Eesti Pokkeriportaal
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  1. #141

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Has somebody who you knew/know been in jail?
    How did you finally get here (how many flights etc?)?

  2. #142
    Seina Augustaja
    Oct 2008
    2 293

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Rampage_Jackson Vaata postitust

    About half way into the night, he is like yo we are going to do DMT later in the night, have you ever heard of it?
    Just read that part and thought "oh geez".

    Ass or titties?
    Have you done the Continental?
    Since you're crazy enough to do DMT, how about meth/crack?

    PS. DMT is pretty much the only thing I'm not gonna touch...ever.
    Viimati muudetud Spewmonkey poolt : 19.12.11 at 06:26

  3. #143
    Oct 2008
    3 485

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Have u used Estonian hookers yet?

  4. #144

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas privador Vaata postitust
    Have u used Estonian hookers yet?
    already asked and answered

  5. #145
    Oct 2008
    3 485

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    already asked and answered
    ok, nevermind

  6. #146
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja Rage avatar
    Nov 2008
    Tallinn, Estonia, Estonia
    6 853

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas virukunn Vaata postitust
    Well, the rule of thumb is: estonian music sucks. I wouldnt waste my time..
    Estonian Progressive House is quite good, some of the hip-hop is nice as well, few of the club music makers are on the level of world..

  7. #147
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja virukunn avatar
    Jul 2010
    2 035

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Rage Vaata postitust
    Estonian Progressive House is quite good, some of the hip-hop is nice as well, few of the club music makers are on the level of world..
    Actually I agree, but in this case I didnt think they had that kind of music in mind and thought I would appear weird if I suggested house or dnb or whatever..

  8. #148
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 317

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Minu andmetel William liigub praegu kolistab lennujaamades/lennukites, et jõuda kodumaale siis teadke, et ta lähima mõnekümne tunni jooksul ei pruugi vastata.

  9. #149
    Grinder Kasutaja ROTT RUUDI avatar
    Jun 2010

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    listen mutated forms and inztance

  10. #150
    Klubi Liige Kasutaja vilkar avatar
    Jul 2009
    1 290

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    that DMT you told about :D lol looks like crazy shit indeed , i once did Salvia what my frend gaved me and it is pretty much similar like that DMT u dexcribed. Las 5-10 minutes and first 30 seconds was the warp thing into space :D .... very sick experience :D i was like teleporting from one room to another room :D . I readed your story and lold soo hard :D.

    nice stories !

  11. #151
    Klubi Liige
    Feb 2009
    2 502

    Re: The Well: wpr101


    With all due respect, your results seem to indicate that you make most of the living from bonuses and rakeback. And you put in massive volume into the games. Considering the stakes you play at, it must mean that you have a very good grasp of all the games you play (or else you'd be hammered there). Yet you have chosen to master in none and play across the board.

    What are your views on actually focusing on one game format only, cutting back a bit on mass multitabling and focusing on improving the winrate? Would that be likely to result in better earnings overall? Or would that bore the shit out of you instead? When Ranka learned the HT SNG-s within a month and starts to make more money than you while putting in 4 times less effort, would that make you wanna punch him in the face or would that make you re-evaluate your own game plan? :)

  12. #152

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Quality shit over here :)
    A+ Thread

  13. #153
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 317

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    then rate it, 5 stars imo

  14. #154

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Will start answering questions again either later today or tomorrow. Got back to America yesterday after a really long flight... keep posting questions again if you have them.

  15. #155
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja virukunn avatar
    Jul 2010
    2 035

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Some funny/serious questions you are being asked right now about Estonia ?
    What did you miss the most about the states when you were here (Est) ?
    Did you bring any Estonian souvenirs/food/drinks to your family ?

    And btw, get some warm clothes when you come back if you dont already have them, its gonna get a lot colder :) A hat, gloves, warm coat and winter boots are a must.

  16. #156
    Luuramas Naisteturniire
    Nov 2008
    7 574

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Do you know how to drive manual gearbox? What do you think, what % of Americans don't?

    Do you sometimes laugh at black people jokes when you hang around with close white friends?
    Viimati muudetud Codecci poolt : 20.12.11 at 18:16

  17. #157

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Maxi Vaata postitust
    How is someone who speaks 4 words of estonian supposed to understand those artists? If you suggest something please make it worthwile for him to listen atleast.
    Actually it's all good. One of the reasons why I want to listen is to get familiar with how Estonian words sound. I am also more of a beats person that a lyrics person, so if I can find some Estonian songs that sound good, I can eventually get the sound of the language to be better.

    I found this to be true when listening to Spanish songs and traveling in South America. While I don't understand many of the lyrics, it put me in the right frame to listen and understand words. A few times the songs I listened to came on the radio in a taxi, and I was wondering, where the hell do I know this song from... oh right!

  18. #158

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Karelkorm Vaata postitust
    What do you think about the 9/11 "event". Have you seen any documentaries that try to show, it´s all staged, that it is not possible for those towers to collapse due to a plane crasin into them. All the explosions heard etc. What do americans think? Noone doubts it´s terrorism?
    I've seen the documentary you are probably referring to... Loose Change 2? Some fairly convincing stuff in there. I think the likelihood it was staged by the American government was extremely low, but I also think you have to be a huge believer to think the official version is 100% correct.

    What they won't come out and say is who knew what and when. Somebody obviously knew 9/11 was going to happen. If you looked at the volume of trading for airline stocks, there were massively down in the futures market before the first plane hit. Also, the volume on this trading was over 10x higher than normal. However, it was likely Arab money with connections to Al-Queda doing that trading... and they do not track who made all the trades for privacy reasons.

    Where I start to have problems with the official story, is when they say stuff like: "anybody who questions the official version is despicable." They said the same thing after Pearl Harbor as well. I do not think the investigations they did were nearly as thorough as they should have been.

    You will notice that younger people are much more willing to look at the conspiratorial aspect of the event than older people. For some reason Americans over 40 just gobble up the official version. I am not sure if that just because it's "old people lol", or if it's a generation/American thing to trust the government more. Lately, trust in American government has definitely gone down, after they lie repeatedly on almost everything. Also, the prevalence of the internet makes it much easier to look up stuff yourself, and many older people are n00bs at the internet.

  19. #159

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    If you would use a word nigga or nigger in this situation, i.e. your black friend just used it and you would reply like "yeah, stupid niggas on the road", what would his reaction be?
    "Nigga" means more like "dude" for black people. Black people rarely use "nigger". Black people like to say that nigga isn't racist, but nigger really isn't... but what's kind of funny is even when black people try and say nigger they mispronounce it and say nigga. Some black people say that "nigga" is taking back the power on the word, and turning the meaning of the word into something different.

    I try not to say "nigger" or "nigga" around black people. But I have many white friends who say nigga in front of our black friends all the time. One guy I am friends with when he would open the door to this house we chilled at a lot... he would just say "NIGGERS!" really loud. Once he did that, and there was 3 black friends in the living room, they just kind of laughed cause it was so ridiculous. If you are really good friends with black guys you can say it... but I try and avoid it, maybe I will make a jewish joke or mexican joke instead if it's a bunch of black people around :D

    One funny story, I was riding around with two of my black friends. Black friend 1 was driving, I was in the passenger seat, and black friend 2 was in the back. We drive by this group of 4 black teenagers at a street corner. They didn't look that tough, but the guys who pretend to be thugs. My friend in the driver seat, is like yo Will roll down your window. Uhh okay... and then he yells out: "YOU LITTLE BITCH ASS NIGGAS! GET A FUCKING JOB!" He then floors the gas pedal and we sped off... pretty hilarious :D

    Even for black people? For example, office job, and 2 black guys joke with each other like "yo nigga you were so lazy yesterday", is it ok?
    This is the ridiculous double standard black people have. Yea, they would not get in any trouble. A black person could make fun of a mexican, asian, or jew in an email and it would be no problems since they are black. However, if I a white person did any of that it would be a big deal. I really cannot think of some similar example in Estonia where one ethnicity constantly uses a word, and then thinks it's super offensive if anyone else does. Dave Chapelle and Chris Rock did a funny skits on this:

    Also, how come there are so many black jokes in 2+2? I found it quite surprising, are huge majority of 2+2 population white or if not how come black people don't get offended by pictures like
    Because it's banned in any public setting, so people use the word all the time when they are anonymous. It's a result of black people and society being so sensitive. It's not so much that people are racist or they hate black people, it's that they are told this one word is the only unacceptable word. To try and frame it someway similar in Estonia, let's say you could say every word in Estonia with no trouble, but there was 1 one word, and only word that was considered absolutely terrible and that you should never say... this word would be spoken often in private, or when you are anonymous.

    Also what would happen if you would have Facebook album "funny stuff" and you would upload this picture there? What would your white/black friends, family say (if anything)?
    This would be like total suicide for your reputation. Especially if you had any professional contacts. Even for social contacts it would be suicide. It would be like posing on some girls wall, that you have jacked off to her pictures many times, and then ranking which pictures you liked the best to jack off to :D

  20. #160

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Has somebody who you knew/know been in jail?
    None of my really close friends have been in jail for more than a day or two. I know of some people from my high school that are in jail, but none of them that closely. There are some strict laws in the US, but usually you have to commit the same crime many times, before you are sent to jail for awhile. Even for drug dealing, usually you can do some community service or rehabilitation the first time around.

    How did you finally get here (how many flights etc?)?
    From DC to Tallinn, is one flight to central Europe, and then from there to Tallinn. So when I flew home this time it was Tallinn -> Amsterdam -> Washington. Basically you have to go to one of the major hub airports first like Frankfurt, Munich, or Amsterdam first, since the Tallinn airport is small and doesn't fly direct to the US.

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