Eesti Pokkeriportaal
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Näidatakse tulemusi 201 kuni 220, kokku 250
  1. #201

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    How long are your poker sessions straight in general ? 1 hour, 2 hours or 3 hours and then a break for 15;30 minutes? At which point you feel that its not +ev to continue and you should rest or do smt else for a while?
    After much experimentation I find that 2 hours is ideal for me. After about 1.5 hours I start to notice small deteriorations in my play, but I want to push myself a little still. I can do 2 hours fairly easily, but feel like I played a lot after.

    I try and play like 2 or 3 of these sessions in a day. Best to take breaks in between.

  2. #202

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Codecci Vaata postitust
    Sorry if already asked, but favorite movie & TV-series?
    Yep, asked :D, Deadwood for series, and Shawshank Redemption for movie.

    I got a new camera for Christmas, going to try and get some pictures of the city of Baltimore. I mention because The Wire seems to be popular, and I live 45 minutes from Baltimore.

  3. #203

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas LuuK Vaata postitust
    Are you a nice guy?

  4. #204

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas makz Vaata postitust
    I understand that the situation in the US is quite tense at the moment, like you said, the mainstream media doesn't draw us the full picture of what is really happening over there. Will Obama be re-elected? And in general, what do you think, where will the current situation lead to?
    Pretty much every body is mad as hell about politics. You could ask anyone, Republican, Democrat, conservative, liberal, extremist, environmentalist, etc... the system has gotten really out of control and is it's own beast now that represents nobody.

    Official statistics have Obama approval at 44%... you have to consider 12% of the population is black, and they will support him 100% no matter what he does. Too hard to say will be re-elected when the Republican candidate is not known yet.

    The current situation is leading somewhere highly negative, but nobody knows what it will look like. I think the financial situation will start having real impacts on people's lives coming up, and the financial situation of European countries as well.

    Globally, there is no where to hide in a financial sense. The dollar, euro, and yen all have severe fundamental problems, and other currencies have a much smaller footprint.

  5. #205

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas rohelinekonn Vaata postitust
    so its true that asians cant drive like they show us in movies?
    Asians in America are by far the worst drivers. After this woman hit me going 40 mph while my car was stopped, she asked me seriously: "Do you know who's fault the accident will be?"

    Strangely, when I was in Macau, Hong Kong, and Taipei, the drivers seemed pretty good! Maybe it is only American Asians?

    If you are looking for a good driving school, I would recommend Tak On, in Hong Kong:

  6. #206

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Freshmeat Vaata postitust
    Have you ever played poker when you were totally wasted? If so, what do you think, how much have you lost?
    When I was in college, I had like 4 or 5 times where I came home drunk and won huge amounts (like 2-3k at the time) in sit and gos. It was pretty crazy... I used to joke with my friend we gotta get fucked up and play more often.

    Such a nice feeling, wake up with a terrible hang over, and then ohhh did I play poker last night? Did I dream I won $3,000? Nope, it was real!

    I believe it just to be luck, but I've never really gone on a chip dumping spree when drunk.

  7. #207

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    You know about lucid dreaming and if so then have you had lucid dreams? I've noticed you've been experimenting with some dmt and stuff- have you had dreams after taking such stuff and if you did see any dreams then were these somehow different, more psychedelic kind of dreams?
    I used to be able to induce them by falling asleep with the back of my head directly on 1 pillow and my face towards the ceiling. I've only done it 3 or 4 times, but it happened everywhere this time.

    Cool feeling, it's like you realize you have entered the dream world and have some control over it. The key is to get into the scene and live it. If you are constantly thinking, holy shit I am lucid dreaming now! It will fade fast.

    I noticed no side effects from DMT 30 minutes after. No flash backs or any noticable differences. Maybe 5 minutes of it, wasn't long enough to damage my brain :D

  8. #208
    Auk on auk. FAKT! Kasutaja qbj0hn avatar
    Nov 2008
    7 095

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    What's the most degen thing you think you've ever done in your life?

  9. #209

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Hey guys, I am going to end the official answering of questions 2 days from now, so if you have further questions please post them soon. I might occasionally check the thread at later dates though.

    I am back home now, it's so crazy how some habits I automatically have in Estonia or America and do not think about it...

    - In Estonia I always take off my shoes in my apartment. When I got home it has never even occurred to me to take off my shoes.

    - Americans post less on social networking like Facebook. When I am in Estonia and doing something, I'm like ohh cool I will update my status for that. In America, I think that seems retarded to update my status.

  10. #210

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Rampage_Jackson Vaata postitust
    I got a new camera for Christmas, going to try and get some pictures of the city of Baltimore. I mention because The Wire seems to be popular, and I live 45 minutes from Baltimore.
    "The Wire" and reality in Baltimore ?

  11. #211
    Auk on auk. FAKT! Kasutaja qbj0hn avatar
    Nov 2008
    7 095

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Rampage_Jackson Vaata postitust
    - Americans post less on social networking like Facebook. When I am in Estonia and doing something, I'm like ohh cool I will update my status for that. In America, I think that seems retarded to update my status.
    To me it seems quite the opposite: assuming most of the users are from usa, the thread is full of gold.

  12. #212

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    favourite food?
    bring kfc to estonia also .. :)

  13. #213

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas qbj0hn Vaata postitust
    What's the most degen thing you think you've ever done in your life?
    When I first got back into poker (roughly 2002) after having taken a 2-3 year break. I picked again because that is where I played first.

    The idea was to deposit $500 and play 1 table of 5/10 limit. Ran disgusting, and lost $250 almost immediately. I was so fucking tilted, I was like I just lost half my money... fuck it, either flip it now to get back to $500 or lose it all. I went to a high stakes 5 card draw game and lost it all :D

    Now, I deposit another $500 a few days later. This time I am going to be serious. I lose $100 right away, and then put the 2-day restriction block on my account. Like the gambling procection tab... it suggested I call Gambler's Anonymous lol. One of my friends came over and was like how come you are not playing online? I told him, I banned myself from the site for 2 days.

    Then I come back to it, after the ban, lose more money, and do another 2 day ban. I actually thought this was like a decent idea to keep doing this.

    On the third time I tried to get a 2-day ban from playing, it said on your third ban, it has to be for a 10 day period. That was way too fucking long. Decided to start playing on a different site, PokerRoom is rigged obv

    Put $200 on Stars/Party and never looked back. I started much smaller with $10 sit and gos, found the 2+2 forums, and learned about bankroll. Helped I ran good at the start too.

  14. #214

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Potsataja Vaata postitust
    "The Wire" and reality in Baltimore ?
    Much of it is similar, but there is of course a big emphasis on the drug and ganster culture in Baltimore. It can be found in certain places, but the majority of the city is like many other American cities. As far as being dangerous, I would have ranked it about equal with DC. I would rank Detroit as the most dangerous or ghetto city I've seen personally.

  15. #215

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas qbj0hn Vaata postitust
    To me it seems quite the opposite: assuming most of the users are from usa, the thread is full of gold.
    It's really easy to determine for me that Estonians use it much more. Someone can post in Estonia like here's a picture of my pet animal and it will get 50+ "likes" sometimes. In America, it's rare to get 10+ "likes" for even the coolest status. Even when I post something now, I usually get many more likes from Estonians and hardly any from people in America, even though I have maybe 5-6x as many "friends" in America.

    When I joined Facebook it was called "The Facebook" in 2004. You had to have a .edu email address to join. Also, I could only interact with people from my own college of University of Michigan. It was a HUGE deal when Facebook said you can add people from other schools now.

    So Americans are just sick of it is my best explanation. Many of us have been around since the beginning when it was just some shitty little site. But then we went from only college friends, to other colleges, to high school friends, to co-workers, to relatives, and to the worst of all parents :D

    My parents are pretty clueless. I posted a picture of the Mart Laar avatar with the supernova elite stars. Yesterday I was driving with my parents, and they were like ohh yea that former Estonian prime minister, I think the computer was telling us something about him... as if they were giving me new information. I'm like noooooooooooooooooo you saw it on my Facebook profile.

    Also, my mom thinks it is appropriate to tell me about every interaction she sees. Oh I saw, that person X commented on photo 137 from album 6. And then she has practically a whole psychoanalysis of what that comment means... I've told her this is total stalker behavior and you need to stop, but she just started using the internet and doesn't get it at all.

  16. #216

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas leits Vaata postitust
    favourite food?
    bring kfc to estonia also .. :)
    Pizza is my favorite food. 2nd would be high quality sushi.

    Yea wtf, where is the KFC??? :D

  17. #217

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    what about those "greecy" burgers we can see from movies :D
    are they really so big .. or only in movies :D?

  18. #218
    Seina Augustaja
    Oct 2008
    2 293

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Rampage_Jackson Vaata postitust
    Pretty much every body is mad as hell about politics. You could ask anyone, Republican, Democrat, conservative, liberal, extremist, environmentalist, etc... the system has gotten really out of control and is it's own beast now that represents nobody.

    Official statistics have Obama approval at 44%... you have to consider 12% of the population is black, and they will support him 100% no matter what he does. Too hard to say will be re-elected when the Republican candidate is not known yet.

    The current situation is leading somewhere highly negative, but nobody knows what it will look like. I think the financial situation will start having real impacts on people's lives coming up, and the financial situation of European countries as well.

    Globally, there is no where to hide in a financial sense. The dollar, euro, and yen all have severe fundamental problems, and other currencies have a much smaller footprint.

    PS. Deadwood is awesome, you rock.

  19. #219
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Romka avatar
    Mar 2009
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia
    1 544

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Rampage_Jackson Vaata postitust
    Pizza is my favorite food. 2nd would be high quality sushi.

    Yea wtf, where is the KFC??? :D
    Do you find Estonian pizzas good? Which one has been the best so far?

    And, are Americans really that spoiled? (Check the picture)
    ( Click to show/hide )

  20. #220

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas leits Vaata postitust
    what about those "greecy" burgers we can see from movies :D
    are they really so big .. or only in movies :D?
    The hamburgers and portions in general are bigger in the United States. At a fast food place in America, a medium is the equivalent of a European large or extra large.

    At most resturants in Europe they give you a reasonable portion that you can finish but are not hungry still. In the United States most of the time it's impossible to finnish how much food they give you.

    So portions are bigger, and the food is less healthy. Actually I lost like 5 kg in the first 2 months of being in Estonia because my diet was automatically healthier.

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