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  1. #41
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    3 328

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Is this true, that in US people usually finish their jokes with just kidding?

    If so, did you find Estonian general sarcastic humor hard to understand when you started to interact more here, in Estonia.

    There was a story a couple of years ago, where Carmen Kass was in New York or somewhere and dating a black dude, who introduced her to another black dude, who put his hand forward to greet and Carmen Kass told him that her mother teached her not to touch shit.
    She also didn´t add the i´m just kidding part, as this is not the general custom in Estonia, and the black dude had looked very horrified.

    what kind of software were you engineering mostly in Lockheed?

  2. #42

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    How is it in US then and why do you like them? I have even got hustled in Estonia when I couldn't be bothered to read how much they charge but it's my fault (do hustler taxis write prices clearly in English?), but in Latvija they write in local language only and I was super pissed when they charged me like 15 LAT-s for 1km ride. I hate these hustler taxis.
    In the US the rate is just very standard for every cab. I don't know what the rate is, but a 45 minute taxi ride to the airport costs like $60 no matter which cab company. Yea, well I found out pretty quickly about the prices... once when I went to Ranka's place and the cost was like 6 euros, and the 2nd time I went and it was 25 euros :)

    I figured out which cab stand to go to now and always look. Actually one guy got me good coming from the airport a week ago. There was no cabs for awhile, so I took the very next guy, I didn't look, and the base fare was like 5 euro, and the rate about 2 euros per km. He kept asking me questions thinking I was a tourist, and I was told him I live in Tallinn. I think he felt bad about the rates he was charging once he knew I lived there. He didn't have exact change at the end, and gave me a 2 euro discount.

    I had a similar experience in Latvia. Get in the cab, and tell him where I am going, and he's like 10 lats! I say no I want the cab rate posted on your window, and he says no it's 10 lats. Took the next guy in line, he wanted 8 lats... they refused to use their actual advertised rates.

    How do you guys in US change clothes in gym's locker room or take a shower then if you never see each other naked?
    If a friend is in the same room that needs to change, it might be typical to say like hey dude, turn around for a minute, I gotta change. You just wouldn't drop your pants in front of another guy without saying something at least lol.

  3. #43
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    3 328

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    i´m not racist

    Also, as i imagine that you have shared a taxi with ranka a lot, was it weird to you, that people in here sit in the front seat, while in the US this is out of the quetsion?

  4. #44

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas pastilaa Vaata postitust
    fair deal, niki is estonian champion in "rapid chess" (not kidding).

    1. how you see yourself at 5y perspective - still grinding, at estonia? (if there`s no black friday 2)
    2. have you visited any extreme places in estonia? seen moose or bear in wildlife?
    1. Probably still grinding. I like poker, but I like the freedom poker gives me more. I will likely be in Estonia for the next couple years at least. I got a residency permit which lasts for 2 years. Since I just went through a massive effort to move here, and I am not interested in moving anywhere for awhile.

    2. Most extreme place I've been was Hiiumaa. Seemed like the random people I met there were the most ethnically Estonian I have seen. I've yet to see any wild animals... the closest I've gotten to a bear is eating karu at the Russian resturant Troika.

  5. #45

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas pokkerisheriff Vaata postitust
    have you looked into learning estonian language? how long would you need to plan to stay in a foreign country, to start considering that maybe its worth learning their language also? it obviously depends whether its a "world-language" (spanish, portugese, french) or some language almost noone outside the country itself speaks (estonian).
    Yes, of course! I take Estonian classes with a tutor at multilingua. You must know Estonian to succeed in the 21st century... it is the language of the future.

    I've learned a simple but effective 4 stage seduction process for any Estonian lady:

    1) Saame tuttavaks
    2) Pead rohkem jooma
    3) Tissid paljaks
    4) Kaksteist kuud

    Also, some lol moments along the way, like asking someone what does the Estonian word pohhui mean?

  6. #46

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas rasmer Vaata postitust
    Planning to train MMA in Estonia ?
    Nah, I hurt my shoulder sometime in 2010. It happened when someone put a kimura on me, and I didn't tap fast enough. Strangely I was fine doing jujitsu, but for muay thai, after about throwing 10 hook punches I could feel a grinding in my shoulder.

    I got to a crossroads sort of too. I know enough skills to defend myself against anyone, but I wasn't ready to go to the next level of competing or fighting in the cage. I still enjoy many aspects of the sport, and have a ton of respect for the guys that compete.

  7. #47

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Rage Vaata postitust
    do you still have your girlfriend and the relationship you had when you moved to Estonia?:P
    Haha I've never had a girlfriend here, but there is one I still see sometimes... I think it's the same one you mention :D

  8. #48
    Klubi Liige
    Oct 2008
    3 328

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    4) Kaksteist kuud

    ass to mouth?

  9. #49
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Maxi avatar
    Nov 2010
    1 849

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    kaksteist kuud as in cocks taste good

    dooh :D

  10. #50

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas kjmrc Vaata postitust
    Do you smoke? If not, have you ever been smoking?
    What do you think about cigarettes?
    Are you OK if someone smokes near you or in the same room/car?
    I smoked cigarettes for a period of about 6 months. Rarely do I smoke cigarettes now though. I get sick easily from them, and my lungs seem to reject them quite strongly.

    Back home many of my friends smoke weed regularly. It got to be a problem, because my friends were always smoking and I was trying to cut back. I found a good response to "How come you are not smoking?", my answer: "I'm a cop, bro". I've been around enough smokers for long enough that the 2nd hand smoke doesn't bother me much.

  11. #51
    Pokkerihai Kasutaja Maxi avatar
    Nov 2010
    1 849

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Do you think that americans in general are dumb/fat or is it just a stupid stereotype made up by the rest of the world to feel better about themselves?

  12. #52
    Mr. Puujalg
    Aug 2009
    6 447

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    check your pm dude

  13. #53

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Playing any more poker this year ?
    Not really. I am trying to setup HEM 2 right now though, and explore the features some. I am going home to the US for a couple weeks on Monday, so will be forced not to play any there or my account gets permabanned lol

    Going for SNE next year ?
    Yea, I want to finish it by October this next year, so there is no pressure later in the year.

    Which cities/towns have you visited in Estonia besides Tallinn obv ?
    Parnu, Tartu, Viljandi, and Hiiumaa. The ones I'd really like to see next year are Saaremaa and Narva.

    How long are you planning to stay in Estonia ?
    A couple years at least, and then re-evaluate.

    Do you think estonians are slow ?
    I don't think slow is the right word, but I know the tendency you are speaking of. I think maybe it can be referred to as close mindedness on some issues. Like I mentioned before there's some Estonians who refuse to believe I like living in Estonia or that I choose it voluntarily... even if I get them a comprehensive list of reasons they are not looking to understand it.

    What did you think of Estonia before you had visited it ?
    I thought it was a place where if you get drunk at a bar, you might wake up the next day in a tub of ice with one of your kidneys removed :D

  14. #54

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas hotcocacola Vaata postitust
    what do u think, where are you better, live or online?
    which you prefer to play?
    I probably play better online, but because I play so many tables I might make mistakes at any given table. Live I am less likely to make a huge mistake, but my concentration is so much lower. I dislike day 1 of tournaments, but I like day 2's.

    Day 1 is just so boring to me and goes on forever. I will find myself drifting off into random thoughts in my head and then realize I am not paying attention. It's tough to concentrate for me especially when nobody as the table is talking and guy's are hollywooding every fold. I played once though at EPT Monaco and was at a table with 6 guys who loved to talk. It was so much fun, like a homegame, everybody drinking beers and telling their craziest stories. Tables were nobody talks and everyone has headphones on are insanely boring to me.

    Getting to the bubble, into the money, or at a final table is awesome though. I am sure you can attest to that :D It's really a lot of fun when every idiot who gets knocked out profits you more money. And some of the sweats are so huge you know you will remember them forever.

    Online I can get into more of a zone, and I try and play enough tables that is challanging and where I am not distracted, but not so many that I misclick or timeout.

  15. #55

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    First of all great answers and good job on 3rd consecutive SNEs. Am enjoying the thread already.

    Have you went to or finished college? If yes, then which one?
    Yep, I went to University of Michigan from 2002-2006 and graduated with a degree in computer science. And then recently completed my master's degree from Johns Hopkins University also in computer science. They are both ranked top 20 in the world, but the degree from Michigan was insanely harder than from JHU. At Michigan I went from being one of the smartest kids in my high school, to being average or below average in the computer science program there, a truely humbling experience. Most of the kids there scored near perfect on their SAT, and had 4.0 GPAs. I took an Operating Systems class where the average on the final exam was a 42%. I got a 48% which was a great accomplishment. The smartest kid I knew got a 33% on it. It was the only time I ever beat him on any exam, he was a true genius and still cannot get how he got a 33% :D There was one 20 point question on the exam that nobody got right and the professor was like I am really disappointed nobody figured this one out... wtf

    Have you already gotten in some kind of trouble in Estonia? (with the law, arguments in bars or w-e)
    Not yet! Some minor arguments in bars, but I try and avoid fighting... since I am a trained fighter I never intentionally start fights. Will report back on future developments :P

    If you plan on answering Rage´s question, then pics?
    I'd happily show u in person, but would rather not post a picture on a message board.

  16. #56

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Which brand laptop do you have, how much it cost and how the salesman reacted when you bought it?

  17. #57

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas tdx Vaata postitust
    1) As a profession, do you find poker intellectually stimulating enough compared to e.g your job at Lockheed?
    2) Does the complicated nature of gambling (ethical\social aspects) affect you? Or you just go, YO FUCK IT, I'M MAKING THE MONEYS HERE!!!
    1) I find it more stimulating than computer programming. I just find computer programming extremely frustrating. In the case of programming, you spend maybe 10% of your time designing cool stuff, and the other is fixing ridiculous bugs like you spend 3 hours trying to fix something, and then realize it was because you were using the wrong compiler version.

    With poker I get to test my skills every day. I still find it extremely challaging but rewarding.

    2) I don't have many ethical concerns about poker. I think a lot of those concerns are rooted in beliefs that society or their parents gave them. Society says gambling is bad, but that is there judgement not mine. My parents up till 5 years ago thought all forms of gambling were degenerate in a way. I've never accepted those beliefs and question everything. Sure there are problem gamblers, but often they do other self destructive things. It's rare to meet a problem gambler who isn't also an alcoholic, anti-social, or some mental condition. There are plenty of losing players who play for fun. A lot of rich guys would happily lose 10k to Phil Ivey for the story.

  18. #58

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Tsitaat Algselt postitas Provoker Vaata postitust
    Have you ever used firearm? Whats the coolest gun you have used?
    These are just some of the guns my old roomate had:

    I shot everyone of those. Crazy accessories... high power lasers, a strobe light attached to a pistol which blinds a person temporarily, a bayonet for a pistol, an electronic HUD display, illegal capcity clips for pistols... you can not buy a 30-round clip for a pistol in Maryland so he went to Virginia to buy it lol. He has a bulletproof vest, hallow point bullets known as "cop killer" bullets, magnum bullets, etc.

    I went on a road trip (30 hour drive) with this same friend to New Mexico to meet his uncle. He is a guy who lives out in the desert with tons of fire arms and weed. He's got AK47's, Chinese SKS, an unassembled Mac-11 which is an illegal gun in all 50 states. He keeps a loaded shotgun in his house, the first couple rounds contain nails, then the 2nd rounds contain coins, then the third rounds contain poison, then the 4th rounds are normal rounds. He says this gun will stop nearly anything with the variety of rounds.

    I have so many crazy stories about this... the first time we went shooting we start driving out into the desert near these really poor Mexican neighborhoods. Of course we smoke weed on the way, cause it's more fun that way... mind you his unlce is like 65 years old :D Get like 500 meters behind this neighborhood and he's like okay we shoot towards the mountain and at this trash. The Mexicans there cannot afford trash service so there is all sorts of shit to shoot at like couches and busted TVs. We light up another joint. He literally tosses me a loaded AK47 with no safety. I like ohhh shit. I've never even shot a rifle before, and I'm like so what do I need to know. I'm so high at this point... and he's like JUST PULL THE TRIGGER AS FAST AS YOU CAN AND AIM THAT WAY!!!

    Another time we went to an ice cream shop with my friend carrying a Desert Eagle on his side and his uncle carrying some other guns. In New Mexico you can openly carry a firearm anywhere as long as 3 sides are showing. The Desert Eagle looks so ridiculous, the handle on this pistol is bigger than my hand can hold, and I cannot even pull the slide back on it with all my strength. The gun is meant for Israeli forces to kill terrorists in a single shot. People in this ice cream shop were looking at us like holy shit these are some serious dudes here.

    There is a town in New Mexico where you are required by law to own a gun. Because therer is no police nearby.

    I have so many crazy stories for this trip, and a 2nd trip visiting him. Those are not even the extreme ones :D

    Here are some pictures of me out in the desert with guns:

    Chinese SKS with a shitload of mods:

    Your standard issue AK47:
    Viimati muudetud Rampage_Jackson poolt : 16.12.11 at 18:02

  19. #59
    Miljon Põhjust Kodus Olla Kasutaja ranka avatar
    Sep 2008
    31 329

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    Your name is William Peppard Ross, so I ask: are you related to George "Hannibal Smith" Peppard (the guy from a-team)?

    Thinly veiled brag I think....

  20. #60
    Grinder Kasutaja numnuts avatar
    Dec 2010

    Re: The Well: wpr101

    If you could change One thing thru your poker career, what would it be, and why?

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