you would like to hear more on one of these...

    Have you ever been in a car accident?
    Yes, some asian lady rear ended me going about 40 miles per hour in a SUV. I had my new G37x with less than 1,000 miles. $25,000 worth of damage and needed 160 parts replaced. Essentially the whole back of the car was fucked... but the insurance company would not declare it totalled unfortunately.

    Have you ever driven a car while intoxicated?
    Yea, but not intentionally. Only once drunk, and I only realized I was drunk after 10 minutes of driving. Maybe 3 or 4 times where I had over the legal limit, like 4 or 5 drinks but felt I could still drive fine. There's simply no public transportation.

    In almost all the circumstance, the scenario was similar to like friend X is giving me a ride home. But then friend X had to leave for some reason. Now I am stranded at bar with my car, there is nothing I can do but either way 3-4 hours to sober up totally or just drive home now and hope I do not get pulled over.

    Who is your most famous poker friend?
    I once ate dinner with Greg Raymer, Joe Hachem, Moneymaker, and Gavin Griffen. Just us for about an hour. It was at EPT Monte Carlo. I saw Greg Raymer at a table, and nobody else I recognized in the dining hall. I somehow found my balls, and just went up and pulled out a chair at this table and was like yooo what's up guys. They were more interested in questions about Supernova Elite than I was about their tournaments :D

    What do you think about other casino games like roulette etc.?
    They can be fun, but I try to stay away as much as possible. If I play, it's never my idea first. Usually happens when one friend insists on playing roulette, I am watching and get bored.

  14. #194
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja inward avatar
    Sep 2009
    6 275

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    I hope I won't double question, read most of the well, but not all though.

    Given that you have to show high volume for to retain the SNE and for rb bonuses etc. How long are your poker sessions straight in general ? 1 hour, 2 hours or 3 hours and then a break for 15;30 minutes? At which point you feel that its not +ev to continue and you should rest or do smt else for a while ? I guess its kinda personal as well, some people play only 45 minutes then have a break for 15 minutes, some play 2-3 hours. Nevertheless I mean at some point playing too long, the value of your decisions will be decreased and it burns money.

  15. #195
    Luuramas Naisteturniire
    Nov 2008
    7 574

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Sorry if already asked, but favorite movie & TV-series?

  16. #196
    Vana Tegija Kasutaja LuuK avatar
    Dec 2008
    1 138

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Are you a nice guy?

  17. #197
    Õpihimuline Mängur
    Aug 2009

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    I understand that the situation in the US is quite tense at the moment, like you said, the mainstream media doesn't draw us the full picture of what is really happening over there. Will Obama be re-elected? And in general, what do you think, where will the current situation lead to?

  18. #198
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja rohelinekonn avatar
    Nov 2008
    3 808

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    some asian lady rear ended me going about 40 miles per hour in a SUV. I had my new G37x with less than 1,000 miles. $25,000 worth of damage and needed 160 parts replaced. Essentially the whole back of the car was fucked... but the insurance company would not declare it totalled unfortunately.
    so its true that asians cant drive like they show us in movies?

  19. #199

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Have you ever played poker when you were totally wasted? If so, what do you think, how much have you lost?

  20. #200
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Vandalar avatar
    Oct 2008
    3 577

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    I forgot something... I like lucid dreaming and everything about dreams generally. You know about lucid dreaming and if so then have you had lucid dreams? I've noticed you've been experimenting with some dmt and stuff- have you had dreams after taking such stuff and if you did see any dreams then were these somehow different, more psychedelic kind of dreams?

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